Ian16942's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Ian16942's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ian, I love the colors in what looks like a flower. Great job on this work of art!
- Grandpam on May 15, 2024
Interesting.. an icon of one of your favorite subjects! Love the colors. The bottom two I like best with their bold colors. Good job.
- Grandpam on March 20, 2024
This is so you with your interest in karate and Cobra Kai. I love the colors. Bet you loved doing this art project. Nice job. GP
- Grandpam on February 14, 2024
Ian, I love your Christmas ornaments. They are so YOU! Lots of color for the holiday. Thanks for sharing your art. It’s great.
- GrandPam on December 10, 2023
Ian, I love this piece of artwork! It’s your 3 favorite things! Love, Mom
- Jaclyn (Mother) on December 9, 2023
I absolutely love your birch trees Ian! You did great with all the shadowing and the colors are beautiful. Great job!
- Jaclyn (Mother) on December 5, 2023
I absolutely love your birch trees Ian! You did great with all the shadowing and the colors are beautiful. Great job!
- Jaclyn (Mother) on December 5, 2023
This looks like “Frank”! And he looks like he is right where he should be with the spiders and webs! Watch out, Igor may be around the corner. ‘Tis a scary season. Love your art.
- Grandpam on October 25, 2023
I love the contrast of colors. Don’t know if Ian saw this… but it looks a little like a basketball! I noticed you are a popular artist with 5 fans!! The public loves your art.
- Grandpam on October 14, 2023
I love the colors you used. They are softer than your usual bold colors, however, the more subtle hues are what this art piece needed to capture the moment of blossoms in the Spring. Great job!
- GP on May 10, 2023
As your style shows.. lovely bold colors. Picture makes me think of big waves on the ocean and the top of the fishes head (the light grey color on the bottom of your picture). The top of the picture looks like a net ready to catch the fish. Love the story it provides to me. Fun art work. Good job!
- GrandPam on March 22, 2023
Again, I love the bold colors. They define your style. It is abstract, so everyone may see something different. My take on it is two two opposing UFO’s approaching a line trying to cross over to the others side. Kind of paralleling news of China balloons.
- Grandpam on February 15, 2023
I love the colors! I also like the blue truck and the use of contrasting white against it for the snow. Lots of presents.. I see the back of pick up is filled too! A very great way to show the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season!
- Grandpam on December 28, 2022
I love your snow globe. I feel like I’m in the snowy mountains in a cabin with evergreens and deer are outside. I do need to ask why you used your English name (John) on the globe instead of the Scottish Gaelic name (Ian) you were given?
- Grandpam on November 30, 2022
You always please your viewer with bright colors in your works. I like the way you incorporated hearts to capture the love this holiday captures as the holiday is a celebration of family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. Great job on capturing the spirit of the holiday!
- Grandpam on November 9, 2022
Ian you have produced another wonderfully colored work of art. It is your “Bouquet en Vase” my French name for your colorful flowers in a vase. I see you created this for your Mom. It is very good. Thank you for sharing your art through this school program. ??GP
- Grandpam on May 18, 2022
Wow.. there are so many elements in this art.. I see besides eggs at Easter, you have made a point you’re interested in soccer and football. Lots of stars and lots of colors, which I know you like to use. This piece is very detailed with colors, stars, circles, triangles. Great job. Thank you for sharing your art work. GP
- Grandpam on April 21, 2022
Ian, I love this art work. Your bright colors hold true to your colorful artistic style. I love the blend of your background colors. It softens the background to bring your cardinal to his deserved front and center attention. Great strong artwork!
- Grandpam on January 28, 2022
Ian, I love your bold colors in this artwork. And the swirling lines in the sky area remind me of Van Gogh’s painting, Starry nite. There is always a lot of content in your pieces so I have to take time to look at ALL that you are putting in your artwork. Always look forward to seeing your newest offering. GrandPam
- Grandpam on December 15, 2021
Ian, I like the use of bright colors in contrast with more subdued colors. Seeing faces in the buildings is neat… some made me laugh. There are a lot more buildings here than there are on Fortnight. Keep up the fun artwork!! GP
- Grandpam on November 3, 2021
Ian, I love your fall leaves picture. And I noted your “orange” leaf. One of your favorite colors and especially for fall and Halloween! Keep up the great artwork. I love seeing it! GP
- Grandpam(fan) on October 13, 2021
Ian, I Love, love, love this colorful piece you made of leaves! Love mom
- Jaclyn (Mother) on October 6, 2021