Evan2246's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Evan2246's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this mixed media. It makes we want to see a circus!
-- Mom
- on November 20, 2012
“My alphabet starts with this letter called yuzz. It's the letter I use to spell yuzz-a-ma-tuzz. You'll be sort of surprised what there is to be found once you go beyond 'Z' and start poking around!” Dr. Seuss From Ms. Jadud Summer flies away quickly so have fun!
-- Kathy
- on November 20, 2012
Evan, that is so cool! I love it! Love, Aunt Barb and Uncle Sam & your cousin Dominic
-- Barb
- on November 20, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: Gee, ain't I a stinker? - Bugs Bunny
-- Kathy
- on May 30, 2012
From Ms. Jadud: The moon moves slowly but it gets across the town ~ African Proverb
-- Kathy
- on May 30, 2012
Evan, this picture is one of my favorite. The drawing is excellent and beautiful colors. I liked to fly away with you. I'd like to go to Florida. Love, Grandma, Baci
-- Shirley
- on May 30, 2012
Hi Evan, The Rainbow Birds is my favorite. I love rainbows and the coloring is bright and cheerful. I hope I can find a bird like yours, in my backyard. Keep it up, your work is fantastic. Love , Baci
-- Shirley
- on October 3, 2011
"If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, then why oh why can't I?" ~ E.Y. Harburg Have an artful summer! from Ms. Jadud
-- Kathy
- on October 3, 2011
-- Mom
- on October 3, 2011
I love how these guys look like they are really moving.
-- Mom
- on May 11, 2011
Best one yet :)
-- Mom
- on May 11, 2011
From Ms. Jadud: “I suppose he is the hardest lot that wears feathers. …he is a work of art, and "art is long"; he is the product of immemorial ages, and deep calculation; one can't make a bird like that in a day.” ~ Mark Twain
-- Kathy
- on May 11, 2011
It looks like it knows where it is going.......off the page I think! Nice work, good patterns. I especially like the face and big eye.
-- Kathy
- on May 11, 2011
Love the details.
-- Josie
- on October 4, 2010
From Ms. Jadud: "If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much." ~Mark Twain~
-- Kathy
- on April 6, 2010
I like the torn edges. It really makes him look furry.
- on April 6, 2010
Evan, I like your new picture, I can tell that it must have taken you a lot of time to make come out this good. Good job "Buddy" keep up the good work. Your cave is beginning to melt away! hey when are you coming to my house and shovel all the snow for me? Love you Grandpa.
- on January 18, 2010
A snowman with a pumpkin hat!!!! He must be in the wrong holiday!
- on January 3, 2010
Hi again, I left without saying good buy (I hit enter and it closed my screen) anyway one of these days we should go to the westside market, maybe this time we can take Ethan what do you think? I miss you, love you Grandpa.
- on January 3, 2010
Evan, I like this guy but what happen to his feet, does he have shoes? where does he go to buy shoes?
- on January 3, 2010
Nice colors! It reminds me of spring time.
- on November 7, 2009
This one seems like there is a story that should go with it. I like that guy's feet. It might be hard to buy shoes :)
- on November 7, 2009
Hi Evan, Why is that mouse on his head, and how come he has such a long tail? Are you playing around? but other then that it's niece I liked it. Take care yourself. Love you Grandpa
- on November 7, 2009
Super job Evan. You can really draw great robots. Very neat and beautiful shading. I'd liked to see a halloween picture. Love, Baci
- on November 7, 2009
Evan, I love the colors!!! Another robot! This one looks fierce. -Mom
- on September 21, 2009
Evan, I just looked at you art work, it's great, I really liked it. Keep up the good work and let me know when you have created another masterpiece. Love you, Grandpa
- on September 21, 2009
Great work Evan! Love the dancing robot and your use of both complementary and contrasting colors. The yellow background makes the robot appear to dance right out of the picture, whooaaa.
- on September 14, 2009
I like the robot the best. You took your time with the details. I can't wait to se more of your artwork!
- on September 14, 2009
"We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box." ~Robert Fulghum From Ms. Jadud
- on September 14, 2009