Hannah2349's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Hannah2349's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hannah, Another nice piece of art, I am SO proud of you, you are a great artist. Keep up the good work, Love, Dad
- on November 4, 2008
Hannah, your art work continues to improve, I love this flower vase! Love, Dad
- on November 4, 2008
um, pretty much awesome. you are the coolest ever. meg ;)
- on March 19, 2008
Hannah, I don't know why you don't like the eys on this cat. I think they're great. I like the whole thing. I would like to one day design a quilt with this artwork on it. Would that be okay with you? I love you. Mom
- on March 4, 2008
Hi Hannah!!! I love seeing your artwork!!! It is SO colorful!!!! You do an amazing job! Keep up the good woork! Come visit us soon!!!!!!! :) -Becky
- on March 2, 2008
Hannah, I like your Christmas picture. I think it is charming. Just like you! Gramma Bonnie
- on March 2, 2008
Hannah, this is the best yet! I just love it. I think you are very talented. And I think you are a wonderful person too. I love you. Gramma
- on March 2, 2008
Hi Hsnnsh, As usual, your work is wonderful. I can almost believe that leaf fell from a tree. Gramma Bonnie
- on March 2, 2008
Hannah, I love your leaf, GREAT job, you are a very talented artist. Dad
- on March 2, 2008
Hey Hannah, I don't know how much your art work goes for ($100,000? $150,000?) but I'm going to start saving up so I can some day buy one of your pieces! They're GORGEOUS (just like you!)!!! You need to come to Fargo soon and have a sleep over with me and Meghanne and we'll watch movies and eat ice cream and stay up late and paint our toe-nails and have heaps of fun!!! Love Becky
- on March 2, 2008
i'm pretty much stunned at this artwork. this is BY FAR my favorite of anything you've done before. it is SO PRETTY! maybe when i'm home for the summer you can show me how you did it and we'll paint together. ps, get ready for california, cuz it's going to be awesome. and i'm going to throw you in the shark tank at the aquarium. meg
- on March 2, 2008
Hannah, I think your picture of flowers is the greatest thing you have done so far! I really, really love it. I can't wait until I have a chance to see it in "real life". I want to talk about it with you. You are the greatest! Gramma Bonnie
- on April 24, 2007
Hannah: I love this one. Lets frame it and hang it in the house. love Dad
- on April 24, 2007
Hannah: This will look GREAT in our kitchen!!! You are a great artist!!! Love, Dad
- on April 24, 2007
that's pretty much the most awesome thing i've ever seen. i dare you to try and eat it. ;) meg
- on April 3, 2007
Hey Hannah, That's cool. Your food looks good enough to eat! Pretty quick you will replace me in the kitchen! I really enjoy getting to see your work like this. It's nifty. So are YOU! Gramma Bonnie
- on April 3, 2007
hannah!!! this piece is so cool!!! i love it. you have to make something like this for me to hang in my ugly apartment. you rock my world. keep up the good work!! ps, next time i come home i'm going to break your pac man high score. get ready for it. meg ;)
- on February 24, 2007
Hannan, your art work is fantastic! I love getting to see it. Gramma Bonnie
- on February 24, 2007
Hannah, this is great! I didn't think it was done by you at first. I thought it was what the Artsonia Company put on the computer for advertising. It is so neat! The background looks like it is made of a silky fabric. I really like it. I also really like YOU! Gramma Bonnie
- on February 13, 2007
Hey Hannah!!! I want to buy some of your art work but I think it's going to be too expensive for me!!!! It looks great! Come stay with me and Meghanne in Fargo soon!!! Have a good day dear! Love, Becky
- on January 28, 2007
have i ever mentioned i love your artwork??? well if i haven't, i love your artwork.
- on January 28, 2007
I received a card designed by you from a friend. It arrived on a day when I was feeling a little blue. I want you to know how blessed I was to receive it.
- on January 10, 2007
hannah, this is awesome!! can't wait to see you this christmas!!
- on January 10, 2007
Hannah: This is GREAT!!!! I love seeing your artwork. Dad
- on January 10, 2007
HANNAH!!! you're artwork is AWESOME!! i couldn't do better myself. ;) do i get a custom hannah artwork sometime soon?? that would be so cool!! i miss you tons! meg ps, Grammie Harriet says thank you for the picture beside her bed, and she thinks your artwork is great!! she also says she liked the color and placement of your leaves in this picture!
- on November 3, 2006
Hannah: This is a wonderful piece of art. I love the colors you used. can't wait for you to bring it home so we can frame it and hang it up in our house. Love, Dad
- on October 26, 2006
Hannah, I love this picture that you created, and it is now on my screen background. You are a great artist. Keep up the good work.
- on October 26, 2006