Louis2955's Comments (123)

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Below are comments about Louis2955's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your "not a box" sculpture! I reminds me very much of a sculpture named "Great Petition" in a garden in the capital city of Melbourne, Australia. Have you seen it? The many scrolls in your sculpture would be so fun to run around in. I wonder how long your sculpture would be if you opened all of the circles and laid them end-to-end? I think it would be VERY, VERY long!! You're such a creative guy. Love you bunches!!
- Toni on May 29, 2024
Louis, This must be the pottery you told me about. Wow, this is really pretty! I love it!
- Joyce on April 17, 2024
Omg!! The eclipse! We had a fun time! Love you !!!
- Mimi on April 17, 2024
I love your pottery piece!! What fun! The blue is beautiful!!
- Mimi on April 17, 2024
Mimi sent me a picture of you, your mom, Jack and her sitting on the lawn to watch the eclipse. I looked it from my backyard. Wasn't that the most amazing celestial event you've ever seen? I love how your chalk interpretation shows the sun's very bright rays, especially when the moon hides it. Everything looks so much brighter. It's such an explosion of hot colors! The next eclipse will be in 20 years, and I hope you, Jack, your mom and Mimi will be able to watch that one together, too!
- Love you lots!! Aunt Toni on April 17, 2024
Hey Louis, I learned something new after reading about your pinch pot! I had never heard the term before, so I did some research and read that pinch pots are one of the oldest known forms of pottery--20,000 years old. It is so cool of your teacher to show your class that technique. I really love the ocean blue color on the inside of your pot and the dark red clay color on the outside. Do you have special plans for using your pinch pot? I'm thinking your mom and dad can put their loose change in there at the end of each day, and when it's full, you can take all of the money to the ice cream store to buy everyone a cone of their favorite flavor. Yum!!!
- Love you lots!! Aunt Toni on April 17, 2024
Wow, Louis! It looks like you got to use a lot of tissue paper and I love all the colors!
- Joyce on April 10, 2024
This beautiful and most colorful flower brought a great, big smile to my face as soon as I saw it, Louis!! One tiny seed that survives all sorts of adversity finds a place to settle in and send roots into the soil. One tiny seed grows and grows with sun and rain to nourish it. In time, that tiny seed produces a beautiful flower that is full of tiny seeds. It's just like the milkweed seeds we scattered about to grow into flowers for the Monarch butterflies. Remember doing that? It is an example of my favorite lesson from the Bible: we reap what we sow (plant), more than we sow, later than we sow. When you plant one seed and give it the food it needs, in time it grows and gives you so many more seeds to increase your garden. Your glorious flower is a lovely reminder of the remarkable world we live in! I love you so much!!
- Aunt Toni on April 10, 2024
Louis I love all the beautiful colours you used! It reminds me of spring flowers! Great job!
- Mimi on April 10, 2024
Hey Louis, these are the best dancing chicks ever! I love the disco balls and the chicks' fancy party hats. The yellow chick looks like a big, bright sun. Is it his birthday? Somebody in your family is having a birthday soon. Will there be disco balls and dancing at his party? I had so much fun when you visited last week!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the new pages you've added to your Spiderman comic book. I hope to see it soon. I love you so very much, my special buddy!
- Aunt Toni on March 20, 2024
I love this!!
- Mimi on March 6, 2024
I missed this one! You did a great job! Mimi loves all your artwork!
- Mimi on March 6, 2024
Ok, now I understand the dancing chicks!!! Great job!
- Mimi on March 6, 2024
This is a very nice picture, Louis! I can see that you made several rainbows in color order. I think I was 15 years old before I memorized the visible colors of the spectrum. You're SO SMART to know them at 5!!! I especially like the way you cut out the heart and made a reverse picture. Your picture is so very beautiful, it makes me want to sing the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
- Toni on March 6, 2024
I love your heart art, Louis! The colors are so bright & cheerful…This artwork makes my heart smile!
- Joyce on February 28, 2024
What beautiful blue eyes, curly hair and bright smile I see in your self-portrait, Louis! And I love, love, love that you are learning to write in cursive. Your handwriting AND printing are excellent. Once again I can see that you combined colors to achieve the perfect tone. I can tell that you pay close attention to details. You are the most creative young artist ever!! I am so proud of you and very proud to be your Aunt.
- Aunt Toni on February 14, 2024
I LOVE YOUR "S" DRAGON, LOUIS!!!! It is the best dragon that I have ever seen in all my life. It should be in a storybook about Chinese New Year dragons. The fireworks around him are so colorful, and the expression on his face tells me that he is having a wonderful time flying around. You are THE BEST artist in school!! It makes me happy to see your expressive work! Lots of love to you!
- Aunt Toni on February 14, 2024
Is it the year of the dragon? This is so cool, Lou….I love it!
- Joyce on February 14, 2024
Louis, this is such a a wonderful picture. Is it a self portrait? He looks like you with curly hair. He has such pretty blue eyes, just like you! And such long eyelashes. The details are superb! And look at your handwriting!! You write in cursive better than most people even older than you are! Great job, buddy!! Aunt Stephanie loves you!
- Stephanie on February 14, 2024
This looks like my grandson! Great job, Louis
- Joyce on February 7, 2024
When I saw this picture hanging in the gym, i knew it was yours because I knew you had drawn the trees! Good job!
- Mimi on December 13, 2023
That’s the prettiest cardinal I’ve ever seen! Great job, Louis!
- Joyce(Maw-Maw) on December 13, 2023
This is an OUTSTANDING painting, Louis! Your gorgeous, bright daddy cardinal looks so happy out in the snow. He must have found some juicy worms for breakfast. I can imagine that I hear his sweet "chirp, chirp, chirp" calling the mommy cardinal. The royal blue stripes are stunning with those jazzy black branches. They make the perfect place for a busy cardinal to perch. Did you know that Northern Cardinals (exactly like the one you painted) are the State bird of North Carolina? I love looking at your creative artwork!
- Aunt Toni on December 13, 2023
Such vibrant, colorful fall leaves you've painted, Louis! I have never seen leaves as pretty as these. I especially love how you outlined the veins in each leaf with sparkly, metallic paint. Food is carried from the roots to the leaves through those veins, so they are very important. I wish that I had a tree in my yard where leaves as lovely as these grow. You could come to my house each autumn when leaves start falling to help me rake them into big piles. Then we could jump into the piles, and rake them up and jump into them all over again. What fun that would be!
- Aunt Toni on November 22, 2023
This is a spectacular pumpkin man, Louis! I can see that you blended many different colors to create a vibrant, happy pumpkin. I think Mimi has been teaching you about primary, secondary and tertiary colors, and you have learned a lot! The ridges along your pumpkin are exactly how pumpkins grow. With the bright green leaf and stem, I imagine that your pumpkin was fresh from the farm.
- Aunt Toni on November 22, 2023
What a lovely collection of stairs, bridges and walkways you've made, Louis. This looks to me as if it would make a great playground. I would have fun jumping on each of the round, blue stones, then running up the turquoise stair steps and sliding down on the blue loop-de-loop. I would like to have a picnic under the rainbow arch. After my picnic, I might try to ride a skateboard around the purple circle, but I sure would need my helmet, and knee and elbow pads! After a day of having so much fun, I'm sure I would be happy to take a long nap.
- Aunt Toni on November 22, 2023
WOW-WEE!!! That is the coolest spider family that I have ever seen, Lou-man. I wish that I had them in my flower garden. I love all of the little spiders scouting for yummy bugs to eat. The pretty blue and orange parent spider has enough eyes to keep a watch on all of the babies to make sure they don't fall. That's really helpful. I especially like the colorful web. It looks just like the sunlight reflecting on the morning dew that collects on spider webs in my yard. Nice work!
- Aunt Toni on November 22, 2023
This is the coolest spiderweb & spider ever! That spider can probably see it’s entire web with all of those eyes??
- Joyce on November 22, 2023
You are such a great artist!! I love the spider… & the spider web!!
- Mimi on November 22, 2023
I love it! That is a fun, colorful spider web!
- Josh (Father) on November 14, 2023
Such a great job, Louis!
- Joyce on November 1, 2023
Ps: i see different green colours on the leaves!
- Mimi on November 1, 2023
Wow! Louis, I love your Jack-O-Lantern! I can see that you used many colours of orange, red & yellow! You are a great artist.
- Mimi on November 1, 2023
I love your Jack-o'-lantern!!! Those eyes are amazing!
- Josh (Father) on October 25, 2023
This is so neat, Louis! I love the different colors and textures, as well as the different art styles. The rainbow striped paper looks like a real rainbow in the sky.the blue curls look like waves or clouds in the sky. T also is pretty enough to be one of those fancy hats that the British women wear or American women wear to the derby.
- Stephanie on October 25, 2023
Louis this is absolutely beautiful! I am in LOVE with the entire picture! The leaves are so colorful and bright! I love the touches of gold mixed into the colors. It reminds me of tie dye or a magical mermaid tail. You did a wonderful job and I would love to see it in person one day.
- Stephanie on October 25, 2023
Oh Louis, these are the prettiest colors! I would call this tie dyed leaves. I really love it!
- Joyce on October 11, 2023
Louis, that is a great picture of the fall leaves! Beautiful colors!
- Mimi on October 11, 2023
That’s the coolest ice cream cone EVER!
- Joyce (Maw-Maw) on September 20, 2023
That is the MOST DELICIOUS looking ice cream cone that I have ever seen, Louis!! It reaches to the moon! I see lots of my favorite flavors: raspberry, lemon, orange, blueberry and mint chocolate chip. Makes me hungry just to see that delicious waffle cone piled so high. Do you think I would spoil my dinner and get a tummy ache if I gobbled it all down right now? Yum! Yum!
- Aunt Toni on September 20, 2023
Louis, I love all the colours in your ice cream cone!! Wonder what each colour tastes like? You are a great artist!
- Mimi on September 20, 2023
Louis, I LOVE your ice cream cone! It reminds me of Pete the Cat’s lunch that he shared with his friends and how his “sandwich” just kept going up, and up, and up! Maybe we can make an ice cream cone like this one with the ice cream maker at home?!
- Leslie (Mother) on September 16, 2023
I like that blue “Im just a scramble”! Good job!
- Mimi on September 6, 2023
I love this! Your creatures are so fun! They are definitely more than just scribbles!
- Josh on September 6, 2023
HAPPY KINDERGARTEN, LOUIS!!! I absolutely LOVE your "not just a scribble" artwork!! The turquoise (or teal) characters are so very expressive. The little one looks as if she might have just stubbed her toe on a rock. I hope she wasn't hurt. The bird looks very happy flying through the air. Did he find a big worm for breakfast? Gracie and I had sausage and eggs for our breakfast; worms are not on our menu. Ha-ha-ha! I love you, sweet buddy!!
- Aunt Toni on September 6, 2023
Louis, I love that you like to draw animals and their homes! Like the water for the fish and turtle! You are such a good artist!
- Mimi on May 31, 2023
WOW, LOUIS! This is an amazing underwater piece of art. I see some very happy fish, a great big shark and a turtle swimming. It looks as if you have an underwater volcano brewing, too. Or is that the sunlight shining down into the ocean from way up above? The turquoise ocean water is my very favorite color, and it compliments the orange. Well done, buddy! ??
- Aunt Toni on May 24, 2023
I do love to eat gingerbread cookies! Your gingerbread baby looks like he just jumped out of the oven. The icing hair, pom-pom hat and clothes (is that his diaper?) make him an especially handsome cookie. Does he have a licorice button nose? He seems to be a very happy gingerbread baby indeed! Better make sure no cookie monsters get too close.
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
This is the most beautiful snowy owl I have ever seen, Lou-man! His gorgeous yellow eyes and black beak really show up on during a snow storm, even though the rest of his body is camouflaged in the snow. What a fabulous picture you made. I get cold looking at all that snow! Do you think your snowy owl is cold or do his feathers keep him quite warm?
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
I wish that I had a warm winter hat and scarf as beautiful and colorful as the ones in your picture! The red, green and purple pom-poms make the hat particularly festive. What lovely eyelashes and teeth you have! Even though the picture is in cold weather like Hedgie, you look very warm.
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
Chris Uphues would be very happy to see your colorful, happy valentine face, Louis. I like his curly hair. Is he looking up at a bird flying by? The watercolor print would make a cool tie-die shirt, too! One day you will be a famous artist, too!
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
There sure are a lot of lucky, four-leaf clovers in your picture, Louis. You must have found a leprechaun and a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! I found 5 four-leaf clovers when I took Gracie to play at her doggie daycare. She almost pottied on one, but I moved her just in time, and then I picked it. Ha-ha!
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, LOUIS!! I saw several yellow butterflies just this week. Have you seen any yet? Your brightly colored flowers provide perfect nectar for the butterfly to eat and get energy to fly. Flowers and butterflies are two of my favorite things to see outside. I hope the flower seeds we planted when it was cold will grow so the butterflies can visit your garden, too.
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
What a spectacular robot you made, Louis! I especially like his smiley face buttons, and his articulating arms and legs. He is one cool dude with a great big grin. Nice job, buddy.
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
What a delicious looking garden you have planted, Louis! The carrots and radish are very lovely. Those happy earthworms have done a great job making sure the plant roots get nourishment to grow. You did a superb job showing how the earth's ecosystem works. I'm very proud of you!!
- Aunt Toni on April 26, 2023
What a great job! I’m sure you loved drawing and glueing your robot together! Your art brings my joy!
- Mimi on April 26, 2023
Louis, This is really great! Did you get to use scissors to cut your shapes out? I bet you did & you did a fine job!
- Joyce on April 26, 2023
Louis, that is one of my very favorite pieces of art work yet! Beautiful colours! And I love the “creatures” at the bottom! I’m really impressed with your art!
- Mimi on April 19, 2023
Louis, you are getting so good at adding details to your artwork. Amazing!
- Leslie (Mother) on April 10, 2023
I love this snowy owl! I can almost hear and feel the cold wind and snow whirling around when I look at your beautiful picture.
- Leslie (Mother) on April 10, 2023
Such beautiful flowers, Louis! They remind me of the irises we planted together. I cant wait to see those bloom this year. And that butterfly is amazing! I especially love his little butterfly feet.
- Leslie (Mother) on April 10, 2023
I love this so much, Louis. It reminds me of when you and I look for four-leaf clovers in the backyard. ????
- Leslie (Mother) on April 10, 2023
Wow! Your newest picture makes me think about springtime! Time to get outside, to pick flowers, and look for butterflies! Your art always makes me SO happy!
- Mimi on April 5, 2023
Louis!! I love your St.Patrick’s Day art work!! I especially love the rainbow! And your 4 leaf clovers. What a great job!! Love you so much LouMan!
- Mimi on March 22, 2023
Louis, I really like your heart art! I’m so glad you love color, cause Mimi Loves color too! I love you sweet pea!
- Mimi on March 1, 2023
I love your hearts! Did you make them with water colors because it almost looks like tie dye….very cool!
- Maw-Maw on March 1, 2023
This is so pretty, Louis! Purple is my favorite color! And look at the different, fun textures and patterns you made- so creative!
- Aunt Stephanie on February 8, 2023
This is a very pretty and creative tree with leaves falling down! It looks like the leaves have texture like real leaves do. You captured all of the pretty colors of leaves in autumn and how the trees look without their leaves.
- Aunt Stephanie on February 8, 2023
That is such a colorful, fun spider web! And just look at the vibrant colors on the spider itself! And look, it has 8 legs like all spiders do! That is so smart and realistic. I bet the spider can catch lots of food in his colorful web.
- Aunt Stephanie on February 8, 2023
This is a beautiful picture, Louis! You used my favorite colors. The trees must be bare because it’s autumn and all the leaves fell off. Did you know that it’s called “fall” because all of the leaves fall off the trees? I hope the trees aren’t cold without their leaves!
- Aunt Stephanie on February 8, 2023
These round birds are so pretty! They’re so colorful and the feathers add great texture and detail. It was so smart to put the feathers on the birds, just like real birds. Did you know that birds can see colors even better than we can? They see the world in bright, vibrant colors that people can’t see. Ask your mom to look it up and tell you more.
- Aunt Stephanie on February 8, 2023
That is a beautiful blackbird, Louis! I love how it’s flying through the air in a beautiful, colorful sky. And are those colorful seeds? So neat! You have to make sure the birds have enough bird food to eat in case they get hungry, so it was smart to feed them.
- Aunt Stephanie on February 8, 2023
Such a great polar bear!
- Stephanie Padrick on February 8, 2023
What a cute gingerbread man. He has curly hair just like you!
- Stephanie Padrick on February 8, 2023
That is such a wonderful polar bear! It’s playing in the snow. That looks like fun!
- Stephanie Padrick on February 8, 2023
That is such a neat hat! I love the colors of the hat and the Pom Pom on top. And look at how long and pretty your eyelashes are! Such a pretty portrait!
- Stephanie Padrick on February 8, 2023
This is one of my favourite pictures you’ve drawn. I love the way his eyes stand out!
- Mimi on February 1, 2023
I bet those eyes glow in the dark! Very nice work! I think you love art, Louis & I love seeing it!
- Joyce on February 1, 2023
I love it! It's just like you described!!!
- Josh (Father) on January 23, 2023
I love your Gingerbread Man… I heard you and your classmates had to look for a gingerbread man, cause he jumped out of the oven!!! Omg!! “Run, run, run as fast as you can,, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!!” ????????????
- Mimi on January 23, 2023
That’s the cutest gingerbread man ever!
- Joyce on January 23, 2023
Louis!! Wow!! I love your polar bear! What great drawing and colouring! Did you use paints? It is a happy polar bear, for sure!!!
- Mimi on January 23, 2023
What a great polar bear! Louis, I bet you saw a polar bear just like this at the zoo. Great job!
- Maw-Maw on January 9, 2023
Louis, I love your polar bear! It’s so sweet to hear you describe what you’ve been working on in art class and then to finally see it myself. Your polar bear is exactly how you described it. Mommy is so proud of you and your beautiful works of art!
- Leslie (Mother) on January 7, 2023
Oh, my goodness! Louis, this is the most spectacular polar bear cub that I have ever seen. He looks very happy on his blue, arctic iceberg. Your drawing is so beautiful! I want to put it on cards to send to people who are sick because seeing your sweet polar bear cub will instantly make them smile and feel better!! You’re an excellent young artist
- Aunt Toni on January 9, 2023
I REALLY LOVE YOUR BIRDS!!! They are three of the most beautiful birds that I have ever seen, and it was an extra special treat for me to see the painting at your house when I visited to work in the yard. The woodpecker we saw in your tree was not nearly as spectacular and colorful as these. The feathers you used perfectly complement each bird's color. They look like they're having fun sitting on the tree branch. I wonder what they're talking about?
- I Love You, Aunt Toni on December 7, 2022
Louis!! I LOVE your colourful turkeys!! You always use Mimi’s favorite colours! My refrigerator is covered with magnets of your art work! Thank you Buddy!!! I love you so much!??????
- Mimi on November 30, 2022
I love it!!! Is it a family of birds or are they just friends?
- Josh (Father) on November 29, 2022
Louis that is a beautiful picture of the trees without their leaves.!! I love the colours you put together in ALL your pictures!! I love you buddy!! Love, Mimi
- Leslie (Mother) on November 6, 2022
Such a LOVELY picture, Louis!!! The trees look as if they have just been washed clean of their leaves by a storm. The blues, purples and greens are such striking colors. Your bare trees stand out beautifully against the vivid sky! It makes we wonder if snow is getting ready to fall.
- Love, Aunt Toni on November 9, 2022
WOW! What a great spider web you made, Louis. Your spiders have a spectacular home where they can catch insects for their meals. They have nice eyes to see what’s in their web, and sturdy legs to crawl around. It looks like the spider web that is under my mailbox. I think you have some very happy spiders!! I love you, sweet buddy!!
- Aunt Toni on October 31, 2022
I love the colours you used for the webs…??
- Mimi on October 31, 2022
I love the spiders!!!!
- Josh (Father) on October 29, 2022
Louis, this beautiful picture you painted… reminds me of a flower garden. Good Job LouMan. My magnet is on my fridge!!!
- Mimi on October 31, 2022
Look at the leaves falling off the trees. Hey Louis, maybe that’s why we call this season “fall”??. Love you!
- Joyce on October 19, 2022
Such a nice, sturdy tree you made, Louis! The autumn leaves are such beautiful colors. They look just like the leaves in the mountains. I bet the trees in your back yard are as pretty as your beautiful picture. I love you, buddy!
- Aunt Toni on October 19, 2022
Maw-Maw loves your artwork, Louis! The purple is so pretty.
- Joyce on October 12, 2022
This is such a nice 3-D picture, Louis! The orange strip looks as if it is walking on the paper. The zig-zag lines on the green strip look like a test from the doctor's office--that's really cool! And the decorated yellow strip looks as if it is ready for a birthday party. How fun!!
- Aunt Toni on October 12, 2022
I just LOVE this terrarium! I bet there are a lot of creatures who would enjoy living in such a nice place. I have two baby lizards that live under my deck: one is bright green, the other is dark green. They like climbing on my plants and eating bugs. I bet they would like to climb in your terrarium and eat some bugs, too.
- Aunt Toni on October 12, 2022
What a vivid painting! I see that you used bold colors just like Matisse. This reminds me of caterpillar in "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" book. I have about 20 Monarch caterpillars at my house today. They are all chomping away at the milkweed plant, which is the same red and orange color as you picture. You did a super, duper job!!
- Aunt Toni on October 12, 2022
There are so many nice things about your picture, Louis! The purples and pinks, with a touch of green, yellow and black, highlight the textures you created. One looks like a snake skin, one looks like a shoe print, one looks like a bicycle tire, and one looks like a delicate feather. You did a most splendid job!!
- Aunt Toni on October 12, 2022
Hey! Hey! Hey! Lou-man!! I think this is the most amazing picture! I love polka-dots, and I especially love purple and blue and green and yellow dots. We had a sweet cat named Dot-Dot. She had two little dots on the tip of her nose. Your picture reminds me of how much we loved Dot-Dot.
- Aunt Toni on October 12, 2022
I love your artwork, Louis! Look at all those colors. My favorite part is the green dots! Maw-Maw is really proud of you!
- Joyce on October 12, 2022
I L O V E this! It looks like there’s a purple hedgehog in the middle! So awesome!
- Josh (Father) on October 4, 2022
I love all of your lines Louis! The colors make me think that pumpkin season is just around the corner??. Maw-Maw loves you and your art!
- Joyce on September 24, 2022
Love it!
- Mimi on June 7, 2022
What a beautiful, smiling Earth you created, Louis! The green trees and blue oceans are very lovely. And the purple mountains are just spectacular! You did a fabulous job writing your name, too (but I think your teacher took the picture backwards...oops!). You are a splendid artist!
- Aunt Toni on May 11, 2022
This is super cool! I love the colors!
- Joyce on May 4, 2022
Great job Louis. I especially loved the butterfly last week!!! I like the way you wrote your name.
- Mimi on May 4, 2022
Wow! Louis, I love this!
- Joyce on April 27, 2022
What a lovely pink butterfly, Louis! I am wearing a pink sweater today, and your artwork matches it. I love the purple leaf that the butterfly is sitting on, too! Great job, sweet buddy!!
- Aunt Toni on April 27, 2022
I love it! What kind of reptiles could live in there???
- Josh (Father) on April 4, 2022
Hey Lou-Man! I love your green leprechaun. It looks as if he has gold coins all around him. He must be very rich! He's a lucky leprechaun, indeed. Lots of love to you, little buddy.
- Aunt Toni on March 30, 2022
Where’s his pot of gold? (faber est suae quisque fortunae)
- Josh (Father) on March 18, 2022
You used two of my most favorite colors on this happy man: turquoise and purple. Gorgeous work, Lou-Man!
- Aunt Toni on February 14, 2022
What a beautiful picture, Louis! I have a lot of birds eating from the feeder in my backyard, but none are as lovely as your picture. The circles remind me of the seeds I put in the feeder. I'm so happy that you love your school and Courtney and Lorenza and Nini and all of your friends, too. How nice that you have so many new friends.
- Aunt Toni on February 14, 2022
Louis wants to leave a comment to say: I hope you love my artwork. I love my school and I love Courtney and Lorenza and nini and all of my friends.
- Leslie (Mother) on February 14, 2022
That is such a cool blackbird!!!! What a beautiful palette of colors for it to soar on!!!
- Josh on February 11, 2022
Louis, I know you loved getting to mix all of the primary colors to make secondary and tertiary colors! I love getting to see your work.
- Leslie (Mother) on February 13, 2022
Great job Louis! Maw-Maw & Pa love your artwork!
- Joyce(fan) on February 9, 2022
I love it!!! It such a great addition to our mantle!!!!
- Josh (Father) on February 9, 2022
Holy smokes!!!! That's amazing! I love those color choices!!!
- Josh (Father) on February 8, 2022
Beautiful structure, Lou-man! It looks like a lot of rings from the Olympics??. Love you!
- Toni(fan) on February 9, 2022