CaseyU1's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about CaseyU1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Awesome job Casey! Love the design with your name. and your colors are so bright and vibrant. You nailed this project. Keep up the great work.
- on February 3, 2010
Casey, This is awesome! Your elephant looks great and the placement and size of your grass, animal and trees are right on!!!! You must frame it and hang it proudly. Keep up the great work. Shelly C.
- on March 7, 2009
Casey: Love this, especially the colors.
- on March 7, 2009
Great work!
- on November 27, 2007
I just enjoyed looking at all art work you completed. This is as good as any of the others. Grandpa Al
- on November 3, 2007
Very good work!! I sure like your color selection.
- on September 19, 2007
Your snake painting is one of the best. Grandpa Al
- on June 28, 2007
Thank you, Casey. Your work is so good!! Grandpa Al
- on March 12, 2007
Casey; You do very nice work on snow pictures. I never had my work ever placed on the internet. Uncle John
- on February 10, 2007
great job! I miss the snow here in California so it is nice to see your artwork with the snow depicted.
- on February 7, 2007
Finally got your art to come up on the computer. Good work, Casey!!
- on February 6, 2007
You did a better job on your tree than I did with mine when I was a 5th grader. Grandpa Al
- on January 30, 2007
You did a better job on your tree than I did with mine when I was a 5th grader. Grandpa Al
- on January 30, 2007
Casey, We Love this artwork!!!! We are enjoying the same artwork with the Cutting Board you gave us. Thanks, Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Erv
- on January 3, 2007