Molly11862's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Molly11862's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your fish painting is beautiful.. I really can see the fish. Keep up the great work.
- Grandma on May 15, 2024
I love your artwork. The picture actually looks like a quilt someone could have made. Keep up the great work.
- Grandma on February 14, 2024
You cat is beautiful and certainly looks very happy.
- Grandma on January 24, 2024
Molly, Your work just keeps getting better and better. You are talented.
- Grandma on November 22, 2023
WOW Molly this is great!!!
- Grandma on June 7, 2023
This reminds me of all the jazz artwork in New Orleans. You have really grasped the knowledge of jazz in this piece of work.
- Grandma on March 8, 2023
I love how colorful and expressive your art work is!
- Patrick (Father) on February 15, 2023
Your penguin looks like he is having fun. You are so talented, the penguin looks so real.,
- Grandma on February 15, 2023
Adorable mushroom house.
- Gimpy on December 28, 2022
I think your pumpkin is really cute. It looks like a real pumpkin to me. I love seeing your work on-line.
- Grandma on November 2, 2022
Your artwork is beautiful. I'm always amazed at how you excel at drawing. Your figures look like people. You are so talented.
- Grandma on October 12, 2022
Your Mom is going to be so proud of you. This drawing looks a great deal like her.
- Grandma on May 18, 2022
Great drawing Molly. I clearly see the people under the umbrella as well as their pets. Pets usually don't want to get wet, great thought putting them under the umbrella.
- Grandma on April 27, 2022
These are beautiful flowers. I would love to grow them in my backyard.
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
This is great. The cars and buildings really go together. You are getting better and better.
- Grandma on February 9, 2022
This flower is beautiful. You work is just getting better and better. This flower will be great hanging on a wall.
- Grandma on December 22, 2021
Molly I love this so much can't wait to put it up at home!
- Mom on November 17, 2021
What a great scarecrow. We might need one next year for the blueberry bushes.
- Grandma on November 17, 2021
Wow this is a scary looking spider. I hope I don't get any in my house.
- Grandma on October 27, 2021
I love the butterfly. It looks like ones that come to my butterfly bush.
- Grandma on October 13, 2021
This looks like a very pretty lady. Your work is getting better and better.
- Grandma on October 13, 2021
Molly your apples look good enough to eat. I love all the colors they are really vivid.
- Grandma on June 2, 2021
Little fox guy looks mighty ‘sly’
- Gimpy on April 14, 2021
Wow what a big whale. It must have thought it would be funny to pick up the boat from under the water. Keep up the good work.
- Grandma(fan) on April 14, 2021
Nice, it reminds me of the flamingos we saw at Animal Kingdom.
- Grandma(fan) on April 14, 2021
I can see you really want a kitty.
- Grandma(fan) on April 5, 2021
What a pretty flamingo. Great Work!!
- Grandma(fan) on April 5, 2021
Very pretty, love this!
- Natasha (Mother) on March 31, 2021
I love the use of colors and how vibrant the flamingo is!
- Patrick on March 31, 2021