Stella7850's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Stella7850's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Stella I really enjoy the artwork. The royal blue sweater against the multi color green background brings out the color of your hair, just like I remember. Keep up your talent of creating beautiful items and it will bring smiles to a lot of people.
- Grandpa Lewis on February 14, 2024
That is awesome Stella. You are a very artist! Uncle Mark.
- Mark on December 27, 2023
Hi Stella I think I saw your comment about how You liked the color of green and how it was shiny. Each time you do a new project you will find many new items that will spark your imagination and talents to try different and new ways to show how you feel. Keep trying and I love seeing you grow with each new project. Grandpa
- Grandpa Lewis on December 20, 2023
Good Evening Stella It is the week before Christmas and I can imagine your bear in the artwork is walking down the sidewalk looking into the store windows. He is looking for something special but he has not found it yet, he is wearing his warm and colorful sweater to keep the cold wind from slowing down his special shopping goal. Just like your bear, stay warm and cozy. Grandpa
- Grandpa Lewis on December 20, 2023
I like the color. Stella
- Laura (Mother) on December 8, 2023
Stella I think I will need to get my warm coat out because the leaves seem to be all gone and maybe some snow flakes are in the air. If I look up in the sky behind the trees I think you painted a couple of stars that are just coming visiable in the evening. Great Job! Grandpa Lewis
- Grandpa Lewis on November 22, 2023
Stella, I noticed how the trees in the front are bigger. The one tree in the very back is definitely smaller. Do you think it's going to snow at our house soon? Love, Mom :)
- Laura (Mother) on November 20, 2023
Oh wow, Stella! I can tell you worked really hard on this piece. Maybe you can show me how you were able to do this. Love, Mom
- Laura (Mother) on November 20, 2023
Oh, Stella! I really love all of the different colors of leaves. Which one is your favorite leaf? Love, Mom :)
- Laura (Mother) on November 9, 2023
Hi Stella I just saw your picture of different type of leaves and how you used warm colors to being out your drawing, with the cool background color. I felt I was walking in my backyard. Now that they are on the ground are you going to rake them up into a big pile. I enjoy your artwork. Grandpa Lewis
- Grandpa Lewis on November 15, 2023
Hi Stella Very interesting artwork you did this time, while I was looking at your drawing I think the fish was moving across my screen and I think I was splashed with water at least one time. Love your talent. Grandpa Lewis
- Grandpa Lewis on October 12, 2023
Stella I really enjoy the 1st and 3rd pictures because I love your smile and when we have long talks together. The second picture made me feel sad because you are not smiling like normal and I never want you to be unhappy. Grandpa Lewis
- Grandpa Lewis on September 27, 2023
Hi Stella, I see all the feelings you drew. It looks like happy, sad and scared. How do you feel today? Love, MOM
- Laura on September 27, 2023
Stella: Do you remember Grandma Betty having all the different colors of paint out and each of you had all the fun creating that special take home family artwork. You have learned something special and will always make things beautiful. Grandpa Lewis
- Lewis on May 10, 2023
Stella; I always enjoy looking at all of your artwork, the colors are bright and beautiful as you create the thought of your art first in your mind and then through your hand and talent down upon the paper. Great Job! Grandpa Lewis
- Lewis on May 10, 2023
I love the bright colors you chose for this piece of artwork. This art makes me feel happy! Love, Mom :)
- Laura (Mother) on April 26, 2023
Stella, It looks like you made two pictures in one. I hope you can teach me how to do this some day! Love, Mom
- Laura (Mother) on April 26, 2023
- Elaine on April 26, 2023
Stella, I could hear nature all around me when I looked at your picture. You have a special talent, please keep doing it from your heart and everyone that looks at it will be seeing it through your eyes. Grandpa Lewis
- Grandpa Lewis on March 22, 2023
Stella, I love the colors in this piece! It makes me feel so calm ?? Love, Mom
- Laura (Mother) on March 18, 2023
Hi Stella I LOVE seeing all of your artwork and crafts. Please keep doing it because you have a talent and gift from the heart. Love you again and Kaden was looking at your picture He liked the orange yellow sun. Grandpa Lewis
- Grandpa Lewis on February 15, 2023
Stella...I can tell this is a drawing of you! I love the details of your face and the sun! I LOVE YOU!!! Love, Mommy
- Laura (Mother) on February 9, 2023
I love your playground! It looks like it would be tons of fun to play on :) Love, MOM
- Laura (Mother) on February 9, 2023
Stella, this is my favorite piece you have done so far! We are so proud of you and how far you are developing into a artist! Keep up the good work! Love you!
- Betty on December 21, 2022
STELLA, Grandma Betty and Grampa Lewis are really enjoying all of your special art work. They are special to all of us - even Kaden has been looking at them. Have a great Christmas and New Year, hope to see you soon. This Grandma and Grandpa Love You
- Grandpa Lewis(fan) on December 21, 2022
This reminds of a GIANT and colorful bounce house! Love, MOM
- Laura (Mother) on December 8, 2022
I love the details you added to your artwork. Love, MOM
- Laura (Mother) on December 8, 2022
Stella, It looks like you are learning so much in art class this year! I love seeing your new artwork on my computer :)
- Laura (Mother) on October 13, 2022
Stella, I love your very first piece of artwork at Bridgman Elementary! I noticed all of the different types of lines you created. Love, Mommy :)
- Laura (Mother) on October 4, 2022