Liam24401's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Liam24401's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Liam this takes me back to last week at your History Fair! I love all the colors you put into this. When you do a new piece I would love for you to tell me all about it and what you were asked to do Love you very much and we are so proud of you Ammie and BooBoo
- Ammie(fan) on May 31, 2024 NEW
Liam this almost looks like what it would look like on Mars with all the red landscape! I always love your choice of colors. Love you, Ammie and BooBoo
- Ammie(fan) on May 31, 2024 NEW
I love this piece Liam! So sunny and bright! It makes me smile when I look at it Love you Ammie and BooBoo
- Ammie on April 26, 2024
I love your Valentine's/heart picture! All the different shades of red are perfect! I love you and am very proud of you and your work
- Ammie and Booboo on February 29, 2024
With each piece of artwork you get better and better. I think I will have to order this one!
- Ammie and Booboo on February 21, 2024
Love it! So cute!!!
- Ammie on December 20, 2023
Liam I love your artwork! It and Harper's were my Christmas cards this year! You both need to keep it coming every year at Christmas time so that they will be our cards to send out! Love you and we are so proud of you!
- Ammie and Booboo on December 20, 2023
I love it! I am so glad that you do so well in school and love art the way you do Love you,
- Ammie and BooBoo on November 16, 2023
OH MY WORD!!!! That is absolutely beautiful Liam! You ended the school year so well! Love you bunches Love, Ammie
- Ammie on July 5, 2023
Liam as usual this is a beautiful piece of art. Your picture is gorgeous and you should be as proud of it as we are of you! Love you very much Ammie and BooBoo
- Ammie on July 5, 2023
Oh my goodness! Liam I love it! You have done a great job!!
- Ammie on November 24, 2022
I love this picture Liam! I need you to tell me all about it the next time I see you! I really like the black and pink part. Love you my artist!
- Ammie on November 24, 2022
Liam I am so proud to have been able to see your artwork this year! You are a really good artist young man! I hope you will continue your artwork throughout the summer and be able to draw artwork for me next year as well! I love you and can't wait to see what our "2nd" grader will do next year! Love, Ammie and BooBoo
- Ammie on November 24, 2022
Liam your fish is AMAZING!!! I can't wait to go to the beach this year and hopefully you will see and maybe even catch a fish that looks like this! Love, Ammie and BooBoo
- Ammie on November 24, 2022
Liam this is one of my favorite pieces! Your greatgrandmother, my mother, would have been so proud! She loved birds and would always show your Dad and TT all the birds when they went to visit her. She had birdhouses in her backyard
- Ammie(fan) on March 2, 2022
Liam you are becoming quite the artist! I love the detail in your heart and all the colors that you put into your work. I hope you don't mind but I am ordering several magnets to give to Aunt Paula, Kim and Uncle Mike and I've ordered me a keychain so I can always see the great work you've done and show everyone! I love you very much! Ammie
- Ammie(fan) on March 2, 2022
Liam that is really good! I am so proud of how far you have come in your artwork this year! I love you very much Ammie
- Ammie on February 16, 2022
I LOVE all the colors you have put into this piece Liam! Me and BooBoo are very proud of your artwork!
- Ammie on October 6, 2021
This is awesome Liam! Look at all the leaves and balloons! You are quite the artist!!!
- Ammie on September 29, 2021
Liam! I love all the detail you put into this piece! Well done!!!
- Andi (Mother) on September 21, 2021