Kellen1263's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Kellen1263's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Kellen, your art making inspires me every morning love the way you select your colors and transform to a design
- Meme on April 17, 2024
Great Job KP!! I love seeing all the hard work in your art projects.
- Ryan (Dad) on April 10, 2024
Wow I love your new art piece, the colors you used are absolutely wonderful! Keep up the fantastic work.
- Meme on May 19, 2021
Your butterfly makes me smile,you chose beautiful colours and in winter it will remind me of a beautiful summer day.
- Meme on November 4, 2020
Kellen, love your newest artwork, Kandinsky would be pleased,you got him. Keep up your great artwork!
- Meme on November 4, 2020
Kellen — Your snow angel is absolutely amazing!!! I’m in awe and wonder at how you captured the movement of a snow angel. You are an unbelievable artist!!! I love seeing your work!!! You have an amazing art teacher who introduces you to many artists, types and facets of art. You are so lucky to have this teaching. Nana was still doing stick men when I was in 1st grade!!! I can’t wait to see your creations!!!!
- Nana on February 26, 2020
Wow, Kellen!!!!! That bear is amazing!!!! You are an awesome artist!!! I am soooooo impressed!!!!! I love it!! ??
- Nana on December 18, 2019
Hi Kellen! I love your trees! You'll have to tell me how you did all of them-I especially love the winter tree!
-- Becky
- on May 29, 2019
Kellen your cupcake looks so yammy I want to bite right into it. Keep surprising us with your beautiful art work.
-- Meme
- on April 3, 2019
This is great! When you outlined everything in black, it makes your whole picture Pop!
-- Becky
- on February 13, 2019
Kellen-Love your hearts! I love red and orange together. Can't wait to see you all this weekend.
-- Becky
- on February 13, 2019
Kellen I love your sun and the cute little sun.
-- Meme,
- on February 6, 2019
Hi Kellen-You know what I like about your Christmas tree-it reminds me of my quilting. I've made trees like this too but with fabric. It's like we're both working on the same project!
-- Becky
- on December 19, 2018
Kellen-I LOVE that you put eyebrows on your snowman. Most people forget about those.
-- Becky
- on December 19, 2018
Kellen I lovee your turkey, it is so colorful and brings a smile to my face when look at it. I think he should be with us at the table when we have thanks giving next year. Can’t wait for your next art work.
-- Renate, Meme
- on December 12, 2018
That pumpkin is so fabulous, I have to smile every time I look at it.
-- Meme
- on December 12, 2018
I love the colors around your K, hopefully you can make one for me with R. I love it that.
-- Meme
- on December 12, 2018
Kellen, I recognize that face anywhere! Those blue eyes are great and I love that you did not forgot the frackels. Great job !
-- Meme
- on December 12, 2018
kellen I love your pumpkin- so cool! Keep making cool stuff- its all very good! Love Gigi
-- Janine
- on December 12, 2018
Cool K made by a Cool K!!!!!! Love ya Buddy!!!!
-- Nana
- on November 5, 2018
Wow, KP!!!! That portrait picture looks exactly like you. Great job, Buddy!!!!!
-- Nana
- on November 5, 2018