Declan3500's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Declan3500's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi, Declan. I like your "Little Old Lady." She reminds me of the book, I know an Old lady Who Swallowed a Fly.
- Grammy on May 22, 2024 NEW
Hi, Declan! Your new pet looks very soft and cuddly and had a sweet face. I like the three colors you chose. They compliment each other nicely.
- Grammy on February 14, 2024
What a cool project for wintertime! Did you make it with a blue paper plate?
- Grammy on December 27, 2023
WOW!! You know how much I love sunflowers! Great job, Declan!
- Grammy on November 15, 2023
You did an awesome job in building your ice cream cone. It looks delicious! Culver's should make flavors like yours. Mmmmm!!
- Grammy on November 15, 2023
Hello, Declan! I really like your latest project with the birch trees. It reminds me of the house where I lived in New York State when I was your age. We had several right outside my bedroom window where wrens built nests and sang all day. :)
- Grammy on November 16, 2022
Hello, Declan. I am so excited to see your weaving project online. When we were talking about it on Monday I had no idea what it would look like. I love how you used colors and added the balls near the center. I can't wait to see it and have you tell me more!
- Grammy on October 19, 2022
This is amazing Declan, great job honey! Your detail in the tiger is just awesome!
- Julie (Mother) on October 11, 2022
Hi Declan! I love all the texture and symmetry in your new art piece. Is the frame made made from purple straps of paper? They give it a lot of demention.
- Grammy on May 11, 2022
Hi, Declan! I can hardly wait to have you tell me about your project. Yku used so many pretty colors!
- Grammy on March 30, 2022
Hi, Declan! What a colorful leaf you created. It added a lot to the beauty of fall.
- Grammy on December 1, 2021
Hello, Declan! I just saw your uniquely created butterfly. You did a great job and are off to a good start in art. I'll be watching for your next project.
- Grammy on November 3, 2021
One of my favorite books is Rainbow Fish. I did lots of projects with my classes when I was the teacher. You did a wonderful job!
- Grammy on July 7, 2021
Hi, Declan! I love the colors and motion that I see in this project. I can hardly wait to have you tell me all about it!
- Grammy on July 7, 2021
Hello, Declan! I just saw your newest art work! It is beautiful!! I really like the colors you chose and how you grouped them. Plus, it's three dimensional. Great job! :) xo
- Grammy on February 24, 2021
Declan! I love the beautiful colors you chose especially in the turtle's water.
- Grammy(fan) on December 9, 2020
Great job, Declan! I love it!
- Nana on October 14, 2020