Kendall1070's Comments (61)

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Below are comments about Kendall1070's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very cool Dodo bird, Kendall! The bright colors caught my eye immediately. I was trying to decide what I like best, and I realized I like it all - the eyes, the feathers, the cut-out wings, the spiral tail. I do think the tongue gives it a special touch. I can imagine that bird squawking. It's simply a fun piece. Marty
-- Marty
- on May 9, 2014
Cool work Kendall!
-- Dad
- on February 13, 2014
Very cool piece of art. I LOVE the big, blue lips :)
-- Mom
- on February 13, 2014
Kendall, I just saw your "Value"/"Shading" project, and it's very striking. You demonstrated an excellent understanding of those concepts.
-- Marty
- on December 11, 2013
How Halloween is that???? Love it. Grandma
-- Margaret
- on October 27, 2013
As always wonderful work, We are pleased you are doing to well in ART! Grandma and Grandpa
-- Margaret
- on October 23, 2013
Kendall, I was so excited to find an email about your new artwork! For some reason, we've not been sent messages about your art for a very long time. I'll try to use the current link to go back and view what I missed. I had never before heard the term "Ghillie Dhu," so I looked it up, and you helped me to learn something new. What a fun little character you created!
-- Marty
- on October 18, 2013
Very cute. I love the things that you get to do in Art.
-- Tricia
- on October 18, 2013
I love the colors in this piece! You're amazing!
-- Molly
- on May 17, 2012
Kendall, You really captured the shape and colors of a Chihuly flower. Love it.
-- Dina
- on May 17, 2012
Kendall, I Love your Relief Sculpture Robot!!!! Grandpa
-- Tom
- on March 17, 2012
Kendall, How neat!!! Love the shapes you used to put him together, and of course the ORANGE! Good Work.
-- Margaret
- on March 17, 2012
What a great piece of artwork. I love the colors and the sculpture!
-- ~Mom
- on March 5, 2012
Your version of this Munch work is so cool!
-- Dina
- on March 1, 2012
I love this piece of work Kendall. Nice job!
-- Mom
- on January 10, 2012
I love the colors in this one! They feel so happy!
-- Molly
- on December 10, 2011
I love how it looks like the cat is smiling! If it was about 20lbs. heavier it would look like our orange cat Willy!! hee hee
-- Molly
- on November 22, 2011
I love the cat. It reminds me of my orange cat I had growing up :)
-- ~Mom
- on November 15, 2011
I like it. It looks like the cat is smiling.
-- Dina
- on November 12, 2011
Love it! Love it! Love it!!!!!
-- Molly
- on November 3, 2011
Kendall, you do such interesting things, it is good you have such a good art teacher. I love this one! Grandma Perry
-- Margaret
- on November 3, 2011
Your mask is quite an interesting project, Kendall! I like the way you thought ahead to put the holes in the top for the yarn. That really finishes it off well.
-- Marty
- on November 3, 2011
I love it! Very fun.
-- Tricia
- on October 24, 2011
Hey Kendall- your clay mask has interesting features. The hair is my favorite part. Great work.
-- Dina
- on October 24, 2011
That is really neat. Is it your name? It looks like you are going to do a lot of fun things in class again this year!
-- Tricia
- on October 18, 2011
Hi Kendall! I think your artwork is even better now that you are in 3rd grade! Keep up the AWESOME work!
-- Molly
- on October 18, 2011
Very interesting! I wonder what it says.......
-- Mom
- on October 10, 2011
Bob and I are so pleased that you'll be publishing more art on artsonia during this school year, Kendall. We'll look forward to seeing each new item that you complete.
-- Marty
- on October 8, 2011
This is an amazing piece of work. You did a great job with the facial features. Very nice.
-- Dina
- on June 10, 2011
This is my FAVORITE piece of art you have done! I LOVE IT :)
-- Lynn
- on June 9, 2011
Another very well done piece of artwork. I love it! Have a good summer!
-- Tricia
- on June 9, 2011
Kendall, It's almost the last day of school, so I hope you still get this message. I wanted you to know how very much Bob and I have enjoyed viewing your artwork this year. We hope you have a wonderful summer, and we hope to see more of your art. Marty
-- Marty
- on June 9, 2011
Kendall--Your artwork always makes me smile!
-- Molly
- on June 7, 2011
Very interesting piece of art! My favorite pattern is the flowers. ~Mom
-- Lynn
- on April 9, 2011
Hi Kendall- Great job on the frog sitting on a lily pad! It looks great. You do a lot of fun things in art class.
-- Tricia
- on March 10, 2011
Wow, Kendall! The frog and the flower on the lily pad are amazing! ~Mom
-- Lynn
- on March 9, 2011
Kendall, I think this is this is the very best Art Work you have done! I love the colors and design.
-- Margaret
- on March 8, 2011
Hi Kendall! I love this piece of artwork! The colors are amazing and you did an awesome job!
-- Molly
- on March 8, 2011
Kendall, Grandpa and Grandma think your art works gets better everytime!!! WE love the bright colors..........but the owl is still our favorite!!! Love, Grandma
-- Margaret
- on February 21, 2011
WOW Kendall! That is really cool. I love the bright, bold colors! ~Love, Mom
-- Lynn
- on February 19, 2011
This looks like a beautiful stained glass window, Kendall. And we discovered that you must like to dance. It's fun that you could incorporate that interest into your artwork. The peace symbol is a great touch too. Dance on!
-- Marty
- on February 18, 2011
Kendall, Your grandma just shared this web page with Bob and me. Your artwork is very impressive. It's hard for me to decide which is my favorite piece because everything is so well done. What I like best is your use of vibrant colors. I'll look forward to seeing more of your art posted. Marty
-- Marty
- on January 18, 2011
I LOVE the owl! You did a great job on this piece of artwork. ~Love Mom
-- Lynn
- on January 16, 2011
Kendall- Wow! This is an amazing piece of art. You added great details and such vivid colors. The owl's face is especially cool.
-- Dina
- on January 15, 2011
Kendall, this weaving is really cool. I like the plants you chose. Love, Mom
-- ~Lynn
- on December 5, 2010
Kendall, I think that you do a great job in art. I love the colors that you use and think that you are really talented!
-- Tricia
- on December 1, 2010
WOW! What a cool bird. You are very talented! Love, Mom
-- Lynn
- on November 25, 2010
Oh my gosh, Kendall!!! I think this is one of your best works of art! I love this one! Keep doing an awesome job. :)
-- Molly
- on November 24, 2010
Kendall, I love your color choices on this piece!
-- Dina
- on October 13, 2010
Kendall- The best part of this picture is all the faces around the edge. Nice work! Love, Mom
-- Lynn
- on October 10, 2010
Wow!! I really love this one! I think art is something that you are really good at! :) I can't wait to see more! Love, Molly.
-- Molly
- on October 10, 2010
Kendall, You are a great artist! Monet is one of my favorite artists and I love your picture too. I can't wait to show Zach, Taylor and Paighton. They will enjoy seeing it.
-- Tricia
- on June 11, 2010
Kendall...I can't believe how beautiful this flower is! It looks like I grew it in my garden! You're amazing!
-- Molly
- on May 30, 2010
Kendall- Your sunflower is amazing! I am proud of your hard work in art class this year.
-- Mom
- on May 28, 2010
Kendall- I love this piece. It's like I'm looking at a rainbow.
-- Dina
- on May 5, 2010
Kendall, what a beutiful designe....I love all the colors! From Grandma
-- Margaret
- on April 30, 2010
Kendall--I am sooo proud of you! I never knew you had so much talent as an artist! Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see more of your amazing art!
-- Molly
- on April 25, 2010
I LOVE your self portrait! My favorite parts are your earrings and the matching pink flower on the hat!
-- Mom
- on April 23, 2010
Kendall- I love your recreation of Monet's Garden!
-- Dina
- on April 23, 2010
Kendall, I just love your artwork! I can tell you worked hard on these projects. I am so proud of you! Keep up the great work! Love,
-- Darren
- on April 23, 2010
Kendall, You are an ARTIST! I am proud of your beautiful work!
-- Lynn
- on April 11, 2010