3661's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about 3661's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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great job here is a comment not from mrs. sf
- on January 8, 2010
The snowman is adorable. Great job!
- on January 8, 2010
It was so hard to cut this piece and turn it into a pinwheel. This is your year to shine! I can't wait to see what you accomplish. Excellent start! Mrs. SF
- on January 8, 2010
I am so impressed with the originality you showed in adding your embellishments. Nice Work! Mrs S-F
- on January 8, 2010
I'm ready for the snow! What a great holiday design. You had so many great sketch ideas. Never stop drawing.
- on October 29, 2007
Hey! This is EXTREMELY cool! You are the best artist I have ever seen! Love ya, Aunt Florence!
- on October 29, 2007