Alina113's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about Alina113's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, here you seem to be doing more professional and serious art:) This girl has real character. There's a real life expression on her face and in her eyes. Even though her neck is very long, you also make it look normal and you make it fit her well. There's nice contrast in the black lines in her hair, which make it more real and give it texture. As usual, your choice of color combinations and lines are amazing. I wonder to myself, is it really a fourth grader who has done this? It must be somebody older. Here I see more clearly your talent and a real artist emerging! Exciting!!:) (Is this one for sale?) Love, Aunt Anne
-- Anne
- on August 15, 2012
Dear Alina, I lover the vase so much, how can I get ? I want to put it in my bedroom next to the teddybear. Love you... Father
-- Ali
- on August 15, 2012
When I first looked at this, I thought it looked like a dress with red and white striped spaghetti straps, a red and gold belt, and gold triangle buttons. You've painted a very original design and have chosed an original color scheme! I wonder how you find your lovely ideas!
-- Anne
- on August 15, 2012
süper, cok sevdim :)
- on August 15, 2012
Wow, Mondrian Art on a dog! And he's so cuuute! Why don't you make little Mondrian Art Dog Toys to sell to children and make them happy? He makes me happy!
-- Anne
- on August 15, 2012
Whats the name of your colourful dog Alina? I like him a lot Annen
-- Barbara
- on August 15, 2012
Alina, If you ever put any of your art up for sale, I would like to buy this one, please. I'm amazed that you were able to produce such a lovely and impressive piece of art. I would like to buy others, too, but especially this one:) The way you position things on this kimono is exquisite. It seems you have found a moment of perfection here. Love, Aunt Anne
-- Anne
- on August 15, 2012
-- Ardan
- on December 15, 2011
Dear Alina, I just read about Gustav Klimt on the internet because of your art. Thanks to you I'm learning more about art! The background of this picture has captured me with it's sheen. I wonder how you made such a glowng texture of royal blues and purples on the night black paper...The young man's cloak is magnificent! (Like Süleyman's!) I wonder what his life story is, because he looks sad or bored here, even though he is wrapped up in and surrounded by such beauty and elegance in your picture.
-- Anne
- on November 13, 2011
Great book cover Alina.I am curious;what is the story???I love you.
-- barbara
- on November 13, 2011
Styrofoam plate printing? Hmmm. Did you etch the picture into the styrofoam first? I'm curious. The character in the print, is he a snowman or just a cute roly-poly guy with a tie? His smile stretches ooooo soooo far, from eye to eye even, that he must have been born happy. I think those are stars. Am I right? Is it a starry night or a snowy night or both? Is that a window he's standing next to or a door or a gate? But he's so happy, I guess it doesn't matter:) The white parts around the sides are there by accident, right? But you can use something that happens by chance or by accident. You can take something that comes into your picture and create with it or ignore it, because your picture is YOUR world. YOU get to choose and say what will be in that world:) Always remember that when you do art. The worlds in your pictures are yours and you get to say what happens in them. You are the creator of that little world. You are the god of that little world. Love, Aunt Anne
-- Anne
- on June 6, 2011
great work...BRAVO
- on June 6, 2011
Now this one I want to buy. It already feels like an old friend! Is it a he or a she? Is it for sale? If not, I'll put it on a mug or something:) What character, what pizazzz! And so CUTE! Thank you for this friend! Can we have a talk with this one? I wonder what kind of a voice it has... Great bright colors that make me happy. What did the teacher tell you to do? Can you tell us about this one in your own words, please?:) Is it generous, stubborn, funny, helpful . . . ?? Waiting to hear info from the artist! Love, Aunt Anne
-- Anne
- on April 12, 2011
I love travelling in your colorful garden it makes my happy!!!!! my Alina. I love you,
-- barbara
- on March 24, 2011
As usual you first splash our eyes with delicious colors. Sometimes, I almost forget about your pictures for a moment, because my eyes just want to swim in the background colors you give us:) You have moved on from Archimboldo and used other types of objects and in different ways that are very creative. I think it's interesting how you chose the long, vertical set of shelves for hair, because they hold CD's that are right near the ear, which make me think that this funny person likes to listen to music very much. You also take clothing for the body and change it's purpose to being a hat, so I think you are having fun playing with our minds. That's funny and smart how there is silverware for the eyebrows! Right there ready for someone to eat the food nearby! How convenient! With the mouth, you play with our minds again, because the mouth looks like a megaphone or some kind of opening, but actually it's a desk lamp! So when you speak, do you enLIGHTen us? Tee hee hee, this
- on March 18, 2011
The colors and the flowers I luv it makesme feel happy :-) I would personally luv to have this one on my wall xoxo memes
-- Memes
- on March 12, 2011
Buna bayildim;, çok güzel olmus!
-- Ardan
- on March 11, 2011
i love it Alina!!!!!
-- ArdAn
- on February 28, 2011
Alina!!!! I love it!!!! that's a great art piece!!
-- ardan
- on February 28, 2011
You are my favorite artist, definitely. This one is great to look at , and fun:) Luvv uu Memes
-- Memes
- on December 25, 2010
alinam,this reminds me Andy Warhol,s work!great colours.I love you.
- on December 25, 2010
This is great!
-- Barbara
- on November 1, 2010
My Alina Keep on dreaming,I love your fantastic world. and keep your lovely smile always.I love you deeply.your Anne.
-- Barbara
- on November 1, 2010
Alinam, you are amazing in so many ways and your talent is one of them. I love u george:) Esos
-- Esos
- on October 27, 2010
Hey Alina! You are definitely helping me see the sunset from a different point of view here. I'm looking through your legs and see your bottom right there at the top of the sun! Ha ha, that's fun and very original. How did you come up with this idea?? You also chose such delicious colors for my eyes. That is one of your habits! You took the idea of 'My Feet Are On Vacation' and made a bigger and better idea out of it. I see your legs and bottom are on vacation, too, tee hee hee. But seriously, you took a picture that everyone likes, the sunrise or sunset at the beach, and made me look at it very differently. Now I also think of you at the beach and how your legs have changed so much since you were a baby! Now they're looong, thin and straight. And they're going to change more and they will remind us of your mommy. So I'm thinking of how human beings grow and change. I'm also thinking of how each person looks at the sun and is affected by it in the same or different ways.
- on October 27, 2010
My junior best friend's self portrait reflects her beauty , the inner beauty as well:) I love the colors u have used, the eyes and the background. Keep up the good work Alinam. MEMEÞ:)
-- Mehveþ
- on October 27, 2010
wonderful work
-- hasmet
- on October 27, 2010
I am going to Koçtaþ and I love this artwork very very much, artwork of this quality should be honored as such, love you very very much:)
-- Memes
- on October 27, 2010
Oh, Alina! What you do with colors! It's really amazing what you do with colors:) My eyes just want to stay and look at that green and subtle blue background. And the flower! Somehow you've made a rippling effect, like when we throw a rock into water. Oh, Georgia O'Keeffe is a favorite artist of mine! It's so exciting for me to see you do a work based on her art! Some of her flower paintings were very controversial (that means people argued about them), so you'll have to read about her more later when you are grown up. She was very interesting. Here is a quote I remember and love from her: “Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time.” - Georgia O'Keeffe
-- Anne
- on April 19, 2010
I love it!!!!!!
-- aliye
- on March 9, 2010
Alinam this is absolutely fabulous, I love the colors and the design. You are surely one of my favorite artists. This one would get a prize in the London Art Fair we have recently seen. Ask your mom:)
- on March 9, 2010
wow Alina I am sooooo proud of you , keep up the good work. This is what they call an artpiece:) Luv uuuu
- on March 9, 2010
Oh, isn't the reflection of the light off of the pieces of your 'Hittite Sun Symbol' just lovely!!? Somehow your pieces have caught the light in a unique way!... What are they glued to? What kind of color is this background? It's very captivating for me. The color...What is it? A kind of gold, but no, I see grey, now copper, now some hints of brown. A touch of green on the left. Metalic. All together somehow into a color I love. And the pieces: They are somehow placed in a very RELAXED manner, but they also have a purposeful ORDER. How did you do that - relaxed and yet definite? It makes me feel very good. Thanks, Alina! Love, Anne
- on March 9, 2010
alina,keep working !İ love this piece.Mami
- on December 23, 2009
- on December 23, 2009
I am very proud of you my Alina,keep on !
- on December 23, 2009
Ahhh, this reminds me of what I look like when I get up in the morning. Thank you, Alina! Now I have learned that how I look in the morning is 'surreal'! I'm very impressed that such a young artist is using real art vocabulary in the presentation of her art:) - Anne
- on October 7, 2009
I find the 'Still Life' drawing to be very soothing, especially the flowers in the black vase on the left and the lovely shade of blue (like Turquoise waters) chosen for the background. I like how the flowers on the left (with beautiful lemony yellow and spring green colors) are so light and airy, even though they come out of a heavy and black block shaped vase. I like that contrast, as if the flowers are saying to the vase, 'We don't mind you being so heavy and dark. We are enjoying lightness anyway.' - Anne
- on October 7, 2009
Dear Alina, Congratulations! I am so proud of you for creating such beautiful paintings....You have so much talent! I loved your surrealist painting! Please continue to paint and share your artwork with me. I love you Sibel
- on October 7, 2009