Madelyn175's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Madelyn175's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Man, that must have taken forever. I bet you were seeing dots by the time you were done.
- on April 9, 2010
What kind of crazy, mixed up picture is this! I am not sure I understand it but it is kind of cool.
- on April 9, 2010
Man, I love those colors, kind of looks like the 70's all over again.
- on April 9, 2010
Is that you flying in the balloon? I thought so! Oh, to just fly away and soar to far and distant lands...wouldn't that be fun? Stop in China, then on to Italy and Israel and Argentina, maybe to England and Russia. What a trip we could have. Thank you for letting me dream through your picture. Love you, Nona
- on April 9, 2010
Wow...that dog going through the stomach reminds me of Lucy jumping on me. I think she goes through me, too. And the barking is just like Lucy, but the heart shows me I do love her! Good job Maddy...I love you, too! Nona
- on January 30, 2010
Wow, now you know how to weave and you have your own personal place mat. We will have to get you a loom next and you can start weaving clothes for everyone! Good Job Maddy...
- on December 8, 2009
Wow, did you get dizzy making all those circles! Round and round and round and round and round and round. But I do like that you made them in your favorite color...purple. Good Job, Maddy! And a good job in the play...excellent! Love, Nona
- on November 24, 2009
I like this one...very good symbols. See you can talk using symbols only. I think they were very smart indians, because they left us a wonderful story of their life. Thanks, Maddy!
- on March 8, 2009
well...I think spring is coming soon, because your colors are so bright and reminds me of spring, summer, flowers, Easter, swimming, the sun, grass, warmth, swimsuits, swings and slides, ocean, schools out, playing all day. vacation, camp, and all the other wonderful days of summer...thanks for the good reminder! Nona
- on February 17, 2009
This is really cool, I like how you are making things like this or the pinch pot, not just drawing pictures. Keep up the great work Maddy, you are very good.
- on January 21, 2009
Maddy I think this may be my favorite one you have done so far. I love the colors and the whole feel of the picture. I want this one for my office.
- on January 21, 2009
Very cool Maddy, this is just how I pictured it would look like a long time ago. I love all of your artwork.
- on January 21, 2009
If I am not mistaken this looks as if Speilberg used this as a template for his Jurrasic Park movies. The use of color and contrast makes one feel as if they were right there. In fact after looking at this masterpiece for a time I was startled by the dinosaurs as I thought they were real and coming after me. Great job Madelyn175.
- on January 21, 2009
Now that is a crazy piece of almost looks like your brother Alex may have drawn it. Just kidding...I know that is the kind of art that artist drew and you did a fabulous job. Keep it up!
- on October 29, 2008
Now that is beautiful...your colors are outstanding and it does look like a piece of Monet...excellent job! Love you, Nona
- on October 17, 2008
Now, Nona loves water that is really a nice bright sunny spring day. It is beautiful! You are going to have to keep on drawing and painting this summer, because it is so much fun to create pictures. Love you, Nona
- on May 21, 2008
You know Maddy - I thought you drew a picture of me...because I am just a spring chicken! That is a very cute picture...I do love chickens and I know you like to eat chicken fingers. Did you know that chickens really do not have fingers! So I don't know what you are eating maybe they are chicken toes???? It is a wonderful picture and keep on drawing! Nona
- on May 13, 2008
I love your version of space Maddy! Nice picture. Love, Grandma
- on May 1, 2008
Very cool! I hope you don't get lost in space in your class room, but pretty soon school is out. Sometimes you have to sit in class and dream about all the fun it will be this summer...Yeah. That is a wonderul picture...are you going to be an astronaut?
- on April 26, 2008
Wow Maddy! Every picture you make gets better and better. This looks like the work of someone older. Great job! Love Grandma
- on April 14, 2008
Wow! Tackling Picasso at such a young age is truly a daunting task, but this Madelyn175 shows that she is up to it. I would expect nothing less than this from her of course, but her continuing brilliance fills one with a sense of anticipation and hunger for her next project. Please hurry Madelyn175, please hurry.
- on April 8, 2008
When I first saw this picture come up on my computer I jumped back in fright for I thought it was a real bird coming toward me. What a truly beautiful piece. It breathes of Spring!!! Everytime I feel she can do no better she tops herself once again.
- on March 20, 2008
Simply amazing!!! Are you sure this genius is a 1st grader? Her technique is second to none, and I suspect we will see her work in the Louvre someday.
- on February 12, 2008
That is a happy, scarey cat! I wonder if he is as friendly as Checkers (you know the cat in my back yard)...I sure hope so! Good job Maddy...Love, Nona
- on February 12, 2008
This looks like the tree in my yard in the fall Maddy! You did such a good job on this picture and all the other artwork I see. I can't believe that you are only in first grade and doing this kind of work! I think you might be an artist someday? Grandma
- on January 11, 2008
this is very cute i couldn't even make one of these if i tried my very hardest you are a very talented girly
- on January 11, 2008
i wish i was able to make something this cool you will have to teach me sometime
- on January 11, 2008
maddy this is a very cute picture you are a very good artist
- on January 11, 2008
Was that penquin walking around in your backyard? I have not seen any at my house. I sure hope that penquin is staying! Good job Maddy! Love you, Nona
- on January 11, 2008
Great snowman! Very cool...a nice happy face and a beautiful purple scarf. Yes Maddy, I believe that is the finest snowman I have ever seen! Love, Nona
- on January 9, 2008
Another example of breath taking work. Her use of paper has set a new standard in the industry. Bravo Madelyn 175
- on January 9, 2008
I know I am no expert, but this just may be the finest example of a pinch pot that I have seen in many a year. Whoever this Madelyn175 is, she has a bright future ahead of her.
- on December 13, 2007