Tristan12865's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Tristan12865's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Tristan, I think you’re trying to stump me. I’m trying to decide if it is a rabbit or a parrot? It is Very colorful. It might have the measles with those red spots. Good job
- Grandpa Gene on April 17, 2024
Tristan looks like it’s snowing in your snow globe. Very nice colors.
- Grandpa Gene on February 21, 2024
Tristan cold, snowy night. Looks like someone has a gigantic fire going in the background lighting up the sky. Stay warm.
- Grandpa Gene on February 7, 2024
Tristan very colorful. I could probably use those as a fan, one for each hand. Or put them in a picture frame and hang them on my wall as art.
- Grandpa Gene on October 25, 2023
Tristan I don’t remember if I made a comment or not. I just went fishing in Wisconsin and they had a lot of pretty water lilies up there. They had white flowers. You’re much prettier. Good job.
- Grandpa Gene on August 2, 2023
Tristan. very pretty. I wish I had a pond. I could plant some of those in. Then I could put some goldfish in the pond.
- Grandpa Gene on May 10, 2023
A hot air balloon with a face. Are you up in the air floating around? I hope you can figure out how to get down. Looks like you are a little scared. You must be up in the air.
- Grandpa Gene on March 29, 2023
Such a long legged bird. I hope his legs bend or he won’t be able to pick up bugs and worms. Good job very colorful.
- Grandpa Gene on March 29, 2023
Great picture! Love the legs. Looks like it's walking on a beach with waves in the background
- Vicki on March 29, 2023
Tristan That is a very pretty colorful dragonfly. Keep up the good work. you’re a good artist
- Grandpa Gene on February 24, 2023
Awesome dragonfly! Love the colors you used!
- Grandma Vicki on February 24, 2023
Tristan very colorful. Looks like a fox looking for something to eat. He can follow the tracks. It might be a rabbit. Good job.
- Grandpa Gene on February 24, 2023
Love the picture. I knew exactly what you are painting. Love the colorful sky!
- Vicki on February 8, 2023
That's a beautiful sky and very colorful!
- Tara (Mother) on February 7, 2023
Tristan rocking the astronaut suit. Love it!
- Grandma Vicki on February 3, 2023
Tristan you must be an astronaut in outer space. You're floating around with the stars and the meteorites. I like your astronaut suit. Let me know when you come back to Earth. Good job.
- Grandpa Gene on January 25, 2023
Tristan your art is so mind blowing and advanced i can’t wrap my mind around what it is. Is that Spider-Man swimming underwater and there is volcanic hot lava on top of the water. The lava made that rock red hot. you’ll have to tell me what it really is next time you see me.
- Grandpa Gene on January 18, 2023
A crayon with arms and legs. Could be a fire cracker with a fuse on his head. You had better not light it. Looks like he’s getting ready to color something. I hope he does a good job coloring and stays in the lines. Very colorful tristan.
- Grandpa Gene on November 30, 2022
Tristan I wrote a comment before but I guess you did not get it. I must’ve hit the wrong button. Looks like a mouse or a mole but I don’t think they are that color. It must be a Chamaeleon. Is it hiding in a tree
- Grandpa Gene on November 9, 2022
Tristan. This is a tough one. Looks to me like it could be many things. Could be a mouse a rat a shrew a mole. But none of them have that many colors. I think it might be a chameleon Good job.
- Grandpa Gene on November 9, 2022
I love the different colors. Makes the bugs not so creepy!
- Grandma Vicki on November 9, 2022
Looks like a cardinal that’s looking for some birdseed. Or a red turkey
- Grandpa Gene on January 5, 2022
Tristan this looks like a 16 piece puzzle. I would like to know what it is when you put it together. Let me know.
- Grandpa Gene on January 5, 2022
Very good Tristan. I like the bright colors!
- Grandma Vicki on December 23, 2021
Tristan I love this. Very creative! Love the colors!
- Grandma Vicki on November 10, 2021
Tristan- this is so great! I love the colors and different sized pieces.
- Tara (Mother) on October 19, 2021
Tristan, I love your creativity and the different sizes and shapes of your pieces.
- Mommy on November 3, 2021