Maddie1317's artwork

18 artwork visitors
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"Pretty Trees"
created by Maddie1317 in Grade 4 at Reinertsen Elementary
from school project "Spring Blossoms"
art id #18670328
Artist Statement (what Maddie1317 said about their artwork)
This project was inspired when Mrs. Sailer, My art teacher was shopping at Target and she saw this really cool looking painting that she was about to buy However it was to expensive so she realized she could make one of her own!!!
Maddie Rivers of Moorhead
Comments about this Artwork
That is so neat - love it!!! Where is the orange????
-- Grandma
May 25, 2012
Beautiful! You and your sister have your Mom's creative gene!
-- Mary
May 25, 2012
Order by May 5 for Mothers Day
20% of every keepsake purchase
is donated to the school arts program at
Reinertsen Elementary
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 Jessica (Mother)
 Jess (Mother)
 Joni (Grandmother)
 Auntie (Aunt)
 Stacy (Aunt)
... plus 4 others ...
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