Jacob3243's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Jacob3243's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jacob, What an awesome bird! He looks tough and mean, like jays are. I like that vivid blue contrasted with the black head. The bright yellow backgroud make it jump out from the paper. I like the pattern on his back and wings. Do you watch and/or feed the birds? We like to see all the different breeds that come to our feeders. I love to hear the birds sing early in the morning. It is a nice sound to wake up to. Enjoy the summer. It will pass quickly. Love, Aunt Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on July 29, 2012
Jacob, What a cool cat! I love the depth and demension of your ceramic feline. The colors are vivid. They sparkle!! What imagination to use nails for his whiskers! Did you use flat marbles for his eyes?? It's hard to tell from the picture. Thanks for sharing your art with me. I enjoy seeing your creations. Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on May 26, 2012
Jacob, I love your snowflake. It is beautiful and colorful. Keep up the great artwork. Grandma
-- Kalene
- on January 7, 2012
Jacob, WOW! What a neat paper star! I can appreciate the delicate cutting and bending the paper "just right". I know my fingers couldn't make that beauty out of paper. Hope your Christmas was happy. Keep creating beautiful things for the world to admire! Love, Pearl
-- Pearl
- on January 7, 2012
Jacob, The patterns that you put on your leaves are very interesting. There are many patterns in nature. God has put them everywhere. Your class is doing more detailed work now. It helps you think and notice small things that are sometimes overlooked in our busy and electronic world. Pay attention to little things...details. Those little, tiny things are sometimes the most important. When I was small (2nd or 3rd grade), I would collect leaves in the fall and pin them on my bedroom curtains. They would stay there until they dried up and crumbled. Thanks for jogging that memory for me. I haven't thought of it in years. It was a bedroom that I had to share with my little brother, your Grandpa! :-) Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on January 7, 2012
Dear Jacob, I like the book bag that you drew and painted. You are doing detailed work again. Maybe you could be a draftsman someday?! I'm sure work like that is done with computers now. Do you ever create art on your computer? I wouldn't know how to begin to do that. I love the water colors that you picked. They are vibrant and beautiful! So vivid and alive! Keep on having a good time with your art creations! And thanks for sharing them with me! Love, Aunt Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on November 12, 2011
Jacob, I love your Halloween drawing. The pumpkin is neat and the bats are scary. Love Grandma
-- Kalene
- on November 12, 2011
Jacob, Love your Halloween water-color! You've included almost every spooky symbol for the holiday. I like the jack-o-lantern and the big harvest moon. The bats are cool, too. I enjoy seeing your art work. Thanks for sharing your creations with me. Have fun treat or treating this week! Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on November 12, 2011
Jacob, It's a new school year and you're back at your art work. Drawing details of an object is something that I don't do very well. People that can do it are truly gifted. If you enjoy this type of art, practice at home drawing things and objects that you see. Doing it will help you skills of observation, and of course, your skill at drawing what you see. Everyone sees the world around them, but there are those that see the little things. It is very important to stop and see the small unnoticed things in life. Sometimes they are the most important things, and they are overlooked. Look, observe, and take notice of what you see! Love, Aunt Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on October 4, 2011
Hi there Jacob! Did you have fun with this project? Bugs and insects are boy things, so I'm sure you enjoyed it. There are stink bugs headed west, from the east coast. I guess they will join the orange Lady Bugs and add to our pest level. The background of your picture looks like it was tie-dyed. Have you ever made a tie-dyed T-shirt? You need buckets of hot water with different colors of dye in each. You take a white T-shirt and make tucks and creases in it, held in place with rubber bands. Then you dip your shirt into the colors that you want---part of it, or all of it. When you are done with the colors you rinse the shirt in cold water. It is a fun thing to do. Outside works best. Having the garden hose ready to provide the cold rinse water is good. When you remove the rubber bands, white appears where they scrunched the material together. Maybe that is something that you and Ashley could try this summer. Enjoy your time off! Love, Aunt Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on October 4, 2011
Your talent is great. It is very colorful. Grandma Corwin
-- Kalene
- on April 21, 2011
Hey there, Jacob! This is truly a different project. It is colorful & I bet it was fun to make. I guess that I am surprised that you didn't get to use duct tape as a medium. :-) I love the green that you chose to use. Enjoy the little time that is left of the school year doing your art. To create is a human need. It is taking something from inside you, and making it so the world can see it. Enjoy! Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on April 21, 2011
Jacob, Your birch trees are strikingly beautiful. I love the colors in the sky. At sunrise and sunset you can see the most wonderful colors! Not a single sunrise or sunset is the same. On visits to Myrtle Beach I would always get up in the dark and walk on the beach just to see the sun come up over the ocean. I see that you did shadows, too. That's what makes your picture real. Good work, as always! Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on February 10, 2011
Your birch trees are very colorful. The fence makes the picture look so real. Love Grandma
-- kalene
- on February 6, 2011
Jacob, I am very puzzled by this artwork. I am not sure what I am looking at. Are you trying to be another Picaso? I do like your colors and your bold, powerful strokes. I went to your school's site and found art by your sister, Ashley. Now I can look at her art, too. Keep on having fun and creating!!! I enjoy seeing what you make, even if I don't always understand it. :-) Love, Pearl
-- Pearl
- on February 6, 2011
Jacob, keep up the great work. You are making grandma proud of your art work. Grandma Corwin
-- Kalene
- on February 6, 2011
Hello Jacob! Your Nutcracker still life is so cool. It would make a great Christmas card. You are learning so much. I don't know how to take a digital color photo, and then make part of it black & white. Art is giving you many skills, and you have fun, too. Keep on learning and enjoying your art class! Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on February 6, 2011
Hi Jacob, Love your latest creation! I had to look up Aminah Robinson and find out who she was. She leads an interesting life and lives nearby in Columbus. Some of her work is on display there. It is amazing that she uses so many different materials in her art. I like the word "RagGonNons" She, like you, was drawn to art early in her life. Keep expressing yourself in your art. It is a gift from God. Love, Pearl
-- Pearl
- on January 19, 2011
You are becoming quite a little artist. Keep up the great work. Love Grandma
-- Kalene
- on January 12, 2011
Jacob, What a beautiful, ceramic heart! Are you going to hang it on your Christmas tree? Your Great-Grandma Corwin worked with ceramics. She painted green-ware and then fired the items in a kiln that she had. She was pretty creative, as she also sewed. Maybe that's where some of your artistic abilities come from. Hope that you are having a great year at school. Enjoy your Christmas vacation, and have a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy 2011. Love, Pearl
-- Pearl
- on December 11, 2010
Hi Jacob! What a nice surprise to find new artwork by you to enjoy! That's a different way to "write" your name. At first I thought of a pin wheel, but it also resembles a flower. There must be math involved with all the letters starting at a center point. I hope that you are enjoying your new year at school. Be happy creating your art. Study hard with all your other subjects. Say "Hi!" to Ashley. Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on October 2, 2010
Dear Jacob, Who would think that an artist would draw desserts---pies, cakes,etc.??? Sharing your art creations with me, is also educating me. By looking up Thiebaud I found out that he was a cartoonist, before he started painting desserts. At least you don't have to worry about the calories from his creations. Thanks again for sharing your talent. I enjoy looking at your work. Happy summer!! Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on October 2, 2010
Jacob, I don't know the technique that you used for this---pop art reduction, doesn't mean anything to me. But it is interesting. Did you trace around your arm, hand and fingers? I'd really like to know. The colors that you chose are vibrant! Keep drawing or painting during the summer. Your Grandpa said that you are playing baseball. Have fun with that, too. Summer will fly by quickly. Enjoy yourself! Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on October 2, 2010
Jacob---What cool Scooby-Doo's!! I love that colors that you chose! Do kids still watch him on TV? Have you ever tried to duplicate the comics in the Sunday paper? That might be something to try---to see how close your drawing is to the one that you copy. Is painting your favorite medium? Or, do you just love creating whatever your class is trying to do? Thanks again for sharing your talent with me. I enjoy looking at your work. Have you ever visited an art museum? There is one in Toledo, and one in Dayton. Enjoy the rest of your school year! Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on May 13, 2010
Jacob, This clay sun will make a good Mother's Day present for your mom. Did you have fun working your hands in the clay? Isn't it amazing how painting and firing the clay object changes it so much from the lump that you started with? Maybe your next clay project will be something that you can turn on a pottery wheel. That is something to look forward to. I enjoy your art. Thanks for sharing with me. Love, Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on May 13, 2010
Jacob, What a neat sun! I have always liked art that shows the sun & the moon & the stars. Many things change in our lives, but things like the sun and the moon are constant. It is good to know that they are always there in the sky doing what they have done since the beginning of time. People used to worship the sun. You can understand why...it was the biggest thing in the sky. Without its light and warmth, the earth wouldn't exist as we know it. Yours seems to be a jolly sun. He must enjoy shining on us. Keep creating! Your art is special!! Love, Aunt Pearl :-)
-- Pearl
- on May 2, 2010
Dear Jacob, I love your latest work!! Stained glass is such a cool way to express color & light, and how they work together. I like the exciting blue that you used. My son, Shawn, has helped refurbish stained glass in some churches. Soon after he left high school, he worked for a company that renovated churches. Maybe your art might lead you in that direction!!? Shawn redid the stained glass window that we have in our house. It was originally in a church, but now is at the top of our stairway. You're welcome to come look at it, if you are interested. Keep creating. I am sure that art is your calling, and some day you will be making your living by creating things for people to enjoy. Love, Pearl
-- Pearl
- on March 21, 2010
Jacob, Hope your Christmas was good. These poinsettias are beautiful. Are part of the leaves made by "stamping"? The dark red petals look like that's how they were created. What is your favorite medium for art? Paint? Crayons? Cut paper? Clay? Oils? Watercolors? You have used many of these in your art classes. I hope that you still enjoy the creating in your mind and the doing with your hands. Thank you for sharing. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love, Aunt Pearl :-)
- on March 21, 2010
Jacob, Thanks for sharing your latest work of art. Did you have fun with this project? Do you like to paint? I like the colors that you chose, especially the green. I hope that you enjoy art and creating beautiful things for your whole life. Have a Merry Christmas! Pearl :-)
- on January 10, 2010
Jacob, You are really creative on all your artwork. I am very proud of the work you have done. I wish I could do as great as you. Love Grandma
- on December 12, 2009
Hi Jacob! You've been very busy so far this year. Hope that you are having fun with your art & learning lots of interesting things. Your "village" drawing prompted me to go on the web and find out about Hundertwasser's art. His apartment building in Vienna is "far-out"!!! I think that it would be a cool place to live. It is so bright and unusual, that just looking at it makes you smile and feel happy. I love the way that he incorporates plants into the building. I am a person that loves plants, so to me, his creation makes you feel more a part of nature; instead of at odds with it. Can't wait to see what you do next! Keep growing, learning and most of all; ENJOYING your art! Thanks so much for sharing with me. I makes me feel good. Love, Pearl :-)
- on December 12, 2009
Hi there, Jacob! So now art has led you to photography! I would never think of taking a photo with a post-it note on the lens as a color filter. Amazing! I bet it was fun trying different colors to see the affects. Do you have a camera of your own? I used to have a Kodak Brownie camera when I was your age. It was shaped like a square, black, box. It had no flash, so all the photos had to be taken outdoors, and the film was black and white. It took great pictures. It only had one lens that didn't move, and the shutter button...very simple and very basic. Today with digital, there's no film. It also amazes me that cell phones can take photos. Keep working & enjoying your art projects. It may guide you to a life-long vocation. :-) Love, Pearl
- on December 12, 2009
I love your colorful picture. Keep up the great artist work. You will go far. Love Grandma
- on October 31, 2009
Jacob, You've done it again! What an interesting way to use the letters of your name. It reminds me of catching all the letters in a net. I love the colors that you used, too! Keep drawing and creating. God gave you this gift to use and express yourself. Sharing it with others is an added bonus. Thank you for letting me see what you've done. Love, Pearl :-)
- on October 31, 2009
Jacob---I love your newest creation! Quilts were a way for people who sewed to be artistic and use scraps of material that they had left. While they were doing it, I am sure they felt that they were "recycling"; before it was called that. They made something useful out of small pieces, that alone wouldn't be used. But.........I'm sure that you talked about that in art class. Keep expressing yourself with your art. God gave you a wonderful gift. Thanks for sharing it with us!! I would name your picture---'Cozy In Bed'! Thanks for sharing. Love, Pearl :-)
- on October 31, 2009
Hey Jacob! What a cool fish!!! Did you have fun doing this?? I hope that your artwork gives you as much joy when you do it, as it does when we see it. Thank you so much for sharing your creations. Speaking of fish...you and your family are welcome to come fish in our pond anytime. Love, Pearl :-)
- on May 1, 2009
Wow, Jacob! Your latest artwork is as wonderful as those before it. Your creations show what you feel inside, and it is BEAUTIFUL! Keep creating! God has given you a wonderful gift. Love, Pearl
- on April 17, 2009
this picture it looks so beautiful and looks so much like you
- on March 7, 2009
this is a real beautiful picture love mom
- on March 6, 2009
I love this picture and keep up the good work.
- on March 6, 2009
I love your flower because I love flowers. All your artwork is great. Keep up the great job. Grandma
- on March 6, 2009
Hi Jacob, I looked at your whole portfolio, and was very impressed by your talent. You picked some of my favorite colors in this creation. I guess that is why I like it so much. Keep expressing yourself with your art. It is a way to touch others with what is inside you. :-) Love, Pearl
- on March 6, 2009
Hello Jacob, This is grandma. I looked at your artwork and it is great. I really like the weaving one. That looked hard but you did a great job.
- on September 30, 2007