February 16, 2013

News from your child's school art room
February 16, 2013
Dryden Art News, Feb. 16th
from Mrs. Tricia Fuglestad
Thank you so much for taking a moment to see what we're doing in art class.
  1. Digital Custom Collages on iPads 
  2. Almost a CAT-astrophy (trouble with 3rd grade Cat-in-a-hat bookmarks)
  3. We're Common Core Crazy (the video) (and clips from the District V-Show)
  4. Animation Collaboration with APEX (see what HS students did with 2nd grd art)
  5. Who is the Cat-in-a-Hat? (Finished bookmarks)
  6. Different is Good (Fugleflick Debut!)
  7. Flying Fifth Graders (animation collaboration)
  8. Cultural Arts Fair: See ART & Fugleflicks (sneek peek at banners and cover winner)
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!