Maxwell8620's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Maxwell8620's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this peace. I love the inquisitive, yet positive look on his or her face. He or she seems like they have a lot to offer and i would love to see more… thanks nephew, i love and miss you MERRY CHRISTMAS Uncle Calvin
- Calvin on January 10, 2024
This eclectic piece is freeing from the stereotypical "turkey." However as you can see the lower part of this piece pays homage to the traditional thanksgiving colors. The absence of color on the last three feathers with the black looming shadow is reminiscent of family members who may not be physically with us, but they are still there in spirit. The thin legs supporting all the weight from this beguiling turkey brings tears to my eyes; how can something so small support something that enormous? It is indicative of Dali's elephants in the piece, The Temptation of St Anthony. This winsome piece is sure to be a topic of conversation for many Thanksgiving day feasts.
- Pamela (Mother) on November 15, 2023
This work explores the relationship between gender politics and urban spaces. With influences as diverse as Kafka and Frida Kahlo, new synergies are synthesised from both simple and complex discourse. What, at first glance seems to be hope, soon becomes finessed into a dialectic of power, leaving only a sense of nihilism and the possibility of a new beginning. As momentary replicas become transformed through frantic and diverse practice, the viewer is left with a hymn to the outposts of our existence.
- Stephen (Father) on November 1, 2023
The rainbow beard and geometric head are indicative of the artist's surreal tendencies while the subject's torso stitches and piercing green eyes keep the work rooted in realism. Incredible portrait by Maxwell - what a gem among today's virtuosos!
- Kit on October 31, 2023
This piece is considered one of the most iconic structures in the history of Architecture. One may marvel at the unique cargo container structure, but not many know that its distinctive shape was one that was already partially complete when the architect removed the raw materials from their place of storage. Yet many prominent artists remain in awe at the color scheme and unique shape. Some have called it the “Guggenheim of Spartanburg", while others are reserved to compare the structure to that of a "simple modular home". No matter where you lie on this spectrum, we can all agree that the artist's soul is clearly demonstrated in this work.
- Stephen (Father) on October 17, 2023
I am surprised that no one mentioned yet that the noble beauty of the beast makes resonant the eloquence of this piece. The beast, or "unimpeachable leviathan" as I have come to know this creature, is a clear manifestation of the artist's constant battle at the juxtaposition of monster and cherub.
- Stephen (Father) on October 10, 2023
The mosaic apple is exquisite. The use of complementary colors is thoughtful and well planned. Maxwell you also demonstrated a deep understanding of texture and mixed media. The subtle composition evokes a feeling of autumn. I can almost taste this juicy apple. Job well done Maxwell.
- Pamela (Mother) on September 19, 2023
- Stephen (Father) on September 14, 2023
I love your use of colors and line. the empty eyes are so expressive and almost sad. The curly hair really pulls focus and has a great energy!
- Pamela (Mother) on September 12, 2023