Thatcher7's Comments (50)

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Below are comments about Thatcher7's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Thatcher, this is a wonderful drawing. You made it look so real. Keep up the great work and keep sharing with us. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on March 27, 2013
Thatcher, this is really beautiful! You did an amazing job of making it look real. We are very proud of the great work you do in art class. Love Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on March 27, 2013
Thatcher, this such a beautiful painting! You definitely have a gift!! I'll be looking forward to your next creation! oxox Memaw
-- Memaw
- on March 27, 2013
You did an amazing job on this assignment! What a cool idea for the parody. We are proud of the great work you do, keep it up. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on March 27, 2013
Hmmm. I wonder why you're so fascinated with the #15? Just kidding! Awesome job!! This one would be great in a frame! Love you, Memaw and Poppop
-- Memaw
- on March 27, 2013
Thatcher, We love it! Number 15 all the way. What a great idea to use the number as your object in this artwork. You did a great job on this one, keep it up. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on October 17, 2012
Tiger, your sketch is fantastic. This looks like a drawing that you would see on a museum wall. Keep the pictures coming! We love looking at them! Love you! Memaw & Poppop
-- Memaw
- on September 29, 2012
Thatcher, we love your pretzel! It looks good enough to eat. You did a good job making it look like you could lift it off the paper. Keep up the great artwork. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on September 14, 2012
This is one of my favorite artworks that you have done! You did an amazing job of making the wrestlers look real. I'm guessing that is you on top! Great work, Thatcher. I'm so proud of the good work that you do in art class. Keep sharing them with us. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on September 14, 2012
I love Your Christmas drawing! It reminds me of the verses about the shepherds came to worship the newborn Savior. I look forward to your drawings because they are all so unique. Love you, Memaw.
-- Memaw
- on December 6, 2011
Thatch, I love your manger scene. This is very interesting artwork and I don't know how you did it. It looks like chalk, but I don't think that is what it is. Your drawing is great! It is a very sweet Christmas picture. Love you, Grammie
-- grammie
- on December 3, 2011
Oh Sweet T!!! I LOOOVVEEE this one!!! I'm betting he gets a frame & will be hung with all my other treasures from my favorite artists!! you did an amazing job taking your time & using the talents that God has given you!! I love seeing what you create!!
-- momma
- on November 16, 2011
Thatcher, you did a really good job on your animal art. His face looks so real! I love the way you blended the colors in the background. Keep up the good work!! Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on November 15, 2011
Love this, Thatch! Poppop and I love to see your new creations. Your color choices say,"autumn is here"!! Love ya! Memaw and Poppop
-- Memaw
- on November 15, 2011
Thatcher, you did a great job on this painting. I can't believe you did it with glue! You did a great job with the colors. I'm proud of the work you do. Love, Grammie
-- grammie
- on November 15, 2011
Good job, Thatch! Your shoes had lots of details to draw. You are doing great in art class; keep up the good work. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- Grammie
- on November 15, 2011
Wow! Thatcher this is a really interesting art project. I love all the colors, but I can't find the hidden names. You did a great job on making it colorful and I like the idea. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on November 15, 2011
Thatch, you continue to produce unique and "Thatcher Originals". You have a special "eye" for color and design. Love you, Memaw & PopPop
-- Memaw
- on June 9, 2011
Wow! Thatcher, I love your weaving. I like the bright colors that you used. You have done a great job in 3rd grade art class; I'm glad you shared your work with us. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on May 20, 2011
Thatch, your "circle Person" is very interesting! I like the position you put him in, looks like he's doing the splits. Keep on working hard in art class and sharing your work with us. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on May 20, 2011
Thatcher, this balloon is great! It looks so real, even the lines in the basket look like they would feel like a woven basket. You did a great job. Keep up the good work and keep sharing with us. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on April 15, 2011
Wow! Another wonderful picture. You are really getting to be a great artist. I love the details in your picture, you showed even the stitching on the baseball. We're proud of you, keep up the good work. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- Grammie
- on February 27, 2011
Love it Thatch, at first I thought it was you playing ball with Kiek's but then I read it said the artist usually portrayed it's self with mom, very sweet to play catch with your momma.
-- Monica
- on February 27, 2011
Thatcher, this is one of your best artwork yet! I love the way his feet look like he is actually walking in snow. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on February 23, 2011
Wow Thatcher, you look ready to join the Queen's Royal Army! You did a great job on this self portrait. We love your work, keep it up. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on December 19, 2010
Thatcher, we love your bear! You did an amazing job; he looks almost real. We like that you chose winter for your season, it looks really good. Keep working hard. We love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on November 26, 2010
Thatcher, this is really beautiful! It sounds like an interesting process you used to make this. I love the colors in it. Keep up the good work and keep sharing it with us. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw.
-- Grammie
- on October 14, 2010
Thatcher, Each year your artwork is amazing. I can tell that you enjoy art. Pop Pop and I think your art could hang in a museum. Keep up the good work. We love you, Memaw and Pop Pop.
-- Memaw
- on September 20, 2010
Thatcher, We love your latest artwork! Those lizards look really scary. You are starting the year out doing a great job in art class. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on September 10, 2010
WOW! i feel like I"m in the rainforest! this little guy blends right in with the leaves around him...he's perfectly camoflauged!! you are so talented & I'm so lucky to have such a talented little guy! Maybe this will be the one we choose to frame this year? love it!!!
-- Mom
- on September 10, 2010
Thatcher, we love the wakeboarder!!! You did a great job on this artwork. We can just imagine him ready to jump the wake. Good work, keep it up. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on September 9, 2010
Wow! Thatch, this is really pretty. I love the colors in the sky. As always you did a good job in Art Class. Keep working hard and keep sending us your artwork. We love you, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on September 9, 2010
Thatcher, we love your tiger mask. You did an awesome job, he looks almost real! We love that you made a tiger, what a perfect animal for you to choose. Keep up the great workl Love, Grammie and PaPaw
-- grammie
- on April 9, 2010
Wow Thatcher, this really looks like it is 3D! You did an awesome job of painting the room. We are very proud of you and the wonderful work you do. Keep it up and keep sending it for us to see. Love you, Grammie and PaPaw
- on January 16, 2010
Wow, Thatcher! You did a great job on this self-portrait. I could tell right off that it was a picture of you. PaPaw and I love seeing your artwork. Keep up the good work and keep sending it to us. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on November 24, 2009
Sweet T ....look at your chocolate brown eyes! this looks just like you...I love it! mommy
- on November 24, 2009
Thatcher, Your leaf painting is beautiful. The colors of the leaves are so bright and pretty. Wow! You are doing a great job in art this year. Keep sending us your pictures; we love seeing your work. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on October 10, 2009
Sweet T... This is my FAVORITE so far!! It looks like leaves on the lake down by our dock! So beautiful. You are my blessing & I love this painting!!
- on October 9, 2009
Thatcher, love the art creation. It reminds me of a flag I would see on a sail boat. I bet it would look cool flying over your boat while you wakeboard. Love you, Memaw/PopPop
- on September 28, 2009
Thatch, We love your quilt square! It looks good enough to be part of a real quilt. Keep up the great art work and keep sending them to us. We love seeing your work. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on September 28, 2009
Tiger, PopPop and I love your beautiful artwork...keep sending them to us because it makes us smile! Love you, Memaw and PopPop
- on September 15, 2009
Thatcher, We are excited to be able to see your artwork again this year. You did a great job with lines and shapes. The colors you chose are really pretty. Keep up the good work in your art class. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on September 13, 2009
Another great picture! I especially like the glasses on the sun. You have done a great job this year on your artwork. We love seeing it. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on May 14, 2009
Love this latest artwork!! The colors are so pretty. You did a good job of showing spring time in this picture. We are proud of the great work you do at school. Keep it up!! Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on May 3, 2009
Thatcher, today is a cold and rainy day. Your flowers made it warm and sunny. Love your creations! Love, Memaw
- on May 3, 2009
Thatcher, We love your picture of the toys and bear. You worked really hard on it and we're proud of you! Keep up the good work, we can't wait to see what you do next. Love, Grammie and PaPaw
- on April 25, 2009
Love it, love it, love it!! You have a great way of using your colors. Looking forward to the next creation. Love you, Memaw and PopPop
- on March 19, 2009
Thatch..I love this picture of the Toys & bears! I can tell you took lots of time to color every empty space on the page! wow! it looks great. I've always said that you are my BEAR with a marshmallow center. I love you & how creative you are. xoxo Mommy
- on March 7, 2009
Thatch, What a great makes me cold looking at all that snow. Pop Pop and I really enjoy looking at all your artwork. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. You have just what it takes to be a great artist. Love, Memaw and Pop Pop
- on February 4, 2009
Sweet T, I love it! you made me laugh today & I know that God would love for you to become a scientist & point others to see Him our creator in the science of our World. You amaze me! love, Mommy
- on November 22, 2008