Clary20's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Clary20's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love all the pretty colors in your latest work! Love, Nana and Poppy
- Nana on March 1, 2023
Edward, I love your colors, but will need you to explain it to me the next time we are together. ?? Nana
- Nana And Poppie on March 1, 2023
Edward, we LOVE your new artwork! You need to title this work! Love your colors and how you worked your passion into it. Congratulations on this new art! Much love, Nana and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on March 1, 2023
We are so proud of your art work. You have real talent for colors and shapes in your pieces.
- Nana And Poppie on March 1, 2023
Great job Clary. I loeyou. Cici
- Gpa And Cici on March 1, 2023
Edward, I love your new artwork! You really amaze me with your creativity. I hope that you will do some artwork over the summer. I love you, Nana
- Nana And Poppie on March 1, 2023
Edward, this is my favorite artwork you have done so far! I love the bright colors you have used! To think you are soaring over the Cooper River Bridge and the Churches of Charleston is thrilling. So very proud of this work of Art! Much love, Nana and Poppyseeds
- Nana And Poppie on March 1, 2023
Edward, your drawing is so realistic! I don’t think you have forgotten anything on the tank! We are so proud of you and your artistic talent. Love, Nana and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on March 1, 2023
Spider detail is awesome! Xoxo, mom
- Ashley (Mother) on January 5, 2022
This might be my favorite to date!!! Love, mom
- Ashley (Mother) on January 5, 2022
Edward, it looks sort of like you! You are cuter! Love you to the moon and back! Nana and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on January 5, 2022
Love this!
- Nana And Poppie on January 5, 2022
This is so good! We love the colors you have used. Much love, Nsna and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on January 5, 2022
Edward, this is showing your great imagination! Can’t wait to talk with you about it the next time we are together. You are so talented! We love you lots, Nana and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on January 5, 2022
Edward20, Poppy and I love your picture of the bongo drum and leaves. We enjoyed having you explain your techniques when we saw you during Easter. You are so talented! We love you lots! Love, Nana
- Nana And Poppie on January 5, 2022
Edward, this is wonderful! Love your flowers! And the colors are so bright and pretty. Love Nana and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on April 7, 2021
Poppy and I are so proud of all your artwork and love seeing it on line. Keep up the good work. ?? Nana
- Nana And Poppie on March 3, 2021
Poppy and I are so proud of all your artwork and love seeing it on line. Keep up the good work. ?? Nana
- Nana And Poppie on March 3, 2021
Edward, we love your artwork! You did a great job, as usual! We are so proud of you! Lots of love, Nana and Poppy
- Nana And Poppie on March 3, 2021
My favorite!! I showed my students! They were in awe!
- Ashley (Mother) on February 23, 2021
Edward!!! These are stunning!! My favorite is the 1st one! - the underwater - the colors are gorgeous.
- Ashley (Mother) on February 23, 2021