Emerson4187's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Emerson4187's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I am glad to see Emerson's continued growth in these art projects. It suggests to me that he is able to listen to and to follow instructions to complete an assignment. Before I read the title "Aerial Snowman" I depicted that I was looking down upon a snowman. Emerson's use of the blue lines around the different spheres of the snowman's body clued me into that I was looking down upon objects that were of differing sizes yet that were above/below one another that gave me the sense of elevation, such as looking at a contour map. Well done, Emerson! Keep developing that talent!
- David on November 22, 2023
If I know Emerson, this is a gator or a croc springing out of a swamp to eat something on a limb over the water. The wide open mouth, the rows of teeth and the tongue depict a powerful animal in his domain. I really like the solid blue body as well. Is this piece made with pastel chalk? It seems smooth enough to be so. Always enjoys Emerson's work!
- David on July 10, 2023
Again, as before, I notice and enjoy Emerson's development in his art projects. Love those white clouds in a blue sky, and I am proud of how Emerson used the white color of the paper by surrounding those areas with the blue sky to denote clouds! Yellow is my favorite color and I love how he has graced the sky with a quadrant of the bright sun which does not overshadow the picture. His cactus suggest a desert scape and the seemingly bowing objects lead me to ponder something on the ground that both objects are beholding. If this were a December project, I could see the Nativity in this scene, which I would like very much! Well done, Emerson. My heart bursts with pride in your art development!
- David on July 10, 2023
I like the darker border that Emerson appears to have outlined the varied colored focus of his drawing. The dark background helps to display the gathered colors of the central object. I remain so impressed with Emerson's progress in his art. I always look forward to seeing his work. I am a fan, Emerson!
- David on February 14, 2023
I remain so impressed with Emerson's work. He is obviously under good instruction in his class and it is obvious that he is being led to plan his work. I say this because I see the drawing marks on the sides of this lantern that he would have to have done before he cut the slits into the paper. These slits allowed Emerson to change the the cylindrical shape of the paper into different diameters with the same run of material (paper "pipe"). I could see this finished piece as a lantern (as already insinuated above). I always enjoy reviewing Emerson's work, which is a pleasure...my pleasure.
- David on February 14, 2023
As I have come to expect, Emerson's art displays intriguing visuals to me. Due to the shapes in this piece (roundness, rectangular extended stem piece, and the light triangles eyes and half-circular mouth) this is obviously a jack-o-lantern. But what catches my eye the most is the appearance of the 3-D shape of a jack-o-lantern. The darker/orange color extends center to outward yet is bordered by the lighter/white edges of the circular shape. This arrangement gives me the impression that I am looking at a spherical object (like a pumpkin). This effect is similar to how drawing with different shades of charcoal gives the sensation of volume (3D) on a flat paper surface. Here, the orange color appears closer to me and the white borders appear a bit further back as if I were looking a real...pumpkin. Bravo, Emerson!!! I truly do enjoy looking at your art work. What pleasure to me!
- David on November 30, 2022
Emerson continues to impress me with his work. His use of rectangular and square shapes lends to the suggestion of the mechanical build and existence of a robot. the facial features (eye, mouth) affirms there is no human trait to this image which settles the robotic venue here. Well done, Emerson. I remain beyond proud of you.
- David on November 30, 2022
I am glad to see Emerson's art work return. It is interesting that he seems to use horizontal and perpendicular lines in which he fills the cells with various colors. His choice of colors are bright and that brings a pleasant, lighted view to this piece. Of course, I am best fixated upon the yellow, which has always been my favorite color. As my attention is drawn towards the yellow, Emerson's placement of the red and blue is noticed adjacent to the yellow, the happiest of colors (to me)!
- David on November 30, 2022
Once again, I am treated to view another one of Emerson's art projects. His use of shapes and colors have always been clear and well used in his piecing together past works. In this work, I am enjoying the thought of realizing that Emerson understands the basic and outward structure of a plant, in this case this flower. The stem is firmly rooted in the ground. I say "firmly" because the stem is straight and perpendicular to the soil, suggesting a strong grab the flower has in the soil. He has placed leaves along the stem which may serve as decoration for this picture but it also denotes (to me) that Emerson is showing how a plant grows, i.e., leaves gather energy from the sun that nurtures the growth of a plant. The distinct color difference of the stamen and pedals speak of a flower's distinct parts/functions, the stamen for the pollen and reproductive functions and the pedals for the attraction of pollen transporters, bees, etc. I like how Emerson uses different shapes and colors to identify the various parts of a plant. I realize that Emerson is not making a botanical statement here, but I am taking away that he is aware of what makes up a plant and I look forward to his coming years as he will learn how these various parts of plant creation work in the world around him. Well done, Emerson. I truly enjoy viewing your art!!!
- David on April 27, 2022
Emerson's coloring of these teardrop-shaped mice is very good. One might suspect that the colors would have been altered, i.e., dark, bright, dark, etc., but here I like the grouping of the darkers and the lighters...distinct. Not applying color to the entire page makes each item stand out smartly, very good. The mice at the "4 and 8 o'clock" positions seem to have a hint of the adjacent darker color above them which is a nice blending of the color transition. Well done, Emerson!!!
- David on April 13, 2022
Another great piece by Emerson. In this work, he has substituted numbers for the shapes that he has used as central "eye catchers." Again, Emerson has divided his canvas into individual focal areas, which I find appealing: appealing because I can view the whole work as one, i.e., a sequence of numbers highlighted by his choice of color and or, I can concentrate on an individual section and look forward more sections to view. His use of numbers also suggests to me that he is gaining a good foundational education where he is advancing from shapes to numbers. And to my continued pleasure, Emerson uses yellow generously, which is my favorite color, a happy, bright hue.
- David on April 13, 2022
Emerson continues to create work that captures my attention. I see eight rectangular sections, with seven of the eight containing circular images, yet the eighth does not. This break in his consistency makes me study the piece even closer, which feeds my intrigue in wondering, "What else might Emerson have included in his work?" I see a square image in that eighth box (lower right) and I notice that each circle is drawn around a central mark or smaller circle. Finally, enjoying brighter color, I like the green column of color on the right side of this work. I enjoy looking at this art. Well done, Emerson!
- David on April 13, 2022
Again, I find Emerson's artwork so interesting...This piece is centered upon a solid circle, which is a darker color. Emerson then surrounds that center circle with rings of colored pieces, each ring expanding upon the ring below it. The geometry flows with this method of his and is also accented by the color of the rings. My favorite color is yellow, bright and happy yellow, and this color seems to be the center ring which helps me to see the whole range of his color settings as he blended them into this very generous showing of various colors. Well done, Emerson!
- David on April 13, 2022
This is another fine work, for: The grayish background looks like the sky of a snowy day, and there are snow flakes falling so the atmosphere does indeed fit the environment of a snow man. The three circles that make up the snowman's body look aligned as if an invisible vertical centerline was imagined as this snowman was constructed. I like this kid's work!
- David on December 29, 2021
I find it interesting that Emerson uses different pieces of colored paper to shape this piece. The eyes and especially the mouth/teeth...both images are only two colors, and the shape of the jagged teeth suggest a powerful bight! Good talent being developed here. I look forward to seeing more of this artist's work.
- Grandpa on October 6, 2021
I love this—it is so cool!
- Auntie on October 6, 2021
One of the three best names I know! My eye is captured by the designs that surround his drawn name. Makes me think of the thoughts that surround him countless times of the day. "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold." Proverbs 22:1
- David(fan) on October 6, 2021
Emerson chose well in his selection of shapes...Squares. I find it interesting that where some corners of the squares overlap, he applied direct colors. Smart. I look forward to seeing more of Emerson's work and his developing talent. Kid, "You got a lot of stuff."
- David(fan) on October 6, 2021