Luca3341's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Luca3341's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Buddy! Rockin' Toucan! Really nice work! Love, Poppy and Mimi
- Poppy on August 23, 2023
This picture is just great ! We know who the artist is in this family. Love you…Nana
- Nana on May 24, 2023
THIS is one of my favorites! Super cool effect with the light rays! Super Awesome!
- Grandad on April 5, 2023
nICE job! Get it? n I C E !! Very ICY NICE!
- Grandad on March 29, 2023
If I had to title your recent artwork, I would call it, "Hearts in Motion" --- and I would sign my name at the bottom corner!..........Only kidding! Your name deserves to be on it. L, nice job on this piece. Love, G-Dad
- Grandad on February 22, 2023
Hi! I'm not a Frida Kahlo fan, but I am a fan of your work. This is a terrific collage. Nice job! See ya' later!
- Grandad on December 14, 2022
Hi! Not sure Picasso could have done a better robot! Yours is very creative! Love the background! Love the patterned play with colors! Love the dark and light blue-colored head! Hey! I think I love your work! - Grandad
- Grandad on November 30, 2022
Hey Buddy, that is a great drawing! I’m really proud of how much care you put into that! Love you!
- Poppy on November 16, 2022
I really like your spider. Eight legs, yes! Two eyes, spooky! Two fangs, scarrrrrrry! I also like the vanishing point used in creating the web! And wonderful use of color.
- Grandad on November 2, 2022
Hi - Your artwork looks a bit like the flux capacitor - in action! Pretty coooooooooooool!
- Grandad on October 12, 2022
The black and white images contrast, yet complement the colored circular patterns perfectly. Oh, to have this hanging on my wall - or better yet, to be wallpaper on my wall. Excellent job L (that's short for Luca) L, (that's short for Love) Grandad
- Grandad on May 4, 2022
Wow…I love this heart. You are such an artist. Excellent job ! Nana
- Nana on February 16, 2022
The composition of Luca’s painting is well-balanced with its foreground, middle ground and background. The vivid colors reinforce the unique perspective to the painting’s elements creating a cheerful spirit in one’s heart. Barbed wire has never looked so harmless, yet effective. The clouds take on a warming, free spirit look with their embrace of the sun. The tail-less piglet is obviously enjoying his environment – and who wouldn’t. A phenomenal piece of art.
- Grandad on January 5, 2022…love your scary pumpkin. Great job ! Nana & Pepere
- Nana(fan) on November 3, 2021
Hi! Your painting is Awwwwwwwwwe-some! The best painting of fall leaves I've ever seen; and I mean it.
- GranDad on November 3, 2021
Hey Buddy, we love your leaf picture-- you must have worked hard on that. Can we print it to show in our house? Love you! Poppy
- Poppy(fan) on October 20, 2021
Luca… beautiful ! You have captured the colors of fall.
- Nana(fan) on October 20, 2021