Westley250's Comments (41)

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Below are comments about Westley250's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love the colors on this bird! It reminds me of a phoenix because the wings look like flames
- Genevieve (Mother) on May 1, 2024
WOW! Beautiful.
- Grandpa Britt. on April 17, 2024
I love your bold and radiant use of color ?????
- Genevieve (Mother) on April 16, 2024
Wow, the solar system, so much bigger than us! And drawn so well! Love the stars juxtapositioning with the planets. Great colors too. But in an imaginary world, how would you give our address to an alien, if you could? Do we really know where we are in the universe? Probably close to your parents is a good place to start. ??
- Talilla on March 27, 2024
Wow, ?? I love love love this solar system! And the stars are so happy. You are very good at making ?? stars ??
- Genevieve (Mother) on March 23, 2024
I like your colorful galaxy. The stars look like they are dancing around the planets. Very cool.
- Mimi on March 27, 2024
This is so cool! If I were designing a winter holiday card to send out to all my friends and family, your design here would be at the very top of my list. The way you made life behind the windows and the door, with your colors, is magical. The string of lights is great. Also, your roof shingles remind me of the dune shack and are so well drawn. Your art continues to make me happy and makes me think about life, exactly how art is supposed to function. You are good at this.
- Talilla on March 13, 2024
And another thing I eanted to sdd is that the way you chose to put a certain color mext to another looks so appealing.
- Mimi on February 21, 2024
I really like your bright colors and the lined background is very cool. Kudos
- Mimi on February 21, 2024
What an enchanting bowl. I especially love the shape and the deep green inside.
- Mimi on February 21, 2024
I can’t wait to see this bowl in real life— Is it a tiny bowl for a mouse to eat cereal from? or a giant salad bowl that we can keep lemons and oranges in on the counter?! There’s just no way to know!
- Genevieve (Mother) on February 15, 2024
What a lovely tree! I can’t decide if it’s a tree who dressed up for a party, if it’s a magical tree, if it’s a holiday tree, or maybe it’s another kind of tree that I don’t know about. But again, your art sparked my imagination. Is that why you make art - to help other people be creative too? Or why? Because it’s fun? Makes you happy? To tell a story? Whatever your reasons, I am happy when I see your art.
- Talilla on February 14, 2024
Wow! This reminds me of spider webs, whirlpools, rainbows, targets, warding off the evil eye, plankton, and more. Your art gives me a lot to think about, which is one of the best parts of art. When I can look at your painting, something that came out of your imagination, and then your art sparks my imagination and I start thinking of new things - that’s a great gift your art gives to me.
- Talilla on February 14, 2024
Westley, have you ever heard of the bluebird of happiness? Your painting definitely reminds me of it. You did a great job here, capturing movement in the feathers and keeping the proportions so lifelike. The beak, eye placement, tail angle, legs, and colors all come together for me to recognize your subject right away - imo, a bluebird of happiness!
- Talilla on February 14, 2024
I love this heart you did that looks like a stained glass window. The patterns and colors that you chose are super
- Mimi on February 14, 2024
Westley, how pretty.
- Mimi on December 6, 2023
This is an interesting piece. I hope when we FaceTime on Sunday that you will tell me about it
- Mimi on December 6, 2023
These are fun to do , aren't they? We used to call them "leaf rubbings". Do they still call them that?
- Mimi on November 8, 2023
The middle one is my favorite ??
- Genevieve (Mother) on October 31, 2023
I like your assortment of pumpkins and how carefully drawn they are.
- Mimi on October 25, 2023
- Genevieve (Mother) on October 15, 2023
I like the fresh green leaves and the orange/red ones too. Nice how you placed them on the paper.
- Mimi on October 18, 2023
What a lovely group of different flowers you've painted. Some look like zinnias and one looks like a small sunflower. I really like the colors you used too.
- Mimi on October 4, 2023
I like your rainbow fish. She looks kind and also like she has things to say. I hope to see you sometime next week when I am staying at Aria and Layla's house helping Edwige with their new baby.
- Mimi on May 31, 2023
Sunflowers are such cheerful flowers. Your definitely has a happy feeling to it.
- Mimi on May 3, 2023
How delicate these flowers are.
- Mimi on May 3, 2023
How intriguing this is.
- Mimi on May 3, 2023
I love the color blue that you chose for this bird. The bird looks like it is on a mission.
- Mimi on May 3, 2023
Little Bird!!!! You are so amazing ??
- Genevieve (Mother) on April 28, 2023
This painting of trees is so so lovely. I especially like the delicateness of the tree trunks and branches. Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on April 26, 2023
Westley I like this butterfly. The colours go together so nicely and I also really like how you made sure to have the same number of each shape on the left and right wings. Keep on making art Wes.
- Mimi on April 26, 2023
Wow, Westley! Good work. I look forward to visiting this summer and seeing more of your puppets.
- Grandpa Britt on March 29, 2023
I love this guy! Wes you are a wonder!
- Genevieve (Mother) on March 22, 2023
What a happy flower!
- Genevieve (Mother) on February 21, 2023
This is so evocative of a quiet winter landscape
- Genevieve (Mother) on February 21, 2023
You have such a big beautiful heart! ??
- Genevieve (Mother) on February 21, 2023
I love this bare winter scene. How did you make the trees look so real?
- Mimi on January 4, 2023
This has o much detail
- Mimi on January 4, 2023
- Mimi on January 4, 2023
So beautiful!
- Genevieve (Mother) on December 27, 2022
This is so beautiful! You are so talented !
- Genevieve on December 14, 2022