Brianna1132's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Brianna1132's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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YAHOO WAHOO What a picture! You outdid youself my honey-bunny :) I love your art & the effort you put into this made it "spectacular" Keep up the great work girl. I love you. Gma Jane
-- Jane
- on October 17, 2012
Miss Bree, Sorry I took so long to tell you that I loved this picture. I know I told you in school, but it is nice to get a letter. You can bop around like "Blue" and say "I just got a letter...I just got a letter!" and you don't have to wonder who it is from (it is your crazzzeee Gma). I love you lots and I am so happy I get to see you a bunch of times. Take care my dearie. Gma Jane. (: (: (:
-- Jane
- on April 1, 2011
Miss Breezy, This is a snow globe that looks as pretty as the one that I was given by my girlfriend at my Homemakers meeting the other night. I can imagine the flakes shimmering so brightly that I know they are really falling on the snowpeople family. Keep up the good work "little lady". I luf u :) Gma
-- Jane
- on December 20, 2010
Hey Missy, I've been waiting to see this picture and the wait was worth it. It's simply spectacular, in other words - terrific! Keep up the artistic talent and who knows, your pictures might hang in a gallery some day. Love U...Gma
-- Jane
- on October 27, 2010
Miss Breezy, You are amazing:). I can hear these cardinals fluttering their tail feathers to keep the snowflakes from settling on them and what else do I hear? I think some happy chirps. You did a super duper job, Gma loves it and you. xoxoxo
- on November 7, 2009 have me full of goose bumps and shivering so I won't go anywhere near your frightening haunted yard. You did a great job (as usual) on your artwork my little arteest!!! Keep up the good work and I hope I get to see you on Halloween - all dressed up. I lov you. Gma
- on October 12, 2009
Bree, Bubble artwork is great, I didn't really get the true meaning when you were explaining it to me. Chef Paaulo - This looks light and fluffy, lots of different colors and shapes makes your picture "just simply marvelous!" The star tacks in the corners are a neat idea. Keep the pictures coming. Love you. Gma
- on September 14, 2009
Breezy, I think that is you skipping all over the yard. getting ready to go into a cart wheel or round-off. I can just see you bending every which way with your little shadow doing the very same thing. You are a little sweetie, I will love you forever. Keep up the great artwork, you keep me smiling with your pictures. Gma Jane.
- on April 17, 2009
Breezy, my little art queen, You are amazing. The artwork you come up with is really pretty. I wish you could pass on to me some of your talent. I love you - bunches. Gma
- on February 7, 2009
Bree, I wish the snow storms we just had would have been as colorful and peaceful as the one you drew and made beautiful colors in this picture. Then none of us would have been shivering like we were. Thanks for sharing your talent with Gma. I love you.
- on January 21, 2009
Frosty the Snowman is what I started to sing when I saw your picture, my little Breezy, I can't keep up with your pretty artwork, you get better with each one I see. I can see you love to do it and take pride in your finished project. Ilove you....lots. Gma
- on January 13, 2009
Bree, I know he is calling out that all of us need to be our best selves cause Santa is making his list. We don't have to worry about you being good though, do we? The picture is awesome, I will use it as a screensaver closer to Christmas cause I am still using Maren's turkey till after Thanksgiving. See you soon my little sweet thing. Gma
- on January 13, 2009
Breezy, Breezy, Breezy, You are incredible and this artwork is amazing. What a good job you did. I hope you stay in art for many years to come as you are so good at it. See you soon my little lady. Gma
- on October 15, 2008
Bree, You sent me all these leaves, but forgot to send me a rake so now they are all laying on my desk. I don't care though because they are such pretty leaves and they remind me of you. Thanks for the nice picture. Gma loves you.
- on September 11, 2008
Bree, Even if you took me fishing and said it was okay, I just don't think I could catch this beautiful fish. You told me you were gonna start this project and it turned out great, just like I told you I knew it would. Sometimes over your summer vacation, you will still need to so some art projects because you do so well. I love you - a bunch. Gma
- on April 9, 2008
Breezy, Breezy, Breezy, You should quit school and become an artist! Just kidding. Gma thinks you do great work on every picture you do. Keep up the good work. I love you.
- on March 13, 2008
Breezy, Big hearts, little hearts, sparkly hearts from my little sweetheart Brianna. Thank you for the beautiful picture, you did a great job. I love it. Gma
- on February 5, 2008
Oh Bree can I be rockin around the Christmas tree with you? There are three presents under the tree, I bet you made one for your mom, your dad and your darling brother????? This is a great drawing and it gets me in the mood for Christmas. I can't wait for the fun to be here. I love you. Gma
- on November 14, 2007
Holy smokes, I think I can hear this owl hooting in my office he looks so real. You did a good job on it. I have this picture on my computer background now. Thanks honey. Gma
- on October 18, 2007
Brianna, You are such a wonderful artist! I love the colors you used. It makes me want to eat the leaves. Great work! Love, Aunt Pam
- on September 24, 2007
Brianna, Thanks for sending your new picture to me. It is very pretty. You picked some awesome colors. You are a great artist. Gma loves you.
- on September 3, 2007
My goodness you little artist, you always amaze me with your good work! Is this your little hand and arm reaching up to the high heavens? I love you little missy. Gma
- on March 14, 2007
Hi Bree, Your hearts card is very pretty. I can tell you keep putting such a lot of work into your art projects because all of them are so pretty, just like you. I love you, Grandma Jane
- on February 12, 2007
WOW are you getting to be a great little artist. You can make such pretty things that it just makes me smile to look at them. You can be very proud of your projects. I love you little Breezy. Grandma Jane
- on January 19, 2007
Hi Bree, Wonderful artwork. You are very talented. Love, Grandpa Craig
- on January 19, 2007
Hi Bree, I have seen you draw and color at my house and you have always done a great job. These pictures are beautiful, thank you for sending them to me. I love you. Grandma Jane
- on December 19, 2006