Jane148's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Jane148's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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'Celery' is definitely one of my favorites. I really like how you are using slight changes in color to add detail. Very impressive!
-- Pappy
- on July 31, 2012
Jane, All I can say is "WOW!!". You did a fabulous job painting these kittys. Wouldn't it be fun to have a cat that looked like one of these? I also liked your snowman. Reverse glass painting is a really cool technique. Love and kisses, Mimi xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo
-- Mimi
- on July 31, 2012
Hi Jane, Is this bird looking at me?? He looks like he's getting ready to fly off the page and go south to warmer weather. But if he's sticking around W.D.M. I hope he has a cozy house to sleep in! Love and kisses, Mimi xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo
- on January 6, 2010
Hi Janie, You have been a busy artist! Your fall pictures are all wonderful but I am especially love the picture of the leaves. I would really like to know about the technique you used in creating this piece. It is especially pretty. xxx ooo xxx ooo xxx ooo Love and kisses, Mimi
- on January 6, 2010
Very cool! I really like all of the different colors you chose. Ben and Joey really think you did a super job of taking your time and creating some terrific artwork!
- on January 6, 2010
Hi Janie, This is the prettiest mosaic pumpkin ever. I bet it looks perfect in your house and reminds everyone that Halloween is next Saturday. You do beautiful art work. Love, Grandma B
- on January 6, 2010
Hi Janie Jane, This papier mache sun just makes me feel happy as I look at it's smiling face. Great job AGAIN!! xxx ooo xxx ooo, love and kisses, Mimi
- on June 16, 2009
Hi Jane. What a beautiful blue you created with different tints. Did you get your inspiration from a robin's egg? You are a very creative artist! Love and kisses, Mimi
- on May 8, 2009
Great picture Janie! The border makes the picture look like a masterpiece - very unique and special. Love it! Love and kisses, Mimi
- on April 17, 2009
This is my favorite. I just love the border around the picture. It makes it pop of the page. Keep up the great work!
- on April 9, 2009
Janey - wow this one is a masterpiece. I really love all the colors. You are a very special little girl. Love Daddy
- on April 8, 2009
Hi Janie, I love the pictures that your teacher just posted for you. Both of them are so colorful and fun and show how creative you are. Wonderful work!! Love and kisses, Mimi
- on February 25, 2009
What a cute penguin! I love all of the details you put into the penguin's hat. Very creative! Miss you, Aunt Sara
- on February 4, 2009
Hi Janie, This piece of art could be the poster to advertise the movie! I just love it!!! Keep up all this terrific creative work. Love, Grandma B.
- on February 4, 2009
Hi Jane, You must be having so much fun in your Art classes. What a good job you did making this happy looking penquin - his hat is full of beautiful colors. Did you stamp the snowy background? Thanks for sharing your art work with all of the people who love you. Love and kisses, Mimi
- on February 4, 2009
Jane, These pieces of art are so beautiful! I am very, very impressed with you. Love, Pappy
- on September 12, 2008
Janey, Grandpa loves your peacock painting. I think you made great choices with the colors; they are beautiful. I also really like your picture of the sun. I can't wait to see you. Love Grandpa B
- on September 11, 2008
Janey, I loved all of your art. but I really really loved your peacock and sun pictures. The colors are so pretty too.
- on September 10, 2008
Hi Janey, I really like all of your art projects. They are so creative. Keep up the good work. Love Aunt Sara
- on September 10, 2008
Jane - I love all of your artwork, especially your butterfly. I think you are a great artist. Keep up the good work. Love Dad
- on September 2, 2008
I feel really happy when I see this smiling sun! You filled all of your pieces with such wonderful color - what fun you must have had creating all of this artwork. Thank you for sharing your talent with all of your fans. Love and kisses, Mimi
- on September 2, 2008
Janie, Your art work is terrific! I especially like your Marshmellow picture. The colors are so vibrant. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma Sue
- on September 1, 2008
Jane, We loved visiting this website and seeing your very own art work. The colors and design of your marshmallow peacock are great. Did you roast the turquoise marshmallows? :-) Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 2, 2008