News from your child's school art room
November 10, 2015
Christmas and Artsonia!
from Ms. Datz
Hi everyone! Hope you are enjoying the interactive fun of Artsonia so far.

We are up to 90% of our families at IHM connected and participating with comments, fan clubs and purchases. That is AWESOME!

Looking to the Christmas season I wanted to let you know that Artsonia gifts are a great way to share your child's artwork with others.

For the Christmas card contest here at IHM I am asking all students in grades 1-8 to submit a design and will be adding those to a "Christmas Art" gallery. Kindergarten will be making some special Christmas art also! You can buy your family's cards through here and share your child's Christmas art with your mailing list. I am hoping to have those up within the next week and a half so you would have plenty of time to order and mail your cards. One lucky student will be selected as the IHM Christmas card!

Students are invited to add their own work to this or to their class's "Free Art" gallery  or "Non-Exhibit Artwork" at any time.  The "Classroom Mode" is accessed through any computer, tablet or phone (there is also an app!) at and using the access code: MSJB MNTD

If you have questions or comments or bright ideas please contact me any time!

Hope you have a great week!

Ms. Datz
Artsonia is the largest student art museum in the world! Our dream is that every young artist will have an online art gallery, preserving their masterpieces in a digital portfolio!