Brian1152's Comments (92)

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Below are comments about Brian1152's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a beautiful picture Brian! You are very talented and artistic! Love, Aunt Anita and Uncle Tommy
-- Anita
- on June 4, 2011
I want this one its, beautiful. One day Im going to see your art show at the Mall in Cape May and then who knows maybe New York City!!! You are very talented. Love you, Laurie
-- Laurie
- on May 20, 2011
Brian, You never cease to amaze me! Beautiful! I can't wait until you bring it home. I might hang it on one of my walls! Love Mommy
-- Mommy
- on May 20, 2011
What a beautiful picture! I bet if you made this for Grandma, she would love it! What a talented nephew I have!!!!! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on May 20, 2011
Well thats interesting! With all those pretty colored stripes I'd be smiling!
-- Laurie
- on May 1, 2011
Did he eat something bad? If I had to have stripes on my face, I would have you put them on me because you are so talented!
-- Lisa
- on May 1, 2011
I love this piece! Reminds me of spring! Uncle Mitchell was really impressed with it (actually all of your artwork)!!
-- Lisa
- on March 7, 2011
You never cease to amaze me with your artwork! Its beautiful
-- Laurie
- on March 7, 2011
Wow this is really neat! Keep up the good work.
-- Laurie
- on March 7, 2011
Wow that looks like me in the morning! Same color hair as mine! Great job! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on February 2, 2011
Its too cute! I wouldnt want to get rid of him so no antibiotics for me! Wonder what kind of sickness you get? Such a talented boy you are! Laurie
-- Laurie
- on January 29, 2011
A very colorful giraffe, maybe we could find one like him in a zoo this summer?! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on January 24, 2011
She looks scary, but not too scary! Love the feathers in her hat and her purple top! A fantastic job! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on January 24, 2011
Wow, Brian, I wish my germs looked that happy and colorful! Does this germ make your tummy sick or give you a runny nose? Very nice! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on January 24, 2011
Well well well another masterpiece! You really do nice artwork! Keep up the good work!
-- Laurie
- on January 19, 2011
Hi Brian, Looks just like the sculptures I see when I go with David to Mexico when he works there! I love the mexican artwork now I know someone who could make some for me hint hint hint!!! Your birthday present is coming I was a very forgetful lady this year! Laurie
-- Laurie
- on December 7, 2010
Your turkey is amazing! Great job Brian.
-- Mommy
- on December 7, 2010
Hey Brian, I thought you gave up drawing but boy was I wrong. This is fantastic!! Prettier than the ones that run around in my yard! Keep up the good work. How is school this year? Bet you are doing great. We have to get together. I miss you little man!
-- Laurei
- on December 7, 2010
Wow Brian, it is very lifelike! Great job! I think you found your calling in the art world!!!! Can't wait to see your art work in a gallery! I wish I had this for my Thanksgiving! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on December 7, 2010
Hi Brian, Very nice! By any chance is this someone we know?
-- Laurie
- on December 4, 2010
That's a great mask Brian!!!! Maybe you can make me one for Halloween when I dress up for the students? Again I love the color orange and the bright green makes the mask a happy one not scary! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell!!!!
-- Lisa
- on June 18, 2010
wow Brian thats beautiful! You have such talent
-- Laurie
- on May 13, 2010
You used my favorite colors again (orange and some purple)!!!! Love it! Great job!!!!! Love, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on May 13, 2010
Very cool horshoe crab! Good job Brian! Love, Mommy
-- Lydia
- on May 8, 2010
This is a great horseshoe crab! Maybe we can find one on the beach this summer! Do you think he will poke us with his tail? Keep up the great work! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on May 8, 2010
LOVE IT!!!!! Wow you are good (actually great)! My little Picasso!!!! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on April 18, 2010
Hi Brian, I wish I could find something that pretty on the beach!!!!! Looking forward to seeing you Sunday Love, Laurie
-- Laurie
- on April 18, 2010
Hi Brian, I absolutely love this!!! I want to hang it in my living room! Remember me when you become famous!!! Laurie
-- Laurie
- on April 9, 2010
I don't know which one I like the best?! You are getting better and better every time!! Can't wait to see the next one!! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on March 23, 2010
Who did you draw, your teacher? I love your attention to detail like the red lips! Great job, keep at it! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
-- Lisa
- on March 23, 2010
You think China would like playing with your blue dog? He is so cute -- did you design him after Minnie? Maybe I should have you make a portrait of China for us so we can display it on the wall!! Can't wait to see you! Love Aunt Lisa
- on February 1, 2010
Fantastic! I bet you are the best student in the art class! Makes me feel like I'm in the jungle! Can't wait to show Uncle Mitchell!! Love Aunt Lisa
- on February 1, 2010
Hi Brian What and interesting picture! What if your dog was purple and mine was pink! That would be funny! How is school going? Lisa said you are getting so big! Wish I didnt live way up here and you way down there! Does your dog love frisbees? Ours goes nut over them, all she wants is for us to throw them and she fetches them. She "talks" to us and throws the fribee in our laps if we ignore her!! Love, Laurie
- on January 30, 2010
Make me feel like spring is around the corner! Another great picture from a great kid! Love, Laurie
- on January 18, 2010
Wow Brian this is so pretty
- on January 18, 2010
That's a beautiful picture and I love the colors! I have a sweater with this design!! You are so talented! Love Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
- on December 26, 2009
What a great picture of Santa! Are you going to leave him this picture when he comes to your house on Christmas Eve? I bet he'll love it and leave you lots of presents! Love, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
- on December 26, 2009
hi Brian, Now thats a different type of Santa! I love his moustache! Hope to see you at Christmas! Love Laurie
- on December 13, 2009
Hi Brian, Again you amaze me with your artwork! Love, Laurie
- on November 24, 2009
Wow Brian, was that done with chalk? Are you flying in space? I can't wait to see more of your art work this year!!!! Have fun in school!!!!!! Love, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mitchell
- on October 18, 2009
Hi Brian, I've been waiting for a new piece of art from you and its finally here! Its very interesting but I have to tell you, you are much more handsome in persons!!! Love you and keep those pictures coming I enjoy looking at them! Laurie
- on October 18, 2009
Hi Brian All I can say is WOW! Laurie
- on June 14, 2009
Wow Brian! That is so cool! I could see that sculpture hanging in a museum! Love Emmy
- on June 14, 2009
That's a big fish Brian!! Think you have a fish like that living in the ocean by you?! Maybe we can get a pole and catch one!!! See you soon!
- on June 14, 2009
Hi Brian, Wow you amaze me everytime! What a colorful picture Laurie
- on May 26, 2009
What a scary monster! Are you learning about Mexican folk art? Can your monster fly -- I see wings! Looks like he has sharp teeth! Watch out!!!
- on May 26, 2009
Wow, that's a real scary mask Brian!! Loved your use of colors and appliques! Another perfect piece of art!!!
- on May 21, 2009
Hi Brian, Wow that looks like the real thing!. I go alot to Mexico and I see alot of artwork that looks just like this! Summer is almost here. Cant wait to play on the beach! Laurie
- on May 21, 2009
If the Statue of Liberty ever needed a makeover, I bet they would hire you Brian!!!!! Love the new hairstyle too!!! I love all your work!!!
- on March 21, 2009
Hi Brian I totally forgot to send you a comment about this one! This is fantastic. Please draw me a picture. Because, then I will have my own picture from the talented Brian Mikolajcziyk!!!!! Laurie
- on March 21, 2009
Hi Brian, Can you imagine how many more people would come to see the Statue of Liberty if it looked like this? You really are a talented artist!!!! Love Laurie
- on March 21, 2009
HiBrian, I love how you did the ligh effects You really are talented x0x0 Laurie
- on March 21, 2009
I can't get over how talented you are Brian! You're going to be a very famous artist one day! This picture is amazing Love Emmy
- on March 1, 2009
Brian you are amazing!! Uncle Mitchell brags about everything you do and thinks you should go to art school or have a "showing" of your work! Of course I love the colors and how you made subtle changes in the landscape! Beautiful!!!!!
- on March 21, 2009
- on February 17, 2009
Hi Brian, That is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have that picture to frame? If not I would love you to make me one. I really am impressed with your artwork! Hope to see you soon! Laurie
- on February 17, 2009
This picture is great! I love how you blended the colors in the sky! Love Emmy
- on February 17, 2009
Hi Brian, I love all the fall colors. Keep up the good work! Laurie
- on January 14, 2009
Wow, those leaves look so real! And all those lines are so detailed, it's great Brian!
- on December 4, 2008
Another great artwork Brian!!!! Love the colors and attention to detail -- great job!!!!
- on November 16, 2008
Hi Brian, Every piece of artwork is better than the last!! YOu are amazing. Keep up the good work Laurie
- on November 16, 2008
That's such a scary monster!! I love it!
- on November 1, 2008
wow Im scared!!!! That is some monster you made. Is it out of tissue paper Love you and Happy Halloween Laurie
- on November 1, 2008
Very pretty use of colors! Keep up the good work Brian!!!!
- on September 28, 2008
Brian, I learned all about Klee in my art class last year! You did such a good job with all the colors in the background and your fish is amazing! Love Emmy
- on September 28, 2008
HI Brian, What a beautiful picture! Did you use crayons, craypas or pastels or maybe even paint? The colors are so bright it makes me feel like Im under the sea too! Hows first grade? Such a big boy now. How come you grew up so fast? Please make some more beautiful pictures for us to see! Love Laurie :)
- on September 28, 2008
Hi Brian, Wow wish I could eat this it looks so good!!!!!Make sure you keep drawing pictures over the summer and make sure you make one for me! Love you, Laurie
- on September 28, 2008
That giant ice cream sundae looks so yummy!!!
- on September 28, 2008
YUMMY!! I hope you have my favorite flavors in that sundae!!!
- on September 28, 2008
Hi Brian, Wow just when I think you couldnt do a better picture you do!!! Keep up the good work Hugs and kisses, Laurie
- on September 28, 2008
Brian, You used my favorite colors (orange and purple)!!!! Another beautiful piece of art!!!! Please make one for me!!!! I love to hang one of your pieces in my home!!!
- on September 28, 2008
Hi Brian, Wow you are so talented! You can paint, color and do mosaic's! Pretty soon we'll see you in the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art! Love you, Laurie
- on September 28, 2008
Another beautiful piece from Brian!!!! Good work!!!
- on September 28, 2008
Looks as if we have a artist in the family!!! I think this is my favorite out of all of them!!!!
- on April 30, 2008
Hi Brian, Wow that is beautifl. You really are a very good artist. Emily and I both want to have this picture to hang on the wall. Every picture you draw is fantastic. I dont know which one I like the best! Maybe this summer you can make a picture for me to take home! See you soon. Love, Laurei
- on April 30, 2008
I love this picture! I'm learning about Georgia O'Keeffe in my art class too. My mom and I want a print of this to hang in our house! You have to teach me how to do all the drawings you can do! Love Emmy
- on April 30, 2008
Fall is my favorite season!! Good job!!!!
- on April 30, 2008
I loved owls when I was your age!!! Another wonderful job!!!
- on April 30, 2008
Brian, I love all the hearts and flowers! Even the art teacher at our high school loves your work and can't believe you are only 6 yrs old!!!!
- on April 30, 2008
That is such a great picture! I wish I could frame it and hang it in my room!!
- on April 30, 2008
Hi Brian, that is fantastic!! I'd like to frame it and hang it in my living room wait till Emily sees it. She will have to write another paper on it for her professor! Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you and Emily and I will see you soon. Love Laurie
- on April 30, 2008
Hi Brian, I really like your owl mask. I wish the owl in our tree was that colorful Laurie
- on January 21, 2008
Brian, These are all of my favorite colors! When you get famous can you paint a picture for me? Love Emmy
- on January 21, 2008
Wow Brian I think you are going to be an artist someday! You should do a series, Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer collection of "The Tree"!! Keep up the good work! Laurie
- on January 21, 2008
What a beautiful picture!! I love sunsets and want to hang this artwork in my bedroom!!! Aunt Lisa
- on November 30, 2007
Brian, what a beautiful sunset! You're so talented! Love Emmy
- on November 10, 2007
Hi Brian, I really like the picture. You use such pretty colors. You know what, My refridgerator is kind of empty. Scott, Marc, and Emmy dont bring home any more pictures for me. Would you draw a picture for my refridgerator? Laurire
- on November 10, 2007
Brian, I love your fish!!! You are so talented!!!! Then again, I love everything you do!!!! Aunt Lisa
- on November 10, 2007
Hey Brian, Wow, you're a natural Piscaso! Keep up the great painting! Love Emmy
- on November 2, 2007
Brian, I love your painting. I like all the colors you used. This would look really nice in my living room, the colors match the colors in my pillows. Valerie
- on November 2, 2007
Hi brian, I like your picture. It is so colorful Laurie, Emmy's Mom
- on November 2, 2007
You did a great job! The fish is nice and colorful!!
- on November 2, 2007