September 22, 2016

News from your child's school art room
September 22, 2016
Please confirm your child's Artsonia account!
from Mrs. Haraminac (Mrs. "H")
Wonderful news! 52% of parents at Southern Oak have confirmed their child's Artsonia account. This means the artwork created can be shared with extended family and friends.
  • Parents must go online and give permission to display their child's artwork on the Artsonia website In addition to the paper permission slip.
  • By doing so you gain access to approve visitor comments, view feedback from me, and more. Once you confirm via email you will receive unique Student and PARENT CODEs  to view your child's artwork.
Families can participate in "Fan Clubs" for their child/children and leave encouraging comments.
I have input all permission forms for each grade and posted completd artwork for K-3. Fourth graders are still in the throes of their first big project but I expect to upload completed 5th grade artwork next week.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concrens!
Mrs. Haraminac (Mrs. H)

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once (they) grow up.”  – Pablo Picasso

Just for Kindergarten

67 artworks have been published for Kindergarten!

Just for Grade 1

65 artworks have been published for First Grade!

Just for Grade 2

96 artworks bhave been puiblished for Second & Third Grades!

Just for Grade 3

96 artworks bhave been puiblished for Second & Third Grades!

Just for Grade 4

Fourth Graders are working very hard to finish their "On My Block" collages. Stay tuned for more updates!

Just for Grade 5

Fifth Grade projects will be uploaded next week!
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!