Reece71's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Reece71's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You're all about the peace and love! Well I'd Love to have a Peace of Cake! hahahaha great work fudge! Dad
-- Dad
- on March 23, 2012
I love this one Reece - it has a kind of 60's vibe to it, and since I'm a "child of the 60's" (I was in high school in the 60's)... I love it! Keep up the good work. And let me know when you're singing again - I'd love to come and hear you in person.
-- Kathy
- on March 23, 2012
Your best yet! It's even a little creepy, like I picture a mummy would be... but really really good. You definitely have the eye for art. Good job!
-- Kathy
- on March 23, 2012
Who's your Mummy! Great work Reece! This is definitely a Fridge hanger! Keep it up.. Love you ReeRee. DeeDee
-- Dad
- on March 23, 2012
Hi Reece, Not sure how I missed this one when it first came out last week, but I actually think it's one of my favorites! I love the colors and the perspective you created with the different shapes. Awesome! I hope you and Annalisa and your Mom and Dad had a great Thanksgiving and are ready to have the best Christmas ever!
-- Kathy
- on November 30, 2011
What a really cool picture. Its nice to see that you know how to color in the lines. Only took you 11 years! Great work. Love you. Dad
-- John
- on November 22, 2011
Awesome job again, Reece! And what a great topic for a poster - bullying is so mean and makes people feel so bad - glad you're fighting against it! Love the design - keep up the good work!
-- Kathy
- on November 22, 2011
Great job Reece! Your artwork is amazing - and so are you! Hope to see you soon.
-- Kathy
- on June 6, 2011
Reece, you're getting better all the time! Very cool 3d imagery. I'm so proud of you! Dad
-- Dad
- on May 16, 2011
Reece, Every piece of art you create is amazing - this one is so cool... love the perspective. And by the way, you sing like an angel too - I saw you on youtube... awesome! Hope to see you soon.
-- Kathy
- on May 16, 2011
Wow, another great piece of art by my little artist. Keep up the good work! Love you, Daddy
-- john
- on January 30, 2011
Reece, your artwork gets better every time! And I hear you're singing too - excellent!! We're very proud of you, girlfriend! Love, Miss Kathy
-- Kathy
- on January 30, 2011
What a great Job fudge! You get better and better all the time! Love you!
-- Daddy
- on November 29, 2010
Hi Reece! It's been awhile since I've seen you (hope you remember me!). Anyway, your latest artwork is pretty awesome, and good advice too! Keep up the good work - and the cheerleading - and the singing (I saw your National Anthem video awhile ago too - great job and that's a very hard song to sing). Hope to see you again soon!
-- Kathy
- on November 29, 2010
Hi Reece, Baby girl you are getting better each year! Love, Aunt Myrtle DTI
- on January 28, 2010
Great portrait Reece! I love the effect - it almost looks like the girl (is it you? your sister?)... anyway, it almost looks like she's falling backward! Keep up the good work, Happy New Year, and I hope we'll see you soon. Miss Kathy
- on January 6, 2010
Wow Reece, this is the coolest so far! IS this you or your big footed sister! lol Love you.. Dad!
- on January 5, 2010
Awesome aquarium, Reece! I've been wanting one for my living room... maybe I should hang yours! Keep up the good work - hope to see you again soon. Miss Kathy
- on May 6, 2009
Terrific job on the aquarium! I'm proud of you. Daddy
- on May 5, 2009
Fantastic job on the flower picture. I love the rainbow watering can. It has all of my favorite colors. You did an awesome job Reece!!!!
- on June 1, 2008
Your last artwork as a 2nd grader! What a great job. I'm thinking an icecream cone but i got no idea wht the thing on the top is unless its sprinkles. But what do dad's know. At least there isn't a cheerleader like every one of annalisa's! Love you fudge.. daddy.
- on May 28, 2008
Reece, Excellent job on your still life painting
- on January 23, 2008
Wow Reece! This one is awesome - they're getting better every time! Some day when you'r'e a famous artist, I'll be able to say I knew you when you first started! Keep up the good work!! Kathy
- on January 17, 2008
Terrific work Fudge! It gets better and better all the time. You sure make your ole dad proud! Love you!
- on January 15, 2008
WOW!!! All the talented and great looking kids must live in our neighborhood! Spring break is just around the corner so we will have to have an art and crafts day together! Your picutres are fabulous! Love ~ Cayla, Courtney, Will, Jeff, and Carla
- on March 27, 2007
This is amazing!!! I had no idea you were an artist too! I knew you could dance, but this is great! I'll have to show Christian - maybe his school could start putting artwork out here too! Great job Reece - I bet Mom and Dad are really proud of you!! Miss Kathy (Christian and Olivia's Nana)
- on March 16, 2007
WOW! That is really Awesome! I'm gonna have to show that to Matt and Dan and Mike! They are going to be really impressed by you as an artist! Thanks for sharing with me!
- on March 14, 2007
OMG.. this has to be the most beautiful butterfly i ever did see!!! I think this would look very cool on the side of a chopper! Love you Fudge, Daddy
- on March 12, 2007
WOW. I can't believe how cool this is. Almost looks like a purple sponge bob. I'm very proud of you Fudge! Love you.. Daddy
- on March 12, 2007