March 2, 2023

News from your child's school art room
March 2, 2023
Art News for March
from Miss Zoufal
One of my greatest joys as a teacher besides learning about your students and teaching them about art, is hearing how they are exploring and creating outside of the art room as an artist. When thinking about students exploration of art on there own, I wanted to provide some resources for students on how to use different materials. So many materials we have at home can be used in more than one way, and students often ask me about different techniques and skills and ask me to demonstrate for them.

I always tell the students "the more you practice art, the better an arist you will be." I've included some links below for your students to explore at home with different types of materials. I hope your student enjoys creating at home as much as I enjoy watching them create at school.

Model Magic Techniques
Watercolor Paint Techniques
Glue Techniques
Colored Pencil Techniques
Marker Techniques
Crayon Techniques
Tempera Paint Techniques

I hope you and your students enjoy practicing some of these skills and new ideas at home with some great creations!

~Miss Zoufal

Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!