Bentley6594's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Bentley6594's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Excellent artwork and idea! What hand/eye coordination this took! I am very enthused with the idea of the coordination of your art with your study of other cultures. Keep up the good work!
- Tere on May 8, 2024
It was good that all of you could decide on the same mythic creature. When I was your age, Medusa gave me the shivers because I’m so afraid of snakes! It’s good to continue to work together, even though sometimes it’s the valley instead of a mountain. Thank you for taking the responsability of trying to correct errors that were made. The color combination of the urn, onward and upward!
- Tere on April 3, 2024
I am very impressed by this presentation both by the math, computation and creativity! It must have been very difficult to glue the tissue paper geometric figures without wrinkling and keeping the figure exactly in place. I am sure you enhanced your creativity and hand eye coordination with this project. Good job! Love Grammy.
- Grammy on March 27, 2024
Informative commentary. I am enjoying how your group is. Learning to collaborate. You are learning when things don’t work how you expected such as too much paint on the head. Keep up the good work! Love Grammy.
- Tere on March 14, 2024
Bentley, this is amazing! how beautiful and much-needed After a month of dreary weather. It was very interesting to read your explanation of how you created this remarkable art. I see a new magnet for me to admire! Love, Grammy.
- Tere on February 7, 2024
This is such an awesome picture. I love the idea of silhouette, especially the tail. I.Look forward to your art!! Love Grammy
- Tere on December 20, 2023
Enjoyed the color combination of the elephant. Your explanation of batik was very interesting and informative. I enjoy your artwork so much! Love Grammy.
- Tere on December 20, 2023
Good detailing Bentley. User friendly with the graph at the top to understand the reasoning for the colors. Thank you!
- Tere on December 6, 2023
Way to go, Bentley! Looking forward to hearing about what you have learned about ancient Egypt when I see you. Love Grammy.
- Tere on November 22, 2023
Amazing! Your artwork is very good and enjoyed your explanation of the drawings to me. I look forward to more artwork! Love Grammy.
- Tere on November 22, 2023
Awesome! I love freeform symbols with this. The creature reminds me of a purple Sasquatch. Abby would love it! So do I. Love
- Grammy on October 25, 2023
Bentley what gave you the idea for this piece? Clean it reminds me of the indigenous drawings out west, especially when you visited Utah and sent pictures back. What imagination you have! Love
- Grammy on October 25, 2023
Bentley this picture reminds me of when we went out west and visited the crazy horse monument museum. What imagination you have! Thank you! Love
- Grammy on October 25, 2023
I love the vivid color combination of the portrait. I still enjoy your artwork over the years!
- Grammy on October 25, 2023
I just love the colors in this one! Great job!
- Wendy (Mother) on August 23, 2023
I love this piece Bentley! Your purple guy looks like he is jumping off the page! I am also very proud of your write up about your piece, especially joyful learning!
- Wendy on August 23, 2023