Maddi23's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Maddi23's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Maddi my talented artist, you are always sending impressive artwork that makes Grammie wonder how you keep coming up with your creations. Your work shows you enjoy it, so don't let go of your ability. luv u - Grammie
-- Jane
- on January 22, 2014
Maddison Hope - you give me so much hope for your future in art :) I am smiling as I am licking your ice cream cone and tasting your yummy cookie. This reminds me of a picture that should be on a t-shirt. Keep up on your talent girlfriend. Grammie Jane
-- Jane
- on February 9, 2013
WOW is the word that came to mind when I saw this picture. Maddi, you outdid yourself. I love it, I think the term TOTALLY AWESOME best describes your latest masterpiece. Keep 'em coming! Grammie Jane
-- Jane
- on February 9, 2013
Madds - I don't know if I should say astounding, amazing, astonishing, or just mighty terriific. Great job and you chose beautiful colors. You've been blessed with a gift, I hope you never stop drawing, even when you get "old" like your Grammie. I luf u, LOTS :) :) Grammie Jane
-- Jane
- on February 9, 2013
Hey Girl, Great work on your farm scene, looks like you were in the basement of Great Grammie Nina just painting away. I love getting your pictures, wondering in awe at your imagination and seeing a picture of you in my mind as you are working on your artwork. Keep up the good job. Luf u. Grammie Jane.
-- Jane
- on February 9, 2013
Maddi, the meow that would come from this buddy would be pretty awesome. I think it would make Ollie run and hide, he wouldn't know you painted a beautiful, colorfull but harmless big "pussy-cat"! You can be proud of your picture, I think you did a TERRIFIC job. I luv u...... Grammie
-- Jane
- on February 16, 2010
Maddi Hope, When I saw this I thought I had to get out my rake and get busy. You made this look so real that I was sure it just fell off one of the trees in your yard. You are continuing to be one fantastic artist, :) :) I hope you keep enjoying the projects year after year because I love to see your finished pictures. I love you bunches. :) Grammie
- on September 29, 2009
Maddison Hope, You give me hope that spring has sprung. Can I bring this beautiful bouquet into my home and put it on my kitchen table? I would love that and every time I would see and smell it I would be reminded of you putting it there. Keep up your great talent in artwork and bring smiles to this "old" grammy's face. I love you. Grammy.
- on September 29, 2009
Maddi, This is just the word I was thinking about when I thought about you this morning. I asked Jesus to bless you my little love in a very special way. I can't wait to see you, hope that will be soon. I hope you are doing terrific in school. Grammie
- on February 18, 2009
Hi Maddi, Oh my goodness what a great picture and it brightened my day when I came to work today and it was here. I am using it for my screensaver. You are a very good artist and if I was in charge, I would award you all the ribbons. Love you. Grammie
- on February 18, 2009
Hi this is me Maddi i love my artwork. This 1 i like best. The 1 on the bottom, he has a fluff on his head.
- on November 15, 2008
Hi Madds, What pretty colors you picked for this project, it turned out great. I think you are an amazing artist. I love you. Grammy
- on February 9, 2008
Maddi, I can just hear the tunes boppin out of your cool dudes. They are the happiest looking little band making the sweetest music for us to dance to. What a good job you did on this picture. Love you. Grammy
- on February 9, 2008
You told me that every snowflake was different from the other and you proved it with your sparkling picture. I feel like I am floating with the flakes when I look at them. You are really doing a great job Madds. Grammy
- on December 13, 2007
Hi Maddi, What a sweet picture, just like you (sweet)! You did lots of work on this picture and it turned out terrific. I think these little people are dreaming really happy dreams. Thanks for sharing your pictures with me. I love you. Grammy
- on December 11, 2007
Maddi, Remember we visited about your tree house this weekend so I went to look for it on line because it did not come to me. It is so cool, I think it looks like something Grampee and me could live in. Did you start to build it yet? Love you. Grandma Jane
- on November 6, 2007
Maddi, I love how colorful you made your treehouse! Can I come over and play in it sometime? You are a great artist! Love, Aunt Pam
- on September 23, 2007
Maddi all your art is buitiful but this is so buitiful it looks real! P.S. see you when school starts. Kyra
- on September 23, 2007
Dear,Maddi this artwork reminds me of nighttime love,Kyra
- on July 11, 2007
Maddi your artwork is very Graceful Love,Kyra
- on March 17, 2007
Maddi, You are a great artist, keep up the good work. I will try to buy something before the end of the year, (like a keychain). I know you are watching me type this and are laughing at me, so you better watch it babe! I love you, Grandma Jane
- on March 13, 2007