Cade3947's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Cade3947's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the glitter glue you used on this one! It also reminds me of what a germ would look like under a microscope! So cool!
- Broghan on May 10, 2023
Love the colors in this, Cadey Cade! It reminds me of the inside of an oyster shell and shiny pearls! So creative!
- Broghan on May 10, 2023
Wow Cade! This is AMAZING! I really does look so much like you. Your nose looks so good! I have always struggled drawing realistic looking noses. I also really love your long, thick eyelashes- just like in real life! Great job, buddy!! -Bobo
- Broghan on May 10, 2023
LOVE the shades of purple in this watercolor!
- Shauna (Mother) on February 9, 2023
The colors in this one make me happy, and the heart in the middle makes me smile. Great job buddy!!
- Shauna (Mother) on February 9, 2023
Cadey Cade!! This is such a great self portrait!!! I love your attention to detail buddy, specifically, Your lashes and your chain peeking out from under your shirt!! Also I think it’s really cool how you made your drawing facing the right direction—I would e definitely messed that up! Awesome job babe!
- Shauna (Mother) on February 9, 2023
I love this one, Cadey-Cade! I especially like the cracks in the wall and the shading you did to give it some texture. I’m also very impressed with how good the monster’s hands are. Hands are hard to draw! Way to go Cade, this is awesome. -KB
- KB on January 25, 2023
CADE, I LOVE THIS PENGUIN! It is so cute and dressed so well! The shading on the ice and in the sky is super impressive - you're quite the artist! - KB
- Kendall(fan) on January 25, 2023
I love the pops of color in this one! The blue really stands out against the orange, and I love the splash of purple you did, too. Is the horse the one painting the purple? So cool! Love, Bobo
- Broghan on January 25, 2023
This is quite possibly the cutest penguin I have ever seen! I love his little top hat and bow tie. He kind of reminds me of the dancing penguins in Mary Poppins (not sure if you have seen that movie, but if you haven't, you should watch it!) I also love the gradient sky in the background. Well done, buddy! Love, Bobo
- Broghan on January 25, 2023
I could have sworn I commented on this one when it was first posted, but I’m not seeing my comment. I LOVE this artwork, buddy! Ben and I have bees all over our house; it’s kind of like our mascot. This would look so good framed or hanging on our fridge. I’m calling dibs ;) Love, Bobo
- Broghan on April 8, 2022
Wow, Cadey Cade! This is great, buddy! I really love your suit and matching tie/pocket square. I’m curious what your “future occupation” is in this drawing. Something to do with computers, or do you work in an office like Daddy? Can’t wait to hear more about it! -Bobo
- Broghan on April 8, 2022
Cade, this is so good! I really like the computer set up you drew behind yourself - the details are spot on! Also love the matching tie and handkerchief. Future you dresses very well :) Overall, great job, Cadey Cade! Love you! -KB
- KB on March 2, 2022
Oh my goodness Cade!! This is unbelievable buddy!! You did such an awesome job—so many great details—I love how your tie and your pocket square match! I love your desk and laptop in the background. And the buttons in your collar?! So good cadey Cade!! Xo Mom
- Mom on March 2, 2022
I love this robot, Cadey Cade. The robot's smile makes me smile :) Love you, KB
- Kendall(fan) on December 8, 2021
Cade. This. Is. AMAZING! I love the colors you chose and the jerseys one the bees. Those are the best bees I have seen someone draw EVER!!!! Your art skills are amazing buddy, keep up the great work! Love you, KB
- Kendall(fan) on December 8, 2021
Cade! I love your robot! I was reading a little bit about your assignment, and I’d love to hear more about your robot’s function and what exactly it is that he does. I really like the pops of green you used on his design. Looks great, Buddy!
- Broghan(fan) on October 20, 2021
Cadey Cade!! This robot is sooo cool!! I love all the detail on him and his happy face. You did such a great job, bud—I’m so proud of you!!! Love Mama
- Shauna (Mother) on October 14, 2021