Samantha32419's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Samantha32419's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Samantha-I am so impressed by your depiction of the dragonfly! You have not only captured accurate geometrical detail of its mechanical body yet managed to artistically and whimsically suggest the lightness of its wings! You depict detail in the foreground and lead us mystically down the leaf it is perched on to wonder what lies beneath its suggestive and precarious perch?! Very evocative, successful artistic depiction of the mysterious dragonfly! Bonnie
- Bonnie on March 29, 2024
Pretty awesome dragon! Great color contrasts and sense of movement! I like the airborne luminaries too! Terrific work!
- Grampy on February 28, 2024
Samantha- I really enjoyed your architectural perspective water color! It reminds me of the Missions on the San Antonio River walk! You handled the water component and perspective so well! Your color choices are very successful,too! Aunt Bonnie
- Bonnie on December 2, 2023
What an awesome display of confidence! Love it girl ! You GO GIRL! Are you still thinking about becoming a rock drummer and vocalist?! Let me know! Grampy ??
- RICHARD on October 12, 2023
Certainly understand the “positive-negative” concept portrayed well by you. Trying to figure out the flavor of the cone on the left?! Maybe a sherbet swirl! Well done!
- Richard on October 12, 2023
Very creative and detailed. Reminds me of an avocado filled with guacamole and black beans. I must be hungry!
- Grampy on October 12, 2023
Reminds me of the Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Quite an event to attend!
- Grampy on October 12, 2023
So interesting and creative. Much to think about and discuss on this one.
- Grampy on October 12, 2023
Really like the shading and highlighting lines that give the hearts a three dimensional look! Colors contrast nicely with backgrounds. Kendra Scott Jewelry might want you to design for them!????
- Richard on October 12, 2023
I see this as a slice of avocado filled with green veggie humus and black beans. Great symmetry, colors and texture! Keep up your great creative work!????
- Richard on October 12, 2023
Samantha- I love this piece!! It has color, depth and vibrancy - just like you! It’s also timeless and versatile! Aunt Bonnie
- Bonnie on October 12, 2023
Very interesting 3-Dimensional piece Samantha! It’s a weaving and a work of art! I love the subject matter you chose! Aunt Bonnie
- Bonnie on October 12, 2023
Are those marshmallows or eyeballs peeking out of the inviting hot chocolate? Great use of colors and in contrasting locations. Very inviting for a sip
- Richard on February 22, 2023
I still love snow globes ! They seem to whisk you away from reality even just for a minute! There is a picture of you in your front yard tearing down an old melted snowman and every time I see it I crack up laughing out loud! Continue the joy of creating art !
- Richard on February 22, 2023
Happy Holidays Samantha! I love your snowglobe drawing! You captured a festive spirit between the two snowmen. I love how you foreshortened their carrot noses and depicted the thickness of the globe itself! Great job! Aunt Bon
- Bonnie on February 1, 2023
I can smell that hot chocolate from here , Sam!! You did a great job!
- Gram on February 1, 2023
Reminds me of Fall back up in New England! Cool weather and an early crackling fire place makes the home cozy. The changing colors of the leaves are so beautiful to behold. Then the leaves fall, days become dark earlier, the yard and gutters need work, and soon it begins to snow and winter was upon us ! Changing seasons are both happy and sad but life’s clock advances.
- Richard on November 9, 2022
Like this very much! Very impressionistic! Good bold contrasting colors! The use of the white space nicely enhances definition. Nice color palette. Great work! Keep it up ! ??
- Richard on October 20, 2022
I like the shades of pink and blue! Symmetry is very good. Spirals and lines bring action to the eye. Overall good effort, but not my favorite piece that you have created. Keep on experimenting and producing !??
- Richard on October 20, 2022
Very cool! Nice contrasting colors and I love the background that looks like spooky Halloween spider webs. I may get a print of this and hang it in our middle bedroom! Great work Girl!
- RICHARD on October 20, 2022
Very cool Sammy! Lots of depth perception. You successfully scaled various items to the overall scene. You are rapidly advancing in your art talents. Keep it up in your own during the Summer. Grampy
- RICHARD on June 17, 2022
This was my favorite!!!
- Gram on July 31, 2022
Sammy you’ve created some really special artwork this year!! Congratulations
- Gram on June 17, 2022
Love your new picture Sammy!
- Amy aka Mimi on June 17, 2022
I trust this is a castle with various “coats of arms” displayed to show ownership in the Kingdom?! Otherwise….. it might be the façade of an outlet mall with displays of purses and suitcases for sale?! Help me out here……..
- Richard on June 17, 2022
Really great Sammy ! Just in time for Spring.
- Richard on June 17, 2022
I like the way that the use of lighter colors on the outside rim, and then shifting to darker colors in the middle, creates the optical illusion that there is a “funneling depth” to the “bottom” of the consecutive spheres. Great work Sammy! You will have to explain to me how you weaved the threads to make them stay in place. Have a great Spring ! Grampy
- Richard on June 17, 2022
You’re my favorite love monster!! Great job SamJam Love Gram
- Vicki on June 17, 2022
I like the way you “tamed” the monster by giving it a big, bright pink heart. If you have a loving heart, it really doesn’t matter what you look like, because your heart and good mind will allow you to do good things for you and others! The pretty pink colors nicely contrast and complement the blue colors. Those teeth are scary, but the heart tells you it is truly a “Love Monster”! Continue your talented pursuit of art to express yourself and impact others ! Love, Grampy
- Richard on June 17, 2022
WOW ! Spectacular blending of colors ! How could you ever decide where to place the black overlay heart shape with so many options?! Great presentation and creativity. Keep up the great creative efforts you enjoy! Love, Grampy
- Richard on February 2, 2022
My favorite ! Cardinals in the birch trees! I like the stark contrast in colors! Nice snow scene for the Holidays! Thanks Sammy, you made me smile ! Grampy
- Richard on January 12, 2022
Sammy- This reminds me of the squirrels and abundance of acorns this Season in my backyard around the pool. Very good detailing on the squirrel’s body structure! So lifelike! Keep up the amazing artwork you create for all of us to enjoy ! Grampy ??
- Richard on November 7, 2021
Dearest Sammy: Excellent portrayal of Autumn! The colorful leaves are falling around the Halloween pumpkin in the patch bounded by the wooden fence! This makes all of us feel the cooler weather on its way as the Season changes from Fall to Winter. Hope to see you at Thanksgiving and maybe we can put this picture on our refrigerator to allow all the family guests to get in the proper spirit ! Great work ! Grampy??
- Richard on November 7, 2021
Sammy- Did you use your hands and put hearts in them ? Nice background colors! Remember to provide your “willing helping hands” to help God to accomplish his work on earth. Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Great buzzing Bumble Bees getting nectar from the bluebonnets and prickly pear cactus! Awesome! Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- This looks like a cat to me and reminded me of Camo. I hope she is in pet heaven with Rex and Blaze! Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- This is one of your BEST! I think I see your dog “Oban”? See you soon! Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- Not sure I can figure this one out ? But I see some signs of Halloween! Let me know what I am missing please. Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- I see a cat, butterfly, cow, worm, and hearts! Very creative and colorful Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- This looks like something you may have seen in Hawaii with ocean waves, sun and volcanic island ! Excellent! Love, Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- Love the colors! Need you to explain to me the Canadian Flag. U.S. now using plenty of solar energy to supplement oil, gas, and wind power ! See you soon. Grampy
- RICHARD on November 7, 2021
Sammy- Great art work ! Looks like a friendly cat with a trusting bird on his head ! Hope to see you again soon. Love, Grampy
- Richard on October 6, 2021