Ava30650's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Ava30650's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ava, I really like this artwork. It can be interpreted in so many different ways, and I see it differently at various times on the same day ! Brilliant. Love you. Grandpa +
- Grandpa on May 15, 2024
I love this! Conceptually, It is very sophisticated and well done. Super assignment by teacher and effectively done by Ava. Great job, Ava! You had to use your brain to figure out how it would look. Please tell your teacher, I think she is doing a great job helping you view things from different perspectives! ??????
- Nana on May 15, 2024
This is a fun project. Great job on the slab cube. I used to have trouble getting slabs to stay straight. What do the little forms like the heart mean to you? Wish I could see it from all sides. The colors remind me of the Oak Park High School colors. Nice choices in complimentary colors. Please, be sure to show it to me, when you bring it home. Hope I can see you soon. Love, Nana
- Nana on March 13, 2024
This is extraordinary and so beautiful. I love the conceptual approach. The colors are gorgeous and well thought out and placed. I would buy this in a second. I love it so much. Such talented fingers and mind!
- Nana on March 13, 2024
I love your use of color and the thickness of the strips. The contrast between their differences is lovely. This fun piece reminds me of a 1930’s palette. You are quite a sophisticated artist.
- Nana on March 13, 2024
Dear Ava, I am very fond of this artwork. It reminds me of the “Tin Man” in the Wizard of Oz, and also suggests a strong person dealing with a difficult situation while maintaining a positive attitude. That is such a wise and caring way to go through life. I love you. Grandpa +
- Grandpa on November 14, 2023
Dearest Ava, This is really beautiful. I like the colors, which are very dramatic. It is visually complex with all of the various line patterns interweaving across the background. At first I thought of an amoeba, then a flying saucer, then a complex shell from the ocean. I really enjoy seeing your artwork. So many things to see in this. The skulls look like lightbulbs from far away. So many meanings! So proud of you! Love, Nana
- Nana on November 8, 2023
Ava, I really like the outer strength that contains the inner chaos that I see in this work. To me, it represents the struggle we all have to be best ourselves at the same time that we are responding to invitations from others to be what they think is best.
- Grandpa + on October 2, 2023
I enjoy the rhythms in this piece. So many interesting shapes moving in contrast with and to each other. The color values enclose it almost like a frame with an opening that is more open but I see a dog head guarding that end frame or maybe it is coming in to explore. I like this artwork because it is a space I can explore, almost like I am looking down at a city. Great job!
- Nana Judith on October 2, 2023
I think this is one of your several creations that invites reflection, and I appreciate your use of color, texture, and space. You cause to see many things in myself and in the world that it would be easy to overlook. Thank you sharing your gift.
- Grandpa + on September 27, 2023
Pretty pink pot! It is such a shiny, happy color. Makes me think of hugging you. Hugging you always makes me happy. Funny how art can make you feel things just through shape and color.
- Nana on September 23, 2023
The soft, pretty colors of this pinched bowl drew me to it right away. They look like heaven colors. It would be a nice bowl to put your earrings or necklace in when you are too tired to put them completely away. Or just like to keep them safely out to enjoy looking at them. You have such a wonderful way with colors!
- Nana on September 27, 2023
I love this snow angel. She looks like she is floating or skating across a frozen pond. She makes me smile.
- Nana on September 27, 2023
I just got to see your Artsonia site. I am so excited to see all your artwork from Irving. This paper shape person is very cool. I like the face. It is friendly. The green ball arm joints will let his arms move easily. Nice design! Great work!
- Nana on September 27, 2023
Wow! This is so creative and beautiful!
- Carina (Mother) on November 18, 2019