Trinity170's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Trinity170's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Trinity, Nice work as usual. You gave that Mummy a nice place to stay. Keep up the good work. Great Grand Pop
-- Mike
- on December 9, 2011
Trinity, This is very colorful and pretty. I have never seen this before but I'm sure you had fun painting it. Great Grand Pop
-- Mike
- on December 9, 2011
Trin,this is very strange but very good too,you will have to tell me about it when I see you.
-- Poppy
- on May 23, 2011
that is really a bad case of stripes,well done Trinity,as always I enjoy your art work so keep up the great work.
-- Poppy
- on May 23, 2011
Very nice Trin,It sure looks crowded on that block.
-- Poppy
- on April 3, 2011
Trinity, Very pretty and neat. Also really colorful. Keep up the good work. Great Grand Pop
-- Mike
- on April 3, 2011
Trinity you will have to tell me about this one,but I'm sure it is the best.
-- Poppy
- on March 17, 2011
Trinity, It's good to see you are still doing your art work. Another good job. Great Grand Pop.
-- Mike
- on March 17, 2011
Dear Trinity, I love all your work this new "Picasso" has especially captured my attention. Keep up the great work Love, Mary (Grandmom).
-- Mary
- on March 13, 2011
Hi Trin,Once gain you amaze me with your talent,Have a great Christmas and I hope I get a chance to see you.Love Poppy
-- Poppy
- on March 7, 2011
Trinity. Good job again. That's a great looking skeleton. It's the first skeleton I ever saw with a grass skirt. Great Grandpop
-- Mike
- on December 4, 2010
Trin,All I can say is WOW! this looks great,can you make me one?
-- Poppy
- on December 4, 2010
Another great piece of beautiful art ,you just keep getting better and better.As always keep up the good work,I can't wait to see you.
-- Poppy
- on December 4, 2010
Hi Trinity, You did a good job on this one. Your work is really improving. I'm eagerly waiting for your next work. Great Grandpop
-- Mike
- on December 4, 2010
Trin; Good job on the mask. You must have worked hard to get the detail. Great Grandpop
-- Mike
- on October 8, 2010
Trin this looks like it was a lot of fun to make and you did a great job doing it.Maybe the next time you come up you can show me how and we can make one together.
-- Poppy
- on June 14, 2010
Hi Trin. Your really into the shells. It look's like you jumped in with both feet this time. Great Grand Pop
-- Mike
- on May 8, 2010
Hi Trinity, This shell picture is just awesome!!! I Love it and all of your art work. Keep up the good work!! Love Grandmom Mary xoxo.
-- Mary
- on May 7, 2010
Trin,once again you amaze me with your talent,this on will be on the fridge for sure.Cant wait to see you guys.
-- poppy
- on April 19, 2010
i love this one trin! you are doing so well! mommy loves you
-- meredith
- on April 19, 2010
Trinity: Very pretty, you did a really good job with this one. Grand Pop
-- Mike
- on April 18, 2010
Hi Trinity, I like your latest art work. I bet it took you a long time to paint all those water lilies. Keep up the good work. Great Grand Pop.
-- Mike
- on April 18, 2010
Nice work Trinity, I so enjoy viewing your art work!! Love Mary (Penny's mom).
-- Mary
- on April 18, 2010
outstanding!!keep up the good work.
-- Poppy
- on April 18, 2010
Trinity ,once again you have done wonderful work and are showing that the more you do the better you get.
-- Poppy
- on April 18, 2010
Hi Trinity. I see you are really into the Christmas spirit. Keep up the good work. You are doing a fine job. Great Grand Pop.
- on December 21, 2009
Trin. I'm sure Santa enjoy's your drawing. It won't be long before he comes to visit. Keep up the good work. Great Grand Pop.
- on December 21, 2009
Hey Trin. The Santa looks VERY GOOD Keep up the good work...Love You Grams
- on December 21, 2009
Trinity, I'm glad your still working on your art work. Keep up the good work. I'll be watching for your next presentation. Great Grand Pop.
- on November 25, 2009
another great painting Trinity,maybe we can do some painting when you guys come up to my house if it is to cold outside to play.can't wait to see you . Love you Poppy
- on November 25, 2009
Hi Trinity. I'm always glad to get a new piece of art work done by you. Your work is a real pleasure to receive. Keep up the good work. Great Grand Pop
- on October 26, 2009
Trinity you are getting better every year,This one will be printed and hung on the wall...outstanding once again.
- on October 20, 2009
Dear Trinity- Your art work is sooooo beauiful! I easpecially love the art work you do at our house when you and your sister come to visit. Your drawing gets better and better. We love you! Mom Mom Juzzy
- on October 19, 2009
Good work from my favorite artist. I'm looking foward to your next achievment. Great Grand Pop
- on June 5, 2009
Trin, another great job. Your art work is getting better all the time. Keep up the good work. Great grand pop.
- on May 17, 2009
Dear Trinity- Your Picasso Statue of Liberty is Fantastic! I just love it. I think I must be your biggest fan! I have one of your beautiful pictures as my screen saver. I show it to everyone. No one can believe you are only in 1st grade. Maybe you'll be a famous artist when you grow up or maybe you will just really enjoy art like Grammy. Which ever it turns out to be myou really have talent. You mae us all very proud! Love Mom Mom Juzzy
- on May 17, 2009
Trinity awesome job on this one! Love Daddy
- on March 19, 2009
Good job Trinity. Very colorful. Keep up the good work, Great Grandpop
- on March 19, 2009
Hi Trin, I think I have a new favorite!! This one is great I will have this one on my wall too. Keep up the good work in art class. Love Poppy
- on March 19, 2009
Trinity! Poppy and I are soooo proud of you! Your art work is beautiful! I love this picture in particular so much I made it my screen saver. We love you!!!!! Mom Mom Juzy
- on March 19, 2009
Hi Trinity, I wanted to let you know how much I like your new art work,I think this one is my favorite one so far.Always remember that all the paintings only have to look good to you because it is yours.
- on February 15, 2009
Trinity, I just loved your new picture. keep up the good work. I am so proud of you. Love Mom Mom
- on January 25, 2009