Elijah23720's Comments (40)

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Below are comments about Elijah23720's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Eli, your art work is just amazing! Such detail and hard work went into this drawing! Really wonderful work. Keep it up. We love you. Grandma and Papa
- Papa and Grandma on April 3, 2024
Eli, what a beautiful and detailed piece of art you created! It makes us remember Charleston and the old homes we saw there with the wrought iron gates. Also, we think of New Orleans with the wrought iron railings of the balconies on Bourbon Street and the great good they had there. We even ate raw oysters in New Orleans. Your art is exceptional! Love you, Grandma and Papa.
- Papa and Grandma on April 3, 2024
Elijah, this is a very fascinating piece of art! It looks like a real glass cube that you can actually look into and through it. This is so complicated! We don’t know how you made it so real looking. Keep on creating these beautiful art works! Love you, Grandma and Papa.
- Papa and Grandma on December 1, 2023
Elijah, we really like this painting! Beautiful! We can almost see and smell the ocean and can easily imagine that the birds are seagulls and pelicans. Very interesting scene. You do great work! We love you! Papa and Grandma.
- Grandma and Papa on November 8, 2023
Wow, Eli! This scene that you painted is absolutely beautiful! I love the different scales of color and shade that you used! Keep doing the great work that you are doing! Your mommy and I are so proud of your desire to learn!
- Matt (Father) on October 28, 2023
Very, very interesting artwork, Elijah! We love being able to see your work and we know you are doing great things. Keep up your drawing skills. Beautiful work! Love you, Grandma and Papa
- Joe on October 28, 2023
Elijah, such a beautifully designed and colored piece of art! You are wonderful! This drawing reminds us of the time we took your Daddy with us on a trip out west where we saw many cactus plants and even an Indian reservation. We saw the Grand Canyon, the red rocks of Sadona, Arizona and many Hispanic crafts and artwork. Your art is so good it brings back happy memories. Love you and your art! Grandma and Papa
- Joe on October 4, 2023
Elijah, your Patterned Circles artwork is so precise and the colors are so well chosen. Just beautiful! You can be very proud of this work! We love you lots!! Grandma and Papa
- Grandma and Papa on September 13, 2023
What an interesting little beach comer! And is that a surfer I see in the background? How clever! Makes us want to go to the beach. Keep drawing Eli - you get better all the time! Love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
- Papa and Grandma on June 21, 2023
Eli, what an interesting piece of art! We can see a spider, two dragon flies, a bee, a fly, and a worm. If we look harder we will probably see even more. Love the spider web you drew! When Papa was in biology class in high school, he had to collect bugs and insects for class and had to find the names of all of them in a book on insects. That was fun to do! We love you Elijah - keep working hard in school. You are doing great!
- Papa and Grandma on May 25, 2023
Elijah, we love your woven artwork. This is a very interesting ant beautifully colored piece of art. Your Great Grandfather, Russell (Papa’s Father) was very good at making things with his hands. He was a really good painter and wallpaper hanger and he also loved to make all kinds of beautiful things out of wood. His favorite wood was walnut. Your Great Grandmother, Cletus (Papa’s mother) was also very good with her hands. She liked to make things from cloth like sewing and crocheting things but she was also a very good cook. Your Great Grandfather and Grandmother, Louis and Katherine, (Grandma’s father and mother) were also very good at working with their hands and cooking. They all would have so proud of the art work that you, Gabe, and Theo do. Thank you for the great work you are doing! We love you!
- Papa and Grandma on May 25, 2023
Hello again Eli! We always enjoy seeing what new artwork you come up with. Did you know that you can tell the age of a tree by counting how many circles there are as you look at the grain of a tree that had to be cut down? We had to have a Pine tree cut down after a terrible wind storm damaged it so much it could not be planted upright again. We were very sad because your Daddy had planted that tree when he was about your age. It was almost 40 years old. Your drawing makes us happy to help us remember your Daddy as a little boy. Very nice work Eli! We love you!??Grandma and Papa
- Papa and Grandma on March 6, 2023
Very clever. Love the way you show the four seasons in one picture! And your colors and brush strokes are beautiful! Really nice work Eli. We love you! Papa and Grandma
- Grandma and Papa on March 6, 2023
Eli, your drawing of Reverend Martin Luther King is so detailed it’s amazing! It’s nice that you know who he is. He became a very famous and powerful man because he believed in faith, peace, love for all people, kindness, and honesty! Be like that and you can do anything! We love you!
- Grandma and Papa on February 1, 2023
Eli, this is a very interesting work of art! The details you included in your drawing make it look so real. You can almost feel the chilly winter air. Looks more like Indiana than South Carolina. The moon casting shadows from each tree is a detail that makes it seem like you are outside seeing this scene in person! Very nice job, Eli! Love you lots! Grandma and Papa
- Papa and Grandma Rowe on January 11, 2023
Elijah, this is a sweet looking Scarecrow. We think he looks so nice that birds aren’t going to fly away; instead they will like to come visit him like the Crow that is sitting on his right arm! You did such a very neat job choosing beautiful colors and staying perfectly within the lines that you drew. We really enjoyed Mr. Scarecrow! We love ?? you Eli! Grandma and Papa ??????
- Grandma and Papa on November 30, 2022
Fascinating! Elijah, we always enjoy looking at your artwork. The colors you use are so pretty and you do such neat work. It shows that you care about your work and are careful to do it right. We were taught by our parents that if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing right. And that’s what you do! We’re proud of you. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Grandma and Papa on November 30, 2022
Elijah! You have done it again! You’ve created a beautiful piece of art that brings such a feeling of pleasure to mind. It’s so relaxing to sit and enjoy all the wonderful colors you have included in your color wheel umbrella. (We always remember that when your Daddy was learning to say umbrella, he always said “brella”. It took us a long time to get him to add the “um” in front. That was one of his first words after learning to say Mama and Daddy). So keep using your great imagination and creativity! You are doing GREAT! Love you lots ??! Grandma and Papa
- Mary Kay and Joe on October 26, 2022
Eli, your artwork shows such great imagination! The detail in your self-portrait’s sunglasses is amazing! The swimming pool and beach scene in the glasses make us think about the fun we have with you and your brothers in Florida! The hair, mouth, and teeth on your drawing are done so nicely that we think of you for sure when we look at this smiling, happy guy! Keep creating the wonderful masterpieces of art! We love you, Grandma and Papa
- Grandma Mary Kay and Papa Joe on September 22, 2022
Sorry about the last comment with the two question marks! You know we love you without question!!!!
- Papa and Grandma on July 13, 2022
Elijah, we really enjoyed this artwork. Such an interesting and colorfully designed cat. You have a very sharp imagination! You just keep getting better all the time! We love ?? you!
- Papa and Grandma on June 26, 2022
We just love your beautiful picture of a stained glass window. It is so peaceful and pleasing to look at. Thank you for creating something that shows your love of Jesus. We love you so much and we love your brothers Gabe and Theo. Be sure to always be a good example for them just like you are doing now! Grandma and Papa
- Grandma and Papa on March 23, 2022
Such a beautiful pics of art. We are so proud of you Elijah! Thank you for doing nice work like this. Your Momma and Daddy are very proud of you and Gabe and Theo too! You are all very precious boys to all of us. We ?? you all!
- Grandma and Papa on March 2, 2022
Your New Year’s artwork is very colorful and expressive! You should be proud! Remember that you are able and o do such nice work because you have a wonderful Mama and Daddy. Always be nice to them and to your brothers too! We love you and enjoy your art always. Papa and Grandma
- Mary Kay and Joe on February 9, 2022
Eli, Grandma and I just love your beautiful artwork! Keep drawing, coloring, and painting these wonderful pieces of art! We love you, Papa and Grandmama
- Joe on February 2, 2022
Hi Eli, What a Great Piece of Art Work! Papa and I really liked the way you enhanced the beautiful monarch butterfly by using the contrast of light and dark blue for the background! We also thought you did a wonderful job making the wings look similar in flight! Thank you for showing us your hard work. Don’t forget to thank your teacher for teaching you to become an artist. We Love ?? You Eli, Grandma
- Grandmama on July 7, 2021
Eli, I really loved your Monarch Butterfly! You made it look so real that I thought it was going to fly out of the picture and land on my nose! Another beautiful job, Eli! So proud of you and your work! Papa
- Papa on July 7, 2021
Hi Elijah, I just love looking at your artwork. I know you worked so hard to make it just right and it’s so pretty! Keep doing good in everything you try and many good things will come to you! We love you so much!
- Grandmama on May 5, 2021
Eli, your drawing is just great! It brings light and happiness to my day each time I look at it. Wonderful colors and such a good imagination you have! Really nice work! Papa is so proud of you!
- Papa on May 5, 2021
Elijah, your creation of a sucker looms just delicious! Very nice job!
- Mary Kay(fan) on April 14, 2021
Eli, you are so creative and an inspiration to me! I love your artwork buddy! Keep up the great work!
- Daddy on April 14, 2021
Eli, your Grandmama and Papa are so proud of you and your artwork! This work is so beautiful and so detailed. It must have taken a long time to do this artwork. Keep working hard in school. We love you very much!
- Grandmama and Papa on February 24, 2021
I think Eli is a wonderful artist. He creates things like his bubble gum machine that look like you can actually use them. Great colors, very nicely done! Really pleasing piece of art to look at. Keep up the good work, Eli!
- Joe (Papa) on February 24, 2021
Eli, you did such a beautiful job drawing and coloring your bubble gum machine. It is drawn with such detail using the primary and secondary colors that I could almost put a coin in the machine ant get a delicious piece of bubble gum to chew. Great job ??! I look forward to seeing your next artwork.
- Mary Kay (Grandmama) on February 24, 2021
Eli, you painted the most beautiful picture of a Rhino. I love the colors you chose especially! And all the shapes that you used in the side of the Rhino are so well drawn. A really beautiful painting! Keep doing more wonderful things like this one, Eli. Grandmama
- Mary Kay(fan) on November 18, 2020
Eli, your painting of a Rhino is so beautiful! The colors are so warm and interesting and flow together like the colors of a rainbow adding to the joy of viewing this work. The detail of various shapes included in the Rhino’s hide is amazing! A true piece of art! Great job Eli!! Papa.
- Joe(fan) on November 18, 2020
Eli, you painted the most beautiful picture of a Rhino. I love the colors you chose especially. And all the shapes that you used in the side of the Rhino are so well drawn! A really beautiful painting! Keep doing more wonderful things like this one Eli!
- Grandmama on November 18, 2020
Eli’s painting of a Rhino is so beautiful! The colors are so warm and interesting and flow together like the colors of a rainbow adding to the joy of viewing this work! The detail of various shapes included in the Rhino’s hide is amazing! A true piece of art! Great job Eli!!
- Joe on November 18, 2020
Eli’s painting of a Rhino is so beautiful! The colors are so warm and interesting and flow together like the colors of a rainbow adding to the joy of viewing this work! The detail of various shapes included in the Rhino’s hide is amazing! A true piece of art! Great job Eli!!
- Joe on November 18, 2020
I Elijah’s artwork is beautifully done! Truly a work of perfection. His colors are inspiring and his handy work is awesome!
- Mary Kay & Joe on October 21, 2020