Henry15835's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Henry15835's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Henry, what a beautiful picture. I love the autumn colors. The trees remind me of the beautiful fall colors we have here in North Carolina. Keep up the good work. Love you Sweetie. Nana
- Patricia on January 4, 2023
These are very good leaf prints Henry. You are a very good artist. Love you, Grandma
- Lucy on November 17, 2022
I really like Skelly dog! I bet this is what Astrid looks like on the inside! Good job Henry. Love you, Grandma
- Lucy on November 17, 2022
Dear Henry, This is a very colorful turtle. You should give it a name to match how pretty it is. Love you,
- Grandma on September 14, 2022
Honey, I was so sure I had written a comment on your aquarium. I love it. I especially love the the beautiful colors of the fish. Can you imagine Astrid and your aquarium? Oh boy! Keep up the good work. Lots of hugs.
- Nana on June 1, 2022
Hi Little Man. This an an interesting picture. First I love the color the colors, blue and gold are two of my favorites. Secondly, I think it's a great design. Keep up the good work. I love you Sweetheart.
- Nana on June 1, 2022
Hi Henry, I really like this drawing with the little blue heart in the middle. I’m going to order a bookmark with this on it so I can look at it every time I read my books. Love you sweetheart ??
- Grandma Lucy on May 11, 2022
Henry I love your Radial Weaving art piece. It shows great imagination. The colors are really super. Keep up the good work. I love you Sweetie.
- Nana on May 4, 2022
WOW - I knew your Christmas drawing would be beautiful. What a lovely picture of the poinsettia. You ROCK kiddo. I love you.
- Nana on December 15, 2021
You are a great artist Henry. This is a beautiful Poinsettia. Love you sweetheart,
- Grandma Lucy on December 15, 2021
Henry, what a great picture. I love your flowers and the colors you used for the background. I love it, and I love you.
- Nana on December 1, 2021
What a beautiful painting Henry! I love the flowers and the pretty colors. Love you, Grandma
- Lucy on December 1, 2021
Hi Henry, I want you to know that each piece of your art is better than the last one. Keep up the good work. I am anxious to see your Christmas drawing. Can't wait. Love You Nana
- Nana on November 17, 2021
Wow Henry! Great pumpkin dish! Love, Grandma Lucy
- Grandma Lucy on November 10, 2021
Hi sweetheart, I really love all the colors in your first painting in 1st grade. You did a great job! Love, Grandma
- Grandma Lucy(fan) on October 13, 2021