Charlotte7370's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Charlotte7370's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Charlotte, this is an awesome piece of art!!! Your shapes are all so different, yet they work well together. You have built this like a standing stone, that every piece has to balance perfectly to stay standing. God tells us that this is like our world, everyone of us has gifts that we need to use well to help support those around us. No piece (or person) can make it in this world without the support of other's. This is a great piece of art and you should keep it and add a title. Blessings Charlotte!
- Grandma K on September 16, 2023
I liked the flowers and [there. Charlotte, you have quit an imagination:) Blessings, Grampa G.
- Dan on September 16, 2023
Hi Charlotte, Art is always a beautiful thing to look at. Thanks for your interest in it! I like the various blue colors:) Love, Grampa G.
- Dan on August 11, 2022
Hi Charlotte, I like your picture in the pond. It reminds me of the frogs and turtles in the ponds by gramma and me in Florida. Keep up the good work! I love to look at art:) Love, Grampa Gritter
- Dan on February 9, 2022
Charlotte. I love your new art work. You are a talented artist already! I love the bright colors Grandpa Koops
- Grandpa Koops on February 9, 2022
Hi Charlotte, I like this picture of all the people! Keep drawing. It is fun and you have a great imagination! Love, Grampa G.
- Dan on February 9, 2022
We love your artwork, Charlotte.
- Jane on February 9, 2022
Charlotte, I love your artwork!! Keep up the good work. I especially love the bright colors! Love, Grandma
- Jane on February 9, 2022
Hi Charlotte, l hope you continue to draw! I love to look at art. Keep up the good work and enjoy it. Love, Grampa
- Dan on February 9, 2022
Great job Charlotte! I love your creativity.
- Justin on February 26, 2020
Charlotte I love your art and the bright colors I hope you catch a big fish off your dock this summer You have a bright mind and a kind heart . Thanks for sharing your art work Grandpa K
-- Grandpa K
- on February 26, 2020
Charlotte, I love your love for Art! These fish look so real! I can picture them swimming under the water from your drawing. I love the colors you chose!
-- Mom
- on May 10, 2019