Patrick13543's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Patrick13543's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Look at all the birds! And all the colors you used were perfect, Patrick. Thanks for sharing!
- PopPop on April 10, 2024
I always enjoy our conversations. Patrick. It seems like you have so many interesting things to say - as this art shows!
- PopPop on April 10, 2024
Dear Patrick : You have made a beautiful print of a smiling face in a golden robe. Next time you are in Ames, I will show you some paintings by Gustav Klimt. He was a famous artist and his art is quite valuable and known across the world. Your drawing has amazing elements of Gustav Klimt! Thanks for sharing!
- PopPop on April 10, 2024
A fun time I'll bet you had smooshing the clay in then carefully building up the edges of the bowl, and finally deciding on the best color of purple to complete your creation. Way to go, Patrick!
- PopPop on January 4, 2024
The big brown owl, large round eyes, and a dark, dark night. You are telling the story well, Patrick! But I wonder - what's he little cage doing above the owl's head? And the mysterious little bird at its feet.... Hmmmm.
- PopPop on January 4, 2024
What beautiful and rich colors. Reminds me of a stained glass window!!
- PopPop on November 27, 2023
Now that's a complicated guy in deep thoughts. Is he thinking about King Tut? Whatever he is thinking of, he is smiling, so that's good! Thanks for sharing Patrick!
- PopPop on November 27, 2023
I see green mountains and a green meadow. Or is that a dragon's backbone? And add some triangles and squares of different colors, and a purple dinosaur walking off the paper...
- PopPop on November 27, 2023
The robot has eaten! Another Patrick original work of art. I really enjoy seeing what you come up with!!
- PopPop on November 27, 2023
The land and air are hot, and the sea is cool. Good reason to go for a swim, huh? You have used beautiful colors and strong lines! Thanks for sharing this, Patrick!!
- PopPop on November 27, 2023
A wild critter, with sharp spines and a great personality. Reminds me of a pet dinosaur I had as a little boy, many millions of years ago! I really like your drawings, Patrick!
- PopPop on May 31, 2023
Very nice day in Iowa, Grant Wood's home state. You have so many talents. Art is another one of them. I like the rolling hills, the sunny sky and the mysterious markings on the green grass. Thanks for sharing, Patrick!!
- PopPop on May 31, 2023
I see two eyes, two nostrils and four ears. And a smile! And such pretty patterns on its shirt. I think that might be the best painting of Timothy Tugbuckles Terwilliger Smith that I have ever seen. Great personality, PatPat!
- PopPop on April 6, 2023
Patrick - What an interesting picture you have made. Are these tall buildings? Or are they jars full of candies and licorice? Only you know, inside your amazing head. I love to watch how you see the world!
- PopPop on April 6, 2023
The smiles all around. Even the dog smiles! Tall, tall trees, like the ones I want to take you to see in California one of these days. Great drawing, Patrick. You brighten my day!
- PopPop on January 25, 2023
Do I see a turtle? Or a turle-man? And that turtle has on his fanciest shirt and shoes. Oh- yes he needs FOUR shoes, and they are nicely polished and shining. He is hibernating now, since it is winter, but get ready for summer!! He will be camouflaged to blend in with the beach balls! Very nice drawing, PatPat!!
- PopPop on January 11, 2023
Now that's an interesting way to make a pretty picture! Rainbow icicles! Now if they were candy, they would be so tasty, with all sorts of fruity flavors. Your art is making me hungry!! (maybe we should look for rainbow suckers in the gift shoat Blank Park Zoo?) Your art is a celebration - a party - CANDY FOR THE EYES!!
- PopPop on November 30, 2022
I wonder what creatures are camouflaged in the deep deep ocean waves? I see a whale, a "W" and some rays of sun, or is it GOLD? GOLD? Let's go panning for gold in the Black Hills sometime, OK?
- PopPop on November 30, 2022
Box City, with paths and stairs? So all the box people can visit each other. Right? Another great masterpiece!!
- PopPop on November 30, 2022
Wow! Such colorful hands you have. And just look at how they are talking to each other. You'll have to tell me what they are saying!
- PopPop on November 30, 2022
Jack 'O Lantern has brushed his teeth all his life, just like you, and he will keep having the best pumpkin teeth in the world! I like his green hair too. And the brown stem coming out of his head looks just like mine!! Great art, PatPat!!!
- PopPop on November 30, 2022
Way to go, PatPat!! A goofy turkey with a lot of personality. Just like your PopPop?
- PopPop on November 30, 2022